Because You Said Forever

Part 16

Joe, I suppose, takes somewhat better care of me now. But it's not a huge improvement from what I was stuck with before. He hasn't gone out in the past two days, he cuddles a little more like a real boyfriend, but he's not hurting or insulting me any less than before. It might not be a lie to say it's happening more often.

The ring around my eye is starting to fade, but it still hurts to touch, along with my nose. Cringing slightly, I run a finger over the bruised skin under my eye. I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and I need to get out of this relationship. As much as it would hurt me to leave, I'm only getting hurt right now. Physically and emotionally.

I start to think about an idea that sounds horrible in my mind at first. I can't even imagine myself carrying the plan out, but I decide it may be for the best.

It doesn't last, though. After a week of abstienence, he has another date. I don't even know who the hell he's going with this time. But I assume it's a girl from the way I hear him talking to her on the phone. He sets the date for tomorrow night, from what I hear.

"Aw, don't be like that..." I hear his giggly voice.

He laughs. "I know," he says, and after a pause he laughs again. My eyes well up as I stare down at the bathroom counter.

"I do too. Will they let me?" I hold my breath, suddenly forgetting how to breathe. My chest hurts. I curl my toes and clench the muscles in my legs and arms, gripping the counter.

"That's great!" he cheers. "I can't come tonight, though, I'll have to dry-clean a shirt."

"I love you too," he makes a smooching sound.

I listen to him hang up the phone, tears in my eyes again. I'm honestly about to bawl, but I hold it back. I thought this was over. He'd stayed at home for a full week instead of about three days. So I thought he'd stop doing this.

Joe has to go get a shirt dry cleaned. I stand perfectly still as I listen to him leave the house. I honestly thought he had stopped this. I glare around at all his hair products, looking for something I can sabotage. At this point I'm just furious and don't want him to have the pleasure of going on that date. I'm going to break something.

My eyes rest on his hair straightener. I be sure to keep the plug far away and turn the faucet on. Tap water spews out and in a fit of fury, I shove the straightener under the flow, knowing the water will destroy it. I bite my lip and fume as I turn it under the watrer, making sure it gets wet all over and inside so it won't work tomorrow night. Joe can not live without this thing.

When I'm confident it's ruined, I turn the water off, scowling down at the black ceramic hair care tool. I grab a towel and be sure to dry it off very carefully, so there's no evidence. I set the straightener back where it was and I feel much, much better
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