
Forty Two

Max, Robert, Bryan and I were all sitting in Max’s room waiting for Craig to show up. Max had explained to the guys what was going on, which had everyone confused and stressed.

“Where the fuck is he!?” Max said, frustrated. He got up and paced up and down the room again. He was beginning to make me dizzy.

“He’ll come,” Robert said in an attempt to calm Max down. No one seemed to believe him.

“I’m calling him again.” Max said, getting out his phone. He dialled and waited. We all held our breath as Max dialled again and again, before finally giving up.


“He’s not picking up...” he said softly. “I'm going to his to see what’s happened.”

“We’re all going,” Bryan said, getting up. Robert grabbed his keys and drove us all down to Craig’s place. Nothing looked out of the ordinary, I thought. Max went inside first.

“Craig?” he called, uncertainty sounding in his voice. I’ll never forget the scream emitted from Max’s mouth moments later. He was disturbed, and I was terrified. We all exchanged looks before running in after him.

“Oh my god,” I whispered. Craig was lying near motionless on the living room floor, with Max kneeling by his side. He appeared to have been attacked, as his shirt was ripped and smeared with blood. We all knew what had happened. We all knew who had done this. Robert called an ambulance almost immediately. Apart from Max’s soft sobs, we all stood in complete silence. I went to Max’s side and hugged him tight, although I don’t think he noticed I was there. His eyes were stuck staring straight ahead at Craig, more tears falling each second. Max went with Craig in the back on the ambulance once it finally arrived, where as the rest of us went with Robert in his car. It was a silent trip to the hospital. No one knew what to say.

We’d been at the hospital for 5 hours, and it was getting pretty late. We refused to leave until the cops found Ronnie. Max reported him to the police few hours ago, and they’d been looking ever since. Craig had been attacked, then left to die. He’d had his neck near ripped apart. Max had apologised for never believing me. Thankfully, we’d found Craig just in time. He was in intensive care, but he was getting better. Perhaps it was mean of me to say, but Max was adorable when he cried...

“Guys!” Max screamed, running down the corridor. He got a few nasty glances from the nurses. “They found him! They found him covered in Craig’s blood, so there’s no way he’ll be getting free of this.” Everyone smiled. I got up and hugged Max.

“It’s over Max. It’s really over,” I whispered into his chest. He stroked my hair.

“It is. We’re gonna be okay hunny,” he whispered back. He kissed me on the cheek. “I love you Emilee.”

“I love you too Max,” I replied, smiling brightly at him.

We all decided to visit Craig again once he’d been moved from intensive care. He was smiling again. It was great. “That’s great that they caught him,” Craig said with relief.

“It’s as if we escaped our fate,” Max said absentmindedly. “You know, that would be a great band name...”

“Escape the fate,” I muttered.

“Well we have a drummer...” Robert said.

“And I’m not too bad at guitar,” Bryan added.

“We all know I'm the best bassist in the world,” Max said with a cheeky grin. “Hey Craig, you told me you can sing, yea?”

“Fuck yea man. Not right now...but this could work!” They all started talking about starting up a band as I thought about everything. My mind lingered on one thing for a while...
What about Anna?
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This is really short...
So I'm sorry!!!
But I didn't wanna dive into anything else quite yet XD