My life as a loser in High School.


“No.” I said stubbornly. It was final. Mrs Thompson sighed and rubbed her eyes as if she hadn’t had a good nights sleep in months. Well, that wasn’t my problem.

“Brianna, we have discussed this before. I let you off the first week for forgetting your gym kit, but there was really no excuse for today.”

“It’s raining!” I almost shouted, gesturing towards the steamed up windows. The world outside looked grey and fuzzy and I didn’t fancy spending the next hour trying to kick a ball around.

“It’s no where near as bad as it was last week.” She tried to explain. I narrowed my eyes at her and folded my arms.

“I could catch a cold or something...” I didn’t wait for her to tell me colds where caused by virus’s or whatever. “Do you get some sort of sick pleasure by making us go outside in the freezing cold?!”

She bit her lip as if restraining herself from shouting at me. “No. But what I do get is a lousy pay check in the post every month which proves to me that I don’t get paid enough for this job.” She reached behind her, grabbing some clothes before throwing them at me. “Now, please, just put them on. I really can’t be doing with no more arguing.”

I opened my mouth to retaliate but hastily shut it again. There was something in her expression that made me feel sorry for her. She looked defeated- either that or really hung over. I just grunted and heading towards the changing rooms to change.

The t-shirt she gave me swamped me. It hung down just above my knees and made me look twice as big as I was. I actually thought I looked quite funny. I smoothed a couple of creases out of the shirt before joining the other outside on the muddy, damp field.

I cringed as my shoes squelched in the mud and tried not to think about the fact my trainers were going to take ages to clean. It seemed every one had already been put into their teams for whatever we were learning today.

“Brie, you can join Brett’s group.” Mrs Thompson said, before sitting down on the little deck chair she put out. She held a small umbrella over her tiny frame and I just glared at her. Surely she should be running about catching her death like the rest of us? I was going to write an angry letter to the Head Master when I got home.

I walked up to the tall, brunette and tapped him on his shoulder. Brett turned around and grinned at me. “I’m on your team- unlucky for you.”

Brett shook his head, still smiling. “You look like you’re wearing a parachute.” I frowned before shoving him. He stumbled backwards a little, still chuckling under his breath.

“You’re just jealous you can’t pull this look off.” I muttered. He nodded happily.

“You’re probably right. But Mrs Thompson doesn’t hate me. She would have given me a normal size t-shirt.”

“She doesn’t hate me either. We just disagree on certain things such as personal hygiene.” I corrected. He scoffed.

“Yeah, right...” I poked my tongue out at him causing him to give me an amused smile. I hastily slipped it back into my mouth when I felt a presence behind me.

“Hey, Dylan.” Brett greeted. I span around and took a step back.

“Hi... These shoes are killing me...” He bent down to undo his shoe laces.

“Hi, Dylan.” I said. He ignored just like he does whenever someone else is around.

“Seriously, you should see the blister-“

“Dylan!” Brett interrupted angrily. “She just said, hi. Don’t be so rude, man.” Dylan rolled his eyes and stood up straight before bowing in front of me.

“Good morning, Brianna. Would you like me to kiss your ass as well?” I frowned at him whilst he glared back.

“What is up with you?” Brett hissed. I could feel my cheeks burning as people turned round to stare. I did not want these two friends to fall out because of me. Every one would just hate me even more then.

“It doesn’t matter.” I quickly said, placing my hand on Brett’s arm. I didn’t quite get the same feeling as when I touched Dylan. Maybe Dylan’s skin was warmer or something? “Let’s just play.”

It turned out Dylan was on the opposite team to us. In the first few minutes of the game, I sort of stood at the side. All the ultra competitive males seemed to all rush towards the ball at the same time so I decided to hang back so I wouldn’t get trampled on. Katie and her crew were stood pretty close to me and squealing whenever the ball came any where close.

I could feel my body shivering because of the cold. All the little hairs on my arm were stood straight on end and goose bumps had erupted all over my skin. I decided to just jog a little around the sides of the pitch because that way I would be warming up and it would look like I was actually doing something.

Some of the boys were shouted stuff to each other but I didn’t really understand all their sports talk. Whenever the ball came near me (and this was usually followed by, like, three boys running at full pelt after it) I would either run as fast as I could in the opposite direction or just sort of duck and hope I didn’t die.

However, this plan didn’t work so well. Someone had kicked the ball and it landed pretty close to me. “Brie, get the ball!” Brett shouted. I immediately started panicking but instead of faking a fainting session like any normal person would do, I actually ran after the ball.

I didn’t exactly know where our goal was or how to run whilst kicking the ball towards the desired goal but I gave it a go. I could hear someone coming up behind me and my heart started racing. Suddenly I felt someone’s foot in front of mine and for a few seconds I was gliding through the air.

I landed with a heavy thump on the grass. It didn’t end their though. I felt someone else’s weight come crashing down on top of me. I squeaked a little as the air got squeezed out of me and I shut my eyes from the pain.

“Ouch.” I whimpered, coughing a little.

“Shit!” A familiar voice hissed. “I’m so sorry Brie.” I opened my eyes a fraction to see Dylan’s green ones peering at my face in concern. “Are you okay?” He whispered.

I nodded slowly, opening my eyes all the way. My eyes trailed down my body, noticing that Dylan was sitting across my hips again. His face was dangerously close to mine; close enough to feel his breath skimming across my cheeks and making my eyelashes flutter. My cheeks started flushing at the familiar position.

Dylan’s eyes widened as if he suddenly knew what I was thinking and his gaze flickered from my eyes to my lips. I felt the urge to press my mouth against his again but before I could do it, Dylan rolled himself off me.

“Shit.” He cursed again before storming off in the direction of the boys changing room. I watched after him for a couple of seconds before I felt someone pulling me up. I felt sticky and uncomfortable as I realised I had landed in a huge puddle of mud. I wasn’t even concerned though. My interest was fixated on the dark haired boy disappearing into the distance.

“You okay?” Brett’s voice asked into my ear. I nodded dumbly. Brett followed my gaze and sighed. “I really do not know what is up with that boy.”
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I can't update again for 2 weeks because I'm going away for a week, then I've got prom but I'll do my best to get another update out as early as possible :)