Real Love

"Merry" Christmas, And A "Happy" New Year

It's been a month. I long, long month. Christmas was tomorrow and the doctors still won't tell me what's wrong with Shellie. I'm getting pissed and about ready to give up. When finally a doctor came in with"good news". He said to me, face to face, "Shellie is fine. She'll be out in a few days, I promise." A few days! That's great! I can't wait. After Christmas, I will be the happiest fuck in the world!
The New Year Celebration! The best of my life. They never told me why Shellie had to be at the hospital, but at this rate, I don't give a shit. I've got my girl back and Paul is home fucking himself. I love her. She is perfect. I never realized what a great person she was until she was at the hospital. And I can't believe what an idiot I was. But that night made up for everything. Me and Shellie hung out all night and into the New Year.
5!...4!...3!...2!...1!... HAPPY NEW YEAR!! All of our town was screaming. Everyone was excited for their New Year. Their chance to start over. But I didn't want to. Not to start over. Not after I got the greatest girlfriend ever. Not after I lost my virginity. Not after I almost lost the greatest girlfriend ever. My life was getting better and better for everyday going by. Through January. And February, this was real. We never argued. We never fought. Just me and my girl. Then March and Spring Break! Finally bitches!
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Spring Break will be.. umm... inappropriate to a certain degree. Be careful.