Myths Aren't Always Fiction

We're all alone now...

“Please!” I begged silently to Edward, we were in the house waiting for Alice and Carlisle.

“Kaylia, no! I don’t want you going over there!” Edward hissed while we all sat in the kitchen minus the two.

“Edward she’s the only one who can go over without breaking the treaty.” Jasper explained, I grinned at him,

“You can sit on the border if it will make you feel better!” His stared burned through my skin,

“Fine...but I’ll break that stupid thing if anything go’s wrong!” He warned putting a smile on my face,

“That’s all I ask!” We got in the car and began driving,

“Kaylia, are you sure about this?” He asked once more,

“Yes! Alice doesn’t know when this will happen so we have to hurry!” Wrong words! He just sped up the car making my stomach flipped in every direction!

“Oh my god...’ I said sick, ‘Okay so how am I supposed to find them?” I trailed off hearing Bella’s laugh not too far out.

“Be careful!” He warned again, I took a small step over the border expecting to turn into dust or be struck my lightning or something. I started walking until I saw them,

“Oh no... Do you smell that?” Jacob complained, my jaw dropped,

“Excuse you!” I yelled all of them looking at me,

“Bloodsuckers can’t cross here! You’re dead-“ I cut off the one that was clearly the leader off by my eyes rolling and my laugh.

“Duh! Not one of them... somehow I’m guessing your little treaty doesn’t include witches?” I felt eyes burning into my skin, I turned and saw it was too far for Edward to see us. My eyes caught ones of a tall lanky boy with black hair, then I caught Bella eyes. I turned to the guy,

“What are you starring at!’ I paused before explaining myself, ‘Look, I’m here to warn you about these Volturi people. They’re coming to kill Bella and Jacob here and I’m here to offer saftey.” Jacob glared at me.

“How do you know we’re in trouble with them?” Jacob growled through his words,

“Alice who else! Now want to tell me why?” I demanded.

“Why should we tell you!” The leader once again put in his two cents,

“Because I’m offering-“

“They said Bella had to be with Edward because she knows to much only she loves Jake and they said since she won’t obey them they were going to kill her then Jake threatened them now they’re after him too.” The one who starred at me said in a dreamy voice,

“You’re brain dead aren’t you!” I yelled at Jacob,

“Excuse me?”

“I don’t know anything about this Volturi but that was pretty retarded!” I yelled,

“I’m Seth!” The dude who explained the problem said grabbing my wrist. I ripped my arm back,

“Good for you! You know your name!” They growled at me for my tone,

“God... go bite a bone or something!” I began to walk away when I heard a growl then someone tackle me.

“What the hell!” I yelled, I flipped her with my feet and she yanked her claws down my back for something to hold on to when she went over me,

“You will respect us on our turf! That and never talk to my brother like that again!” She spat at me,

“You’re Leah aren’t you... the only female wolf in history...” I noted then ran back to the car, the sting was back with the wind but I pushed it away,

“They knew about the Volturi after them! I know why they’re being hunted too!” I cheered going to the door of the car,

“Oh my god! Kaylia your back!” Edward yelled grabbing my wrist.

“What?” I said shocked,

“Your back is scratched right across your spine! Half the back of your shirt is missing!” My cheeks flushed at the exposed back.

“It’s fine!” I lied, the sting was starting to get to me...

When we got back everyone was there.

“So tell us what happened?” Emmett said watching me, I have a sweater on backwards while Carlisle and Esme cleaned and fixed my wound, I felt awkward since my whole back was exposed and my birthmark was on my back, being a witch I had one on my shoulder-blade and over my belly button,

“Again! Fine, the Volturi found out about Bella being with Jacob and when they said they had to kill her Jacob threatened them and now they’re going to kill them both!” I jumped a little when the alcohol burned my wound,

“So where does that leave us?” Alice asked, I felt Esme’s delicate hands hold gaz over the wound and I heard Carlisle unrolling medical tape.

“Don’t bend too much you’ll heal quickly but you could re-open the wound. Leah tore a lot of your back. I must say Kayli that birthmark is interesting.” Carlisle said tracing it,

“It’s not my only one I have one on my stomach, the middle of it is my belly button.” I smiled weakly, Carlisle zipped up my sweater and I ignored Edwards laughs, when I got upstairs I removed the sweater and put on my pyjama’s. Grizzly followed my out of the bedroom and back down the stairs, I haven’t seen him all day!

“Edward said to meet him out back.” Alice called over her shoulder.

“Um okay... come on Grizzly.” The dog followed and I slipped on my shoes quickly, I walked out and saw the puppy run off.

“I didn’t want you in this battle.” He called his back towards me,

“I hope you know I will be.” I stood beside him now,

“I know that...but Kaylia promise me now that if they try and kill you or take you if I’m dead or alive you’ll run and leave me.”

For a guy I’ve kissed twice he’s very confidant!

“Yeah sure... I mean I promise.” I looked at the sun.

“So what do you do for fun?” He asked me,

“Not much... read and music is the majority. How about you Mr. Cullen?” I looked at his pale face.

“I’ll show you tomorrow but if I act a certain way please ignore it, it will only be because you are not the first I’ve taken there.”

“Bella.’I sighed he never did answer me but I knew I was right. I walked closer beside him, ‘Smile!” I urged grinning widely at him,

“Why?” He said so...hopelessly. I glared at him from my bangs and hugged his waist.

“Because! Nothing will happen to anyone, everyone will live and we’re happy right?” There was no way in denying I was easing my way into this whole love thing, the feelings were there... now to get the words out.

“You are right Kaylia.” He placed his hands over my arms and hugged me in the same fashion. I hugged back once my head was under his chin. I was only a tad bit shorter.

“Edward I think I might...” I stopped and looked at him.

“What?” Chickening out I told him,

“Never mind let’s go inside.” I kissed his cheek and let go.

I guess If I was asked you could say I was... happy is the right word but for my feelings? I could whisper the word ‘love’ if I was in the middle of nowhere and was all alone then I honestly would!
♠ ♠ ♠
New Character coming in VERY soon!
Name: Mary-Beth Solstice
Looks: Shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes, 5'4
Piercings: Monroe
Extra: Comes in when parents die, talks to animals, full witch (but doesn't waste her powers) and is Seth new mate (when she gets in!)

She's based off my friend Shanée except the piercing and age!

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Katie Xoxo