Immortalis Dilectio

Immortalis Dilectio

Love as eternal as time, love as tough as diamond, love as soft as silk, love as beautiful as the moon. That is love, the feeling of confusion and hope. Love, a feeling that the divine Lord has given Man as an ever-lasting puzzle, but instead of accepting as it should be, Man corrupted the feeling. The heart is not built with a rulebook and the heart is not something that could be ruled, yet Man with their insatiability for power wants to rule even the heart.

No man can control the heart; it is a person that lives within inside yourself and has its own thought and feelings. We are merely a shell for its wisdom and inexperienced passion of life. What I feel right now for her is not wrong like Man wants to govern. The heart, my only sovereign tells me my love is not misguided. My heart is ready to kill for her and also to be killed for her.

Government condemns and punishes my passion, our passion. Fancy laws grab my soaring heart in the air and lock it in a box and with that, they take my love away. This punishment is crueler than anything there is. I would rather be quartered and disemboweled with my intestines staring at me as I slowly lose a grasp on this cruel world. I would rather be impaled and watch the city folks watch me scream and convulse to my ultimate doom than the only thing I care about in this dark world.

My Lord, my love is gone. The cruel tyranny of the men in robes does not allow me to love freely. The pain in my chest does not allow me to eat nor sleep. All I think is her smile, I smell her heavenly aroma on my clothes, and I embrace the memories of my time with her. I dream of a time when I could drag my unworthy lips across her breasts and drown myself in her eyes, but alas it is considered taboo by unknowledgeable men, men who have never truly loved a woman. Men who marry feeling a plastic sense of a feeling so deep and mystical for their supposed loved ones, these men destroy the scared feeling of love.

My Lord, I think you are the only wise man that could see how love has no right or wrong. Love does not have an age nor gender. Man tries to make everything equal, but they have yet to equalize the most important thing in the world, love. Man does not see you can love anyone, your own flesh and blood or a complete stranger.

For this, My Lord, I have done the only thing possible. I was prepared to kill for her and to be killed for her. I have killed for her, my Lord. As can you can see, crimson marks of ignorance lie on my clothes and in front of you. I now, in front of you, My Lord, will be killed. Man’s blindness towards love has killed me. I am sure in your Divine Kingdom; we will be allowed to love freely, with no rules or regulations.