My life as a loser in High School.


I had tutoring again with Dylan after school. I thought he would have something better to do on a Friday night but apparently not. It wasn’t like I had somewhere else to go either but I’d rather be doing anything than locked in a stuffy hall with him and some teacher.

Dylan was already in the hall as I approached. He seemed to be in some debate with the teacher who was supervising this session and had a sour look on his face. I approached them cautiously.

“Hey, what’s up?” I questioned.

“We can’t use the school for the tutoring session today.” Dylan muttered.

“All the teachers have to leave early because of the weather. It’s dangerous for us drive in such heavy rain, especially if it’s dark as well.” The teacher explained.

“Aw, no tutoring? Never mind...”

“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, Brie.” Dylan snapped. “The tutoring is still on. The school has contacted your mum and she said its okay for us to go to your house.”

“Oh.” Well, that certainly wiped the smile off my face.

“Well, we better be going. Come on Brie.” Dylan said storming out the room. I followed him with a scowl on my face but I was slightly amused to see Dylan was so unhappy about this arrangement. It was probably to do with the fact the rain would ruin his hair. He better not think he’s coming under my umbrella.

The cold air instantly nipped at my exposed cheeks and ears. I pulled my jacket tighter around my body and my gloved hand gripped onto my brolly for dear life. Rain furiously hit the ground creating huge puddles that I was eagerly trying to step around so I didn’t ruin my new shoes.

Dylan had his arms wrapped around himself for warmth because he was too cool to wear a proper jacket. His eyes were squinted to protect them from the fierce wind and his hair had gone all flat because it was wet.

A sudden gust of wind snatched my umbrella up and I shrieked loudly. Dylan rushed beside me and helped me move it into an angle where it wouldn’t turn inside out. I’d hate if that happened. With all the excitement I didn’t notice that Dylan was standing dangerously close to me, with his hand wrapped around mine helping me cling onto my brolly.

“Hey, personal space. You’re in mine.” I said to him. He rolled his eyes but let go leaving me to fight the wind all by myself.

We didn’t speak again until we had reached my house. However, that was partially because of the weather. We didn’t feel in the mood to have a long chat when I couldn’t even feel my toes. We reached my house strongly resembling drowned rats. Dylan shouted at me because I couldn’t find my key. It’s basic human knowledge that it takes a girl at least four minutes to find anything in her bag.

“Oh, my God!” I groaned, stepping into my lovely warm house. Dylan followed closely behind me and I heard him shut the front door. “I think I actually need defrosting.” The jeans I was wearing were sodden and clinging uncomfortably to my legs. My hair looked like I had just come out of the shower; it hung in damp curls and dripped annoyingly across my face. I unzipped my jacket and it fell to the floor making horrible squelching noises.

Dylan didn’t look much better. He resembled one of those lame boy bands who always dance in the rain in their videos; however, Dylan was scowling instead of singing cheesy lyrics. His dark hair lay flat across his head and the clothes he was wearing looked even worse than mine.

A drop of water dripped from my hair into my eye and I rubbed it away quickly, cursing when I realised I had smudged half my make up as well. I frowned and Dylan stared at me for a moment before his face broke out into a grin. I’m glad I could amuse him so much.

“Here,” He said licking his thumb before grabbing my chin with his other hand. He carefully wiped away the make up from under my eye and although I was calm and still on the outside, on the inside I was practically freaking out. Part of the reason was because Dylan basically just wiped his spit on my face but mostly because I was so close to him. He was staring at my ruined eyeliner the way he stares at his art work when it doesn’t go right. I could clearly see how long his eyelashes actually were and that his eyes weren’t pure green and had some flecks of yellow in them.

I pulled myself away before I did something totally embarrassing like accidently kissing him or something. The expression on his face was unreadable but that just added to the mind games he was so fond of. I headed over to the cupboard and pulled out two clean towels, throwing one at him. He immediately began wiping away the excess water on his head.

“I’m going upstairs to change. I’ll be back down in a minute.” I told him. I paused at the bottom of the stairs. “I don’t have any clothes you could change into...” I mumbled. There was only me and my mum living here and I doubt Dylan would want to wear or clothes although they would probably look better on him.

“I’ve still got my gym kit in my bag.” He told me. “I’ll just put that on.” I nodded and headed towards my bedroom. Everything in my bedroom looked uncomfortable to wear. I wanted more than anything to just throw my pyjama’s on so I did. I didn’t care what Dylan thought about Hello Kitty. His girlfriend probably wears sexy lingerie to bed.

After quickly drying my hair with my blow dryer and wiping the rest of my make up off, I went back downstairs to see what Dylan was getting up to. The answer to that was: not much. He was sat on my couch with a glum expression on his face. I noticed that even though he was wearing the usual attire of those kids who sit outside the chip shop all day and stink of pee, he still looked absolutely gorgeous. I would never tell him this though.

“I’ve just remembered I have to walk home in this weather.” He explained.

“Oh. Well, I could ask my mum to give you a lift home when she gets home from work. It is her fault that you’re here.” I said.

“What time does she get home from work?”

“About eight...” I replied. He pulled a face.

“So I’m stuck with you for four hours?” He asked. I glared at him and stuck out my tongue. “I’ll bite it off.” He threatened. I hastily put it back in my mouth and I felt a light blush creep up my face. He smirked at my reaction.

“Are you hungry?” I asked, trying to change the subject. I didn’t want to think about Dylan putting his mouth near mine. He nodded eagerly.

“I’m a boy; I’m always hungry.” He replied, smiling at me.

“Okay, then I’ll make us some food.” I said, pushing past him and heading towards the kitchen.

“You can cook?” He questioned surprised.

“Some things...” I muttered. The truth was the apart from pot noodles, the only thing I could really cook was an omelette. Sometimes if the toaster decided it doesn’t want to burn my toast, I could make beans on toast.

“Do you like omelettes?” He nodded eagerly and I opened he fridge pulling out eggs, cheese and peppers. “Okay, I’m sure even you can grate cheese?” I asked pushing the cheese grater into his hands. He wrinkled his nose realising I had found something he wasn’t that good at.

A few minutes past in silence. I had finished cutting up the peppers and I had whisked two eggs in a bowl. “Is this enough cheese?” He moaned, holding the bowl out to me.

“Dylan, you have just grated the entire block. I think we can safely say there is enough cheese.” He suddenly grinned at me and it was so unexpected (seeing as though I was teasing him) that I nearly dropped my bowl of egg. I added some of the peppers and a handful of cheese before putting it into a frying pan.

It doesn’t take long for an omelette to cook and the silence between us had grown awkward. I had nearly finished his food and I came close to burning myself when he came up behind me. “It smells good.” He muttered appreciatively. His chin was almost resting on my shoulder and our cheeks were centimetres apart. If I had turned my head I would have been kissing his cheek.

“Go get a plate. There in that cupboard over there.” I told him. My hands stopped shaking as he moved away from me but I felt different. Like when you’ve been in a warm room and they suddenly open a window so it gets colder.

Dylan approached me again but he stood at my side this time, holding out his plate like a little boy. The scene reminded me of something and it must of Dylan too because he suddenly smiled. “Please Brie, can I have some more.”

“You’re such a loser.” I laughed. “Here.” I placed the omelette on his plate and told him where the sauces where if he waned any. He sat down enthusiastically and immediately began tucking in. Moans emitted from his mouth every time he took a bite and he continuously complimented me on his food. Well, they do say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

I quickly made myself an omelette and sat down opposite him at the table. He had already almost finished his own meal and I started to feel self conscious when he was waiting for me to finish. I carefully took small bites making sure I didn’t look like a pig. His gaze was fixed on me and I could feel myself become uncomfortable.

It suddenly occurred to me what I must look like. I had no make up on, my hair was frizzy... Dylan held no emotion in his face but his expression made me uneasy. He looked like he was still hungry but I was the one thing he wanted to eat. After a couple of minutes I decided I was full.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” I said hurrying up upstairs. Locking myself in the bathroom I examined my appearance. I definitely didn’t look too bad so what was he staring at? I bared my teeth at the mirror. There wasn’t anything in them. I quickly brushed my teeth anyway- just in case.

Back down stairs I noticed Dylan had scraped both our plates and they were sitting in the sink. He had also got out our text book and laid them across the table. “Ready?” He smiled. I nodded and took a seat next to him. The tension between us was strong but he hardly seemed to notice it.

“So what are we doing today then?” I asked in a bored tone.

“Well, today,” He smirked leaning forward. “We are going to learn about sex.” I swear all the blood in my body rushed straight to my head. It was just his mind games again. The husk to his voice as he said it, the closeness between our bodies, the slight curve to his mouth and the way his eyes darkened; he knew what he was doing.

“I know about sex.” I replied shakily. “The boy...erm... sticks his thingy in the you know...” I could have punched the amused smirk off his face.

“The word “thingy” isn’t included in the mark scheme, Brie.” I glared at him.

“Well, it should be. Saying the right words will pollute my mouth.”

“Now, that’s just immature.” He said.

“This is stupid!” I suddenly exploded. “You’re not teaching me anything that’s gonna be useful. I wanna learn maths.”

He chuckled deeply. “I never thought I would hear you say that.”

“Shut up.”


I heard the front door open and I looked at the clock puzzled. My mother was home early. Dylan had been tutoring me for the past couple of hours and although we weren’t talking about sex like he wanted to, he didn’t stop with the games. He gradually moved closer towards me so he was sat on my chair more than his own. His hand continuously brushed against my own until I eventually moved it.

As soon as I heard my mother’s footsteps approach the kitchen I sprung away from him. She appeared at the door smiling weakly at us. “How come you’re home early?” I asked.

“Some roads are starting to flood so they let us go earlier. I’m telling you, I am not driving in that rain again. I was so scared I was going to have an accident.”

“Oh, well how’s Dylan going to get home?” We were kinder counting on the fact my mum could drive him.

“It’s okay. I’ll walk.” He muttered quickly. Even I could sense the dislike of this idea in his voice.

“Don’t be silly.” My mother said. “Why don’t I ring your mum and see if it’s okay for you to stay here for the night? We don’t have a spare bed yet, but you could sleep on the couch.” Before I had a chance to express my outrage at this idea, Dylan was nodding gratefully.

My mother fished out her mobile and he told her is number. “Hello? This is Brie’s mum. Erm, your son Dylan is tutoring her?” I tried to make eye contact with Dylan but he was ignoring me. My mother quickly explained the situation to Dylan’s mum and it seemed Dylan’s mum was only too eager to agree. She didn’t want her poor baby walking home in the cold rain.

“Dylan, did you want to speak to your mother?” My mum asked. He nodded and she passed the phone to him.

“Hi, mum? Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be home in the morning. Erm, if Kate rings up will you not tell her I’m here please.” I rolled my eyes but inside I felt secretly pleased. “Love you too, mum. Bye.” He hung up and handed the phone back to my mother with a smile.

“So, everything’s sorted. Well, I can see you two have eaten. Brie, why don’t you two go up to your room? I need to catch up on my soaps. I doubt you want to watch Coronation Street with me.” She laughed.

“Yeah... One minute.” I said. I quickly sprinted up to my room and glanced around it anxiously. My room still hadn’t been decorated yet but there wasn’t much I could do about that now. I picked up all my dirty clothes and shoved them in my laundry basket, mentally thanking my mum for not getting the see through ones. My room wasn’t too messy. My dressing table was over flowing with beauty products and there were magazines scattered untidily across my floor.

I heard a knock at my door and hurried over, kicking a stuffed animal under my bed on the way. Dylan was leant against my door frame a smirk plastered across his mouth. “Have you finished cleaning your room?”

“Maybe.” I glared at him as he brushed past me into my room.

“Nice room. I like the make up stains on the carpet, they add to the whole colourfulness.”

“Thanks.” I mumbled bluntly. I sat on my bed awkwardly and watched him examine my stuff.

“Ooh, let’s watch a DVD.” He said noticing my TV in the corner. Well, it was hard to see it seeing as though I used it as a small table to pile all my clean clothes on.

“It needs connecting.” I informed him. “All the wires confuse me so I just left them.”

“I’ll fix this. Go find your films.” I smirked but looked under my bed to find my box of movies. Once I reappeared red faced, he was sitting patiently watching me. “What have you got?”

“Well, I’ve got High School Musical, A Cinderella Story, Mean Girls-“

“Have you got any decent films?” I frowned at him criticising the power of chick flicks but I looked through the box again.

“Harry Potter?” I waved the case at him. He rolled his eyes but motioned me to throw it at him. He placed it in the DVD player and the familiar music started. He ran his hand through his dark hair before throwing himself on my bed. I didn’t complain about him messing my bed up as it was already untidy but I still wasn’t happy.

I sat on the edge of my bed as Dylan had taken up most of the room. Suddenly he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me on top of him. I shrieked loudly and I could hear him shaking with laughter underneath me. “Dylan!” I couldn’t help but giggle. He grinned and let me pull myself off him.

He sat up with me and brushed my hair away before softly kissing the back of my neck. This didn’t even shock me as I knew he was just attempting another mind game however I couldn’t help but let a shiver run through my body. He moved his lips to kiss another spot further down. I closed my eyes and leant back slightly into him.

“Dylan.” This time when I said I was being more serious. I heard him mumble against my skin. “Dylan, you have a girlfriend.” He pulled himself away and I turned around to face him.

“You think that I’m gonna cheat on Kate with you?” His eyes held amusement. Anger bubbled through my veins and I pathetically hit his chest with my fist.

“You are such an asshole!” I screamed not caring if my mother heard me. “You are so arrogant! Do you know how much I hate you?”

“Enlighten me.” He said smirking. I let out a frustrated squeal.

“You are so big-headed, cocky, frustrating...” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
When I re-opened them, Dylan was dangerously close to my face. “What...” He cut me off by pouncing on me. I squealed as he sat on my legs and when I began to punch his chest, he grabbed my wrists and pinned them up behind my head. This situation didn’t look promising as I was laid back on my bed with him straddling me. My mum would have a heart attack if she walked in on us like this.

“Carry on insulting me.” He said, leaning towards me. I struggled against him but it was no use; I was tiny compared to him. I thought about screaming for my mum but there was a part of me that was secretly enjoying this.

“You’re a prick.” I hissed. “You’re obnoxious and you’re... you’re...”

“I’m extremely funny, talented and not to forget drop dead gorgeous.” He whispered, his gaze flickering from my eyes to my lips. I began to feel uncomfortable but my stomach began to do weird things. I felt like I wanted to throw up and laugh at the same time.

“You’re completely full of yourself.” I muttered. He rolled his beautiful green eyes.

“I think we’ve established that.” Without warning he closed the gap between us.

The first thing I felt was his lips on mine. My eyes widened in alarm but all I could see was the light pinkness of his skin. His lips were soft against mine; of course they would be. Everything about him was right. He pulled away for a moment but only to kiss me again.

Oh my God! Dylan Crosby was kissing me! And I think I was kissing him right back. Something inside of me told me to move. All I had been doing up to now was lying there like a wet fish; I was in shock! I cautiously shut my eyes letting my other senses take over.

Dylan was slowly moving his lips against mine. I decided to do the same even though I had clue what I was doing. He gently prodded his tongue against my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slightly. He slipped his tongue further inside my mouth and touched it slightly with my own. I wasn’t even freaking out that this was completely unhygienic.

Forget about just kissing Dylan, I was making out with him now! He loosened his grip on my wrists and I pulled my hands away. Instead of pushing him away, I pulled him closer. I did the things I was never allowed to do before. With one hand I stroked his cheek which was as soft as I always imagined. I used my other hand to run my hands through his lovely dark hair. It was dry and rough in some places from the rain but still, it felt amazing between my fingers.

Dylan pulled away from my mouth and began to trail kissed down my jaw bone, to my neck. I could feel my breathing become heavier the closer to my collar bone he got. There was a fire in my stomach and I swear Dylan could feel my heart beating against his chest.

After a couple of minutes my lips craved attention again and I softly tugged on Dylan’s hair. He must have got my hint as he made his way up back to my mouth. However just before he kissed me, he hovered just above my face. His eyes were overwhelming but I couldn’t read them.

He dived in once more and I was in total bliss again. I could hear a faint bang from downstairs and then footsteps but I couldn’t care less at this point. I wish I could’ve said the same about Dylan. Without warning he rolled off me and shoved me off the bed. I landed on the floor with a thud just as my door swung open.

“Brie, why are you on the floor?” My mother asked.

“I just dropped something... under the bed.” I mumbled in reply. My cheeks were burning so I decided it was better if I just shoved my head under the bed.

“Oh. Dylan, I found your wet clothes on top of your bag. I’ve hung them up by the radiator so they should be dry by the morning.”

“Thanks.” He smiled. I dreaded seeing what Dylan looked like.

“So I’m going to bed now. I’ve left a blanket and a pillow on the couch. Don’t stay up too late.” We both said goodnight to her and she left the room. I sheepishly got back onto the bed, not making eye contact with the boy next to me. He was staring straight at the TV even though we had missed most of the film.

“So,” I started, trying to break the awkwardness.

“You know, you can learn a lot about the way someone kisses.” He suddenly said, fixing his gaze straight on me.

“Yeah?” I breathed. “What did you learn about me?” I watched as his pink lips twitched at the corners.

“I learnt that you’re a really bad kisser.” He said before bursting into laughter.

Oh, how I loathed him.