Sticks and Stones May Only Break Your Bones, but At Least I Know Words Will Always Kill You

Chapter 1

I did jumping jacks, hopped from one foot to another, anything to keep the energy flowing.This was my own way of waiting patiently for Springer to give us the 'go'. I felt a hand on my shoulder and twirled around ever so elegantly to see Sandy, my guitar tech, giving me the 'calm down' face.

"Time to suit up." she said. Yeah yeah, I know the drill. Radio, ass pocket, guitar strap, neck, pinky slide bracelet, wrist, earphone, left ear. All set, just need Springer-

"Jerry says go!" Sandy pushed me onto stageright as Mikey ran on stageleft. Cyrus emerged behind the drums and Trace ran on gayly to center stage with Ryan in tow. As Trace aproached the mic the crowd went wild.

"How ya'll doin' tonight?" he raised both arms openly and the crowd got louder. "Wonderful, wonderful." he responded and Mikey gave me the cue on guitar to begin and I accompanied his lead as the drums and bass added themselves into the mixture.

After the first song Trace spoke again. "We are," he paused, "Drop.Dead.Gorgeous." He paused again. "We are also very pretty."

I laughed. Although he said it every night it never got old.

"You may call me Sir Reginold. This," he motioned to me and the rest of the band, "is the band, and you," he pointed to the audience, "are. Our. BITCHES!"

As the last song ended it was my turn to take the mic. "Yo everyone, I am Maria, you may all call me Ria. You guys want Our Toxic Love?" I heard the crowd cheer. "I dunno if they'll come out for that." louder. "Come on, Our Toxic Love, Our Toxic Love!"

After some chanting the band slowly emerged. Jack,(I call him Jackie) the sweet hyper one, came up behind me. I saw Vincent enter on the other side of the stage, his long hair flopping as he walked out with his guitar. Aiden slowly and shyly came from behind the drumset that had changed while I riled the kids. Last but certainly not least, Sean sat at the drums. Just one more.

"I guess Griffen didn't deem you all worthy!" I turned to early 20's man beside me, his dyed black, shoulder length straight hair swayed as he shook his head. "Jackie doesn't think so either."

The crowd began bellowing "Griffen! Griffen!" He finally appeared and the crowd went wild. You see Griff was the slightly pale, mid twenties, naturaly black haired, beautifuly sickening smiling guy (who writes just as sick and beautiful lyrics) that every band wants as a frontman. He could also sing like an angel of death.

I suddenly realised I was the last one of my band onstage so I left as Griff thanked me and waved.

Why don't you blow me a kiss before she goes.

Jackie did. He always did. As I got offstage I had a bottle of water thrust into me by my stage manager (babysitter) Jerry.

"Thanks Springer." I said before I chugged it.

"Now go to your dressing room and have some tea. If you loose your voice, we're done for, you hear me Maria?"

"Yeah yeah." I went into the dressing room marked "Drop Dead, Gorgeous" in our logo, but not before moving the "Our Toxic Love" sign, signifying they're dressing room, to the bathroom door. Hehe.

"What up, Sinatra?" Trace asked as I stepped through the door.

"With all those drugs in you, the floor, Tracey." I came back. No, Tracey wasn't on anything, but I like to tease him.

Like any 18 year old would, he lunged at me. Being who he is, Ryan stepped in front of him. "Chill, Ace, chill."

"Thank you RyRy." I poured some tea and took a sip. "Good tea Mikey Mouse." He smiled his sweet innocent smile and I messed up his light blonde hair. He was 16, but I honestly wondered if the boy was still a virgin. I mean I'm 15 and I'm-

"I kissed a girl and i liked it, the taste of her cherry-" Cyrus jumped up, answered the phone and left.

"Asher." Tracey, Ry and I said in unison. Cyk was gay with short, messy brown hair with two fang shaped abino white bangs framing his face.

"I wanna meet this boy Cyrus likes so much." Trace said, pushing his wavy, shoulder length hair brunette hair behind his ear.

"Aw, is Tracey jealous?" I taunted, leaning against the counter under the mirror.

"Don't be mean Ria." Ryan reprimanded. I sighed and ran a hand through my blood red hair.

"He said it! He said it!" Cyrus came barreling in.

"That you're the best fuck he's ever had?!" Incase you haven't noticed I'm really bitter after shows. I just exert so much energy, jumping around, ocasional singing, bringing down the kick drum.

"No, Maria, he said I love you! To me!" My eyes got wide and lit up. I jumped off the counter I was sitting on.

"Oh my, Cyk..." I ran over, jumped off the floor and wrapped my arms around his neck. You see Cyrus is tall for 17 and I'm a midget. I suddenly felt another pair of arms wrap around Cyk and me from the other side. And they were all sweaty.

"Why are we hugging again?" I know that voice.

"Cyk's boyfriend finally said I love you!" I told Jackie. In turn he gave a high pitched scream which was met with, an even higher pitched, one. I slid out of Jack and Cyrus's arms to look at Tracey. Who was flailing his arms and saying "OHMIGOD" in a mocking tone.

I walked over to him, stradled his lap and whispered in his ear (above the wolf whistles) "Leave Cyk alone or I will rip out your inteastines, use them to strangle you, shove your heart done your throat and your stomach up your ass."

I smirked as he visably cringed. I got off him and said innocently "Don't be mean Tracey."

"I believe this is yours." Vincent stuck a peice of paper with tape to my forehead. I ripped it off and flipped it over to read it.

I looked around. Vincent had sat next Mikey. Jack, Griffen, Sean and Aiden watched me with a knowing smirk. Trace Ryan and Cyk had 'what is it' written on their faces.

I wiped away a fake tear. Sean and Aiden's faces sunk. "My mother says I have to come back home." Mikey and Vincent looked up.

"What?" Trace said angrily. He stood up and snatched the paper. "This just has the Our Toxic Love logo on it." He said blankly.

"Well yeah, I moved their dressing room sign to the bathroom door. I can't believe you fell for that, dumbass!" He takled me as relief washed over almost everyone's faces. that is, those who were actually worried in the first place.

Trace and I wrestled and everyone talked until Aiden clapped his hands. I looked up at his thick black and white glasses framed face. He had dirty blonde hair that was straighened with a sraightening iron and covered in hair products every morning.

"Time to go to bed!" he said it as if it was the most exiting thing EVER. We all groaned but trecked back to our busses anyway.

I opened the door to be greeted by my rottweiler Rex and our bus driver Santana. "Rexy, Santa." Santana waved and Rex cocked her ears and wagged her tail. I pet her as I walked up the stairs into our bus.
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Nothing to due with My Chem, despite the Mikey