Boys With Girlfriends

Aiden had never been good at making friends with girl, They were to fake and were way to pink. Her mum used to joke it was because of her name, and in a way it was. After years of being teased by girls for her name she eventually stopped tryng to be nice and reverted to her favourite place the forest.

The forest was were the boys played, and after a few months of suspicious looks, Aiden became best friends with most of them. A few still heald her at arms length. I mean she was a girl and she might have cooties

And it stayed like that for 9 years, in her transfer through to a new high school she never changed. But now the girls werebitchier and the boys had girlfriends.

Aiden + Girlfriend = Trouble
aiden + Liking her best friend + = Big Trouble
Aiden Liking her best friend + Girlfriend = uh oh

  1. Chapter One - School
    Aiden's POV