Drive My Soul

Have you ever looked someone in the eyes and found perfection staring back at you? Then as they stared back and the blood rushed to your cheeks resulting in you looking away as fast as possible, did you find yourself wishing you had the courage to go up and say hi, only to have reality hit you and for you to realise that they’d never be interested in someone like you?

Perfect beginning to a perfect story, right?

Well that’s where you’re wrong, because this isn’t just some random story; it’s the story of my life.

Okay so the other day I was talking to one of my friends about the drama thats going on in my life, and she sorta suggested that I make it a story and post it on here, because it would be the sorta thing that she would enjoy reading, and so well, here I am lol. Now the events of this are going to be kept pretty much as close to real as possible, but the characters names are changed, for more than one reason. So no, I don't 'own' the characters (except myself) however, I will be changing them as I see fit, and I also request that no one steal them from me, because these are my friends that you'd be stealing lol...

Oh and I know that the whole point of posting my stories on here is for people to read and to get constructive critism, and while I normally welcome it with open arms, I'd like people to keep in mind that this is actually what's happened and is happening to me, so there's somethings I can't change, as I'm going to try keep this as real as possible. Thanks...
  1. Chapter One
    Seems somebody put out the moon
  2. Chapter Two
    Now the road is a minefield
  3. Chapter Three
    I can't follow the way she moves
  4. Chapter Four
    I can't see past the shadows
  5. Chapter Five
    You make the darkness disappear