My life as a loser in High School.


I decided to write off Dylan’s dramatic stomp out of the room to his PMS. Well, if he could get PMS, I definitely sure that it would be that. He didn’t really speak to me for a few weeks after, except to grunt at me when he was supposed to be tutoring. Valentines Day came and went, with no one really fluttering an eyelid apart from the girls who have boyfriends- like Kate.

Our trip to Italy was approaching fast. Jay would make up elaborate scenario’s where he would meet a gorgeous Italian who was as charming and funny and gay as he was (his words not mine). Then he would smirk, look up from under his eyelashes and ask me whether I would make a move on Dylan. I so regretted telling about my crush-which is a little more than a crush- all those weeks ago.

“I’ve told you, Jay, I just said it so you’d stop bothering me.” I argued, painting my nails a fetching shade of cherry, whilst Jay ironed my clothes and packed for me. I never was good with folding clothes and placing them in a suitcase because I lose my temper when they all clump together. Plus, this way Jay got his kicks out of pretending to be my stylist and packing what he think would make me look hot and irresistible to the opposite sex. “It wasn’t true.”

“Yeah, okay, Brie.” Jay smiled, shaking his head. “I’ll believe that the day you stop making gooey eyes at him.”

“I do not make gooey eyes at Dylan!” I shrieked, contemplating whether to throw my nail varnish brush at him. I reconsidered when he picked up my new white shirt. “My eye does this twitchy thing... sometimes... I can’t help that.”

“And your eye only twitch’s when he’s stood in front of you?” Jay asked, biting back laughter. I frowned at him.

“It’s all the black he wears; it set’s me off.”

“Whatever you say...”


The night before the day I left, my Mother was a nervous wreck. “Are you sure you’ve got everything?” She asked for the hundredth time.

“Yes, mum.” I sighed, turning the sound on the TV up.

“What about tampons?” She pushed. I glared at her because I was missing valuable Ugly Betty for this conversation. Wayne stood behind her, looking slightly uncomfortable which made me smirk. I was doing this thing where I put Skins on really loudly whenever he was in the room. The sound of teenagers doing x-rated things always made him leave quickly.

“I have everything I need.” I replied.

“Well, okay.” She paused. “I can’t believe my baby girl is going on holiday on her own.”

“I’m not going on my own, there’s going to be five teachers and thirty other students.” I rolled my eyes, and wished she’d leave already. She stared at me for a moment and sighed.

“Don’t stay up too late, okay? You’ve got to be up early tomorrow.”

“Yeah, okay...” I mumbled.


“Brie! It’s time to get up now!” A voice shouted from outside my room. I grunted in response and turned over. I heard my door creaked open and squeezed my eyes tighter together as my mother gently shook my bed. “C’mon, you’re going to be late.”

“Five more minutes.” My voice was dry was sleep and came out croaky.

“No, now.” She warned. “I’ll put the kettle on.” She tugged on my foot which was poking out of the covers before leaving. Groaning loudly, I threw my covers off my pyjama clad body. It was four in the morning. The sun wasn’t even out yet. What sort of person arranged this timetable?

My suitcase was sitting neatly in the corner already packed so I didn’t have to worry about that. I just needed to be washed, dressed, fed and at school in an hour...

“I knew I should have woken you up earlier.” My mother cursed, glancing at me and shaking her blonde head. We were only a few minutes late; I didn’t know why she was worrying so much. I voiced this to hear and she screeched loudly. “We are not a few minutes late, Brie. We are twenty-five. What if they have left without you? All that money gone to waste...”

“Jay wouldn’t let them leave.” I tried to reassure her, but even I wasn’t sure how much power a teenage boy had over five teachers and a coach driver.

We breathed a sigh of relief as we pulled up into the car park and realised the bus was still there. A very worried looking Mr Harris rushed up towards us. “Her fault.” My mother said, pointing at me. I rolled my eyes. The coach driver came up behind Mr Harris and took my suitcase before loading it onto the coach.
“You can get on now Brie. I’ll just sort out the important stuff with your mum.” Mr Harris said, smiling. I was suddenly engulfed in a cloud of perfume and arms. My mother pressed her lips to the top of my head.

“I’m going to miss you Brie.” My mum mumbled. Oh, please say she wasn’t crying. Everyone on the bus would be able to see. “Be good.”

“Mu-um.” I moaned, pulling away from her. She didn’t look hurt, instead she grinned at me before ruffling my hair.

“See you in a week.”

“Yeah...” I was already walking away before she had chance to hug me again. I waved at her before stepping onto the bus. At once everyone seemed to cheer. My cheeks reddened knowing it was their lame attempt at sarcasm. There were gaps everywhere as the coach held fifty-four people and there were only about forty of us altogether. I scanned the faces for Jay’s and spotted him near the back.

Oh my God. No, this could not be happening. The idiot had only taken the seats in front of the back seat. It wasn’t that I got travel sick sitting near the back or anything. It was that in the middle of the back row, Dylan sat smirking at me. If this was Jay’s attempt at match-making, I swear I was going to kill him.
He smiled as I approached him, oblivious to my anger or simply choosing to ignore. “Hey, Brie, I texted you like, six times and you still managed to be half an hour late.” I pulled my phone out from my bag. Sure enough, I had six messages all from Jay.

“Sorry.” I took the seat next to him; the tone of my voice was friendly but my eyes were not. Jay noticed this and a slow smile spread across his lips. He definitely knew what he was doing. A pout formed on my lips and I turned to face the front.

“All the other seats were next to people who snore, smell or are just plain weird. I did you a favour.” He whispered into my ear. I shivered away from his hot breath.

“I’m not talking to you.” I hissed back, getting close enough for him to hear but not the others.

“Fine.” He said in normal volume. “So, I guess I won’t be sharing my mum’s homemade brownies, no?”

“You suck.” I narrowed my eyes at him, but nudged his elbow. “Just so you know, I’m so taking pictures of you when you’re asleep.” Jay reached out to tickle my stomach.

“Great, I’m gonna have you perving over me all night.” I slapped his hand away laughing. I suddenly felt something boot the back of my chair.

“Shut up!” Kate’s whiny voice said. “Some of us are trying to sleep.” I looked at Jay and he looked at me with the same expression on his face. I bit my lip trying to keep my laughter in. It was going to be a long trip.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is like half a chapter but I didn't want to make you wait longer for me to finish the second half.