My life as a loser in High School.


I wasn’t amused. In fact I was in the middle of throwing the biggest temper tantrum ever. The reason? Well, my pile of crap of a school decided that I wasn’t making enough freaking progress with my tutoring sessions. It wasn’t that Dylan was a rubbish tutor, of course. It was that I was doing so badly in so many subjects that three tutoring sessions after school weren’t enough. Dylan had now stolen my Saturday afternoons.

I couldn’t even protest against the idea as my mother had already agreed. She says it would be best as she wants me to get the most out of my education. This is what led me into locking myself in the bathroom and shouting that she was a traitor whenever she tried to coax me out with chocolate cheesecake.

Dylan was going to be in my house. He was going to be breathing my oxygen and talking to my mum and maybe even eating a sandwich that she made. He would see the baby pictures of me stuck on the wall and maybe if he thinks my mums hot, he would start off a lot of “Your mum” jokes.

“Brie!” My mother’s voice was yelling up the stairs. “Dylan’s here. Are you going to come down now?”

“I can’t.” I said from behind the door. “I’m practising my chi” I stood up on one leg and tried to master the art of Tai Chi to lower my stress levels. I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs and I felt myself lose balance and topple into the bath. Thankfully it was empty.


“Uh, huh.” I groaned.

“If you don’t come out now, I’ll tell Dylan you have bowel problems.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” I glared at the door.

“Try me. I don’t know why you have a problem against him anyway. He’s cute.” I could almost see the silly smile on her face. She had fallen under Dylan’s spell. I sighed angrily and decided to open the door. She would probably tell Dylan that I had bowel problems and he would totally use the fact that I had bodily functions against me.

To my annoyance, she was smirking. “I’m doing this for myself, not for you.” I said firmly.

“He’s in the living room.” She grinned. I went downstairs and found him where she said he would be. He was stood up, studying my past school photo’s. He seemed particularly fond of the one where I have no front teeth and frizzy hair.

“I didn’t know you practised Tai Chi.” He stated, smirking. He didn’t even turn to look at me. I blushed deeply and my ducked my head to cover it.

“Just one of my many talents.” I muttered. “Anyway, you’re supposed to be teaching me, not asking me all sorts of stupid questions.”

“Has anyone ever told you, you are a few sandwiches short of a picnic?” He grinned.

“Shut up.” I muttered rolling my eyes. I lead him into the kitchen were we had a table. He took a pile of books out of his bag and laid them upon it. I stared at them with distaste.

“Aren’t you gonna offer me a drink?”

“No.” I paused. “Well, I guess I could offer you a glass of water.”

“How very kind of you.” I found myself smiling at him but quickly shook myself out of it.

“So are we going to get started or what? The sooner we finish the sooner you can get the hell out of my house.” Despite what I had said earlier, I pulled out two sodas from the fridge and held one out for him. He took it, gracing his fingers along my own although I wasn’t sure if it was deliberate. I decided I wasn’t going to let his mind games affect me anymore.

“Okay, fine.” He said flicking through various text books. I took a seat opposite him and tried not to get distracted by the fact his hair looked especially soft today. “You’re struggling in science right?”

“No,” I answered quickly. I didn’t want him to think I was stupid or anything. “I’m good at biology; like, vitamin B is good for the skin because it’s er... full of vitamins.”

He laughed fondly at me. “Right.” My lips twitched into a grin. “And you’ve got that bi thing.”


“Yeah, because some days you really, really hate me and other days you’re actually nice.”

“Like today?” He didn’t look fazed that I made this observation. In fact he almost looked like he was enjoying himself with an amused smile playing around on those pretty lips of his.

“Yes.” I lowered my gaze to the table. “Does Kate know you’re here? She seems to want to eat my heart- no thanks to you. ”

“This has nothing to do with Kate.” He muttered. This was obviously something he didn’t want to talk about. I decided to wind him up further.

“Ooh, problem with the girlfriend. You know, I think Kate definitely wears the trousers in your relationship.” I grinned. He shot a dirty look at me.

“And you would know because of all the relationships you’ve been in?”

“I’m saving myself.” I replied smugly.

“Yeah, or it could be that no one wants to date you. It’s Halloween next week; you don’t even need a mask.”

“Well, you could just put a dress on and pass for a girl with really small boobs.” I snapped making a snipe at his somewhat feminine looks.

“What, you mean go as you?” He retorted. I glowered at him. He smirked and I really wanted to punch it off his face. Either that or smother it with kisses. I have decided that’s its okay to think these irrational thoughts about Dylan as long as I don’t repeat them out loud. It’s kinder like buying a really gorgeous dress that you can imagine skinny, supermodels wearing however just shoving it in the back of the closet as you know you could never pull it off. Even though I hated Dylan and would very much like to shove him in the back of a closet and lock the door, I still wonder what it would feel like to kiss him. I was confusing myself now.

“I thought you’re meant to be teaching me. All you’ve done is try and destroy my fragile self esteem.” He rolled his eyes.

“I can’t tutor you if you’re sat the other side of the table. Come closer my child.” He put a weird voice on and I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t want to sit near you. You might try and molest me.”

“Why would I try and molest you when I have a perfectly hot girlfriend waiting for me at my house?” He questioned raising his eyebrow. I shrugged.

“I don’t know. Maybe because you tried to before and then pinned all the blame on me?” There I said it.

“I had a cramp.” He stated, his lips curving upwards.

“Yeah, and I write really deep poetry.”


“No! I was being sarcastic or something.” I decided I may as well stop arguing with him and just get this tutoring thing over with. I shoved my books towards him then moved to sit in the chair next to him. He instantly sat up straight as if by me being near him made him nervous or something.

“Okay, so we’ll start off with the basics. How about drugs and how they affect our bodies-“

“Well, they don’t exactly make you feel great do they?” I asked outraged at how patronising the topic was.

“Actually, that’s kind of why people take drugs.” He smirked.

“No! I didn’t mean that. I meant that after taking drugs long term, it really ages you. Smoke dries out your skin and gives you premature wrinkles. Your eyes go really hollow and weird looking. Some drugs rot your teeth and give you really bad breath...”

“You really are something else, Brie.” Dylan laughed.

“So I’ve been told.”