My life as a loser in High School.


I had managed to convince Jay not to play match maker between me and Dylan. I told him I didn’t even like Dylan to which he replied that he may look like an idiot but he wasn’t one. Okay, I said, maybe I did, but please don’t do anything. Dylan had a girlfriend and that was enough proof that he didn’t like me back.

The main reason I didn’t want Jay playing match maker was that he was about as subtle as that huge zit on my chin that appeared over the weekend. With the help of like fifty different face washes and a stick of concealer, I had managed to cover it up. I think Jay’s damage may be a little harder to fix.

I was going to see a lot more of Dylan anyway. The last science test I took I failed miserably so it was decided I had to pick up tutoring again with Dylan as soon as possible. I didn’t admit that I was secretly thrilled with this arrangement.

The weather was doing that thing where it was all bright and looked warm but when you step outside its absolutely freezing. I stood by the gate waiting patiently for Dylan. He stormed out of the school with a face like thunder. He marched straight past me making me have to jog to keep up.

“Why did you have to fail that stupid test? It was easy.” He cursed.

“Well I am sorry.” I huffed. “I deliberately failed it just to piss you off.” I rolled my eyes and he suddenly stopped causing me to bump into his back. He turned around to face me, his green eyes glittering. He leaned forward slightly and I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

“Well you do have the right hair colour.” He stated, lifting a lock on my blonde hair. I snatched myself away from him and glared.

“Excuse me?” I screeched. “You’ve just offended, like, lots of people.” He laughed and I realised I wasn’t doing a very good job at defending my fellow blondes.

“I’m sorry, that was mean.” He said. I furrowed my eyebrows confused. He suddenly grabbed my head and pulled it towards him. “You’re not even a real blonde.” I pulled away from him.

“Get off me!” I mumbled into his shirt. He chuckled but let me go. “I was born blonde; it’s not my fault my hair darkened so now I have to dye it.”

“Life’s a bitch.” He agreed but he still looked amused. I guess he wasn’t in a mood anymore. We started walking towards my house and Dylan started chattering about this band he liked. I had never heard of the band and I wasn’t paying much attention anyway. I just had that annoying giddy feeling in my stomach which was becoming more common everyday. We turned into my street and I heard Dylan say my name “Brie?”


“You weren’t listening to anything I was just saying was you?” He asked. He didn’t sound mad.

“You were dreaming about me again weren’t you?” He suddenly said a huge grin on his pretty face. I tried to scoff but my cheeks were flushing bright red.

“Don’t flatter yourself Mr Crosby.” I replied although my voice was a little shaky with embarrassment. He laughed and pulled the hood of my coat over my face before running off. With a groan I pulled it back up and noticed he was already at my front door. I deliberately walked slowly towards him even stopping to examine a weird looking leaf. Dylan watched patiently knowing what I was trying to do and not responding to it.

Once I reached him, I opened my bag and peered into it before shaking it about a bit. I finally got to him. “Hurry up, it’s freezing!” He hissed. I just stared at him. It would serve him right for not coming to school in anything warmer than his hoody. I stuck my hand deep into my bag and even though I felt my keys straight away I still pretended to search. “Brie...” His voice was low with a hint of annoyance in it.

“What? It’s like a fact that it takes a girl at least five minutes to find something in her bag.” He rolled his eyes.

“What have you got in there anyway?”

“My school books, pens, pencils, a ruler, chewing gum, lip gloss, my purse, my keys, my phone...” I named each item as my fingers came into contact with it. “Another lip gloss, a bottle of water although it’s like ice now, oh, and tampons.” He scrunched his face up.

“You’re doing that thing that all girls do.”

“What’s that?”

“You’re sharing too much information.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “You asked.” He simply shook his head.

“Have you found them yet?”

“It’s these gloves? They’re making it harder.”

“Then take them off.” His voice was low, barely above a whisper. He was doing that thing that only Dylan does which was taking a completely innocent conversation and using a tone of voice that will make it sound completely dirty. I felt my cheeks flush again and decided it was enough messing around.

“Found them.” I muttered.

“Hurray!” He replied sarcastically. I ignored him and unlocked the door. Dylan shoved past me, which was totally rude seeing as though it was my house. “Warmth!” He yelled overdramatically, throwing his hands into the air. “Or maybe not.”

I sighed loudly. “It’s this house. Once one thing is fixed another thing breaks.” I headed into the kitchen and Dylan followed me. The boiler sat in the corner making weird noises even though it obviously wasn’t doing anything. I clenched my fist and pounded the metal case. Dylan winced at the noise.

“You know, I never understood the theory of hitting something to make it work.” He said. “Baffles me.”

“It helps release frustration.” I explained although I didn’t hit it again just in case I broke something else. It would suck to have no hot water as well as no heating.

“According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, you’re meant to grow out of hitting inanimate objects because they “hurt you” or “made you angry” by the age of like, seven.” Dylan smirked. I glared at him.

“Why do you know so much?”

“Because I’m amazing?” He offered as an answer.

“Uh, huh.” My tone was sarcastic but I couldn’t help a small smile form on my lips. Dylan looked triumphant as he stretched his arms out, curving his back like a cat, an arrogant grin on his face. I small slice of his pale stomach appeared and I felt my own tummy flip. Was it weird that I wanted to rub my cheek against his belly? Probably.

I turned away from him and tried flicking the switch for the central heating a few times. My mother sometimes did this and managed to get it working. I heard a hissing sound and realised I must have done it. I stood up straight and looked at Dylan who was staring right back at me, an unreadable expression on my face. “Do you want a hot drink or something?” I asked, knowing the house wouldn’t be fully warm for at least half an hour.

“Yes, please.” He replied. I put the kettle on and got out two mugs.

“So what did you actually find hard about the test then?” Dylan questioned, shrugging his hoody off to reveal a black long sleeved top. I pursed my lips together.

“I don’t know. Everything, I guess. I think I did okay on the biology part and some of the physics stuff was quite easy.” I shrugged. “It’s just so hard; you know, with everything at home. I try to study but there’s so much going on in my head...”

Dylan smiled. “You see, that’s where we are different; when my mum and dad used to argue and stuff, I just threw myself into studying to block it all out.”

“And that’s why you’re so smart.” I finished with a laugh. “So I guess you have to thank you’re dad for something.” He smiled again but it was strained as if he had just put something gross in his mouth and was trying to convince me it was delicious. I tried to change the subject. “I wish all subjects were like English. That’s like the only thing I’m good at. I like reading.”

He suddenly snorted. “Seriously?” I furrowed my eyebrows and could feel a sulk coming on.

“Yeah, I don’t read so much now, but back at my old school we had a library and because there was usually nothing else to do, I used to spend my days in there.”

“Okay...” I could still see he find it amusing. “I just would never have added reading to your list of hobbies. I don’t know what I would actually add. I have no idea what you do when I’m not attempting the impossible task of making you smarter.”

“I’m gonna ignore that last comment. I do normal things. I watch TV, I read magazines, and I paint my nails, practise yoga...”

“Yeah, normal things.” He interrupted.

“I hang out with Jay and Sid quite a lot.” I told him. I watched his face contort into an expression I had never seen on him before.

“Who’s Sid?” He asked his tone deadly serious. I finally got it. It was jealousy! Dylan was jealous of Sid because he hung out with... me? That was the bit I didn’t get.

“He’s pretty cool.” I grinned mischievously. Dylan frowned. I carried on. “He’s really funny.” Okay this was partly true however it was usually Jay and I making fun of Sid not Sid cracking jokes. “I like guys who can make me laugh...” I, myself, was trying my hardest not to burst into laughter.

“I make you laugh.”Dylan piped up. I shook my head.

“Dylan you are about as funny as tooth ache.” I lied. He glared at me.

“Whatever, you think I’m hilarious. I’ll prove it...”


We didn’t actually get that much done because of Dylan trying to prove to me that he really was funny. He kept on pointing out the ever so original penis drawn onto pictures of professors (which I actually found hilarious as I’m quite immature) however, I tried my hardest not to crack a smile.

Dylan told me funny stories of things that had happened in Kings before I arrived like someone putting their pubes into a sandwich and giving it to an unsuspecting victim (this story I actually found more gross than funny). When I had finally had enough of all his jokes I became pissed off in which Dylan also became rather angry. By the time mother came home we were both speaking through gritted teeth and trying not to acknowledge each others presence.

“Hi, kids.” My mother sang practically skipping into the kitchen. “Brie, I’m going on a date tonight with Wayne. I know its short notice but he surprised me with tickets to this Ice Skating show and we are staying over in a hotel. You’re going to be by yourself, is that alright?”

I ignored her and she continued to babble on about the shows special effects and the shows amazing costumes and every thing about that bloody show. I felt Dylan’s stare on my face and I knew he would probably be smirking. My mother was staying overnight in a hotel with her boyfriend. Even I knew what that meant.

“Dylan could stay over if he wanted to.” She suddenly said snapping me back into reality and gratefully tearing my mind away from images I’d rather not see. “I know it’s probably a bad idea leaving two teenagers in a house by themselves overnight but I trust you not to throw a party and destroy the house.” Or have sex, my mother wanted to add.

I was about to protest when Dylan opened his big, fat gob. “I’d love to.” My mother smiled with a little uncertainty. I bet she didn’t think Dylan would agree so quickly.

“Erm, okay. You should probably ring your mother or something. I’m just going upstairs to pack.” We both watched as she headed upstairs. When I was sure she was out of earshot I turned to Dylan.

“Why did you say yes?” I demanded.

“Because I knew it would annoy you.” He said simply. I groaned out of frustration and smacked my forehead against the table.


My mother had just left after sending about a hundred worried glances between me and Dylan. She had managed to pull me aside and get assurance that nothing would go on between us tonight. I told her that I would rather go two weeks without washing my hair than make out with Dylan. I think I said it with enough aggression that she believed me.

She ordered in a pizza for us and I had headed over to the video shop to rent a video for us to watch. I wasn’t talking to Dylan because of two reasons. One was that I was still pretty annoyed with him. The second one was that I was scared of what would happen if I did. If me and Dylan were on speaking terms again then that would probably lead to us getting closer and that would probably end up with us doing something we weren’t suppose to.

Not that I didn’t enjoy making out with Dylan that one time but I remembered the hassle it caused me. I lied to Jay. And although I didn’t really owe Katie anything, I couldn’t just go around kissing her boyfriend. I think there was a code about that or something. Also I had promised my mother nothing would happen and although I had broken promises before (“Yeah mum, I promise I’ll clean my room at the weekend, can I go out now?”) this was one I desperately wanted to keep.

“I’m going to bed now?” I said the minute the film finished. Dylan looked at me sceptically.

“It’s nine O’clock.” He pointed out.

“And I’m tired.” I responded. I headed out the room to grab some blankets and when I returned Dylan was still looking at me funny.

“What’s up with you?”


“Usually, you would be over your sulk by now. And it’s not like I’ve done anything major bad- well compared to the other stuff I’ve done.” I just shook my head.

“Goodnight Dylan. Make sure the TV’s not too loud.” I headed up to my bedroom and got ready for bed. The faint sound of the Simpsons theme tune and shuffling around came from downstairs. I switched the light off and buried deeply under my covers trying to block out any sounds and any thoughts.

I wasn’t even that tired but I kept my eyes shut and eventually sleep claimed me.


“What the Hell?” Even to my ears my scream was loud. I bet my neighbours wouldn’t be pleased.

“Brie, shut up!” A familiar voice hissed.

“Dylan, what are doing?” It was still dark when I woke up feeling something wriggling beside me. I had probably only been asleep for a couple of hours but I was wide awake now.

“It’s freezing downstairs. I think the heating’s shut itself off again. I tried to fix it but nothing worked.”

“So you decided to get into bed with me, you creep? Get out now!”

“Where else am I going to sleep? I’m not sleeping in your mum’s room; that would be way weird.”

“So you decided to cuddle up with me?”

I could hear the amusement in his voice. “Pretty much, yeah.”

“Oh my God, you’re only in your boxers. Go put your other clothes on”

“I have to wear them tomorrow.” I sighed.

“I don’t really care. Just get out!”

“I’m not even touching you. Stop freaking out.”

I let out a cry of frustration. “Okay, if you put one finger on me, I swear I’ll smother you while you sleep.” I heard him scoff.

“I have a girlfriend remember?”

“I’ve heard that before.” I mumbled. He didn’t reply. I moved the furthest away from him as I could without falling out of my single bed and lay my head back onto the pillow. On the outside I was calm but on the inside my brain was going into over drive. I was in bed for the first time with a boy. Even though we weren’t touching, we were so close the little hairs on my back were standing on end from his body heat.

I could hear his deep breathing that signalled that he was close to the land of slumber. I could feel my own eyes grow heavy and with final worried thoughts flowing through my head, I allowed sleep to claim me.