My life as a loser in High School.


I glared at the topless male who stood in front of me, sweat dripping off his tanned torso. His dark hair was slicked back in a way which would have looked stylish in the nineties. My eyebrows were raised in confusion as he smiled at me, his brown eyes twinkling.

“Hi, you must be Iris’s daughter.” He said, pulling a packet of biscuits out of my kitchen cupboard and helping himself to the best ones. I tried very hard to refrain from asking him who the hell he was and what was he doing in my house when my Mother’s familiar voice sang down the stairs.

“Oh, Hey Brie.” She said whilst I eyed her curiously. Why was she wearing lipstick? And did she actually straighten her hair this morning? My Mother shouts at me often enough for “damaging your beautiful hair”. “This is David. He’s decorating the house for us.” She smiled at him, batting her eyelashes. I scoffed.

“You need to pick the colours for your room soon; David’s nearly finished down here. He works fast...” She almost purred the last sentenced and I tried to control my gag reflex.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” David grinned, touching my mums arm lightly. I scowled at the both of them and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

“Brie, why is your bag wet?” My mum questioned, noticing it sopping on the kitchen table.

“I fell in a puddle.” I grumbled, grabbing it so I could storm up to my room.

“But,” She said after me. “It hasn’t been raining.”

I gazed around my room desperately for something to do. My old TV sat in the corner gathering dust, however, I didn’t know how to set it up and neither did my mum. There was no way I was asking “David” for help.

I sighed furiously, fishing my phone from my pocket. Jay had given me his number in case I wanted to do anything at the weekend but although I only saw him an hour ago, now seemed like a good time to call him.

“God, Brie.” He laughed when he answered. “I know you love me and everything, but I’m not ready for this type of-“

“Jay,” I snapped irritably. “Come rescue me, please...”

“Why, what’s up?” He asked. I gritted my teeth as I heard them both laughing downstairs- my mums high pitch giggle and David’s annoying deep chuckle.

“My mums downstairs flirting with a nineties boy band wannabe.” I hissed, lying back on my unmade bed.

I could almost see Jay shrugging. “What’s wrong with that?”

“What’s wrong is my mum doesn’t do that stuff. She works and cooks my tea and if she’s feeling generous, she irons my clothes.” I told him desperately.

“I don’t know. Maybe she’s hormonal or something- you know, going through the menopause.” He suggested. I cringed at his words.

“She’s not even forty yet Jay.” I scolded, picking the skin around my thumb. A drop of blood appeared and I licked it off, shuddering at the sharp taste.

“Well, I’m not an expert on woman. To be honest, I think you’re all kinder insane.” He explained slowly, as if I might leap down the throat and show him exactly how insane the female species can get, which you know I so wasn’t.

“Well, you know, just because you got a body full of testosterone doesn’t mean you don’t get PMS.” I retorted.

He mock gasped and I smiled. “I would have you know Brianna that hurt. That hurt a lot.”

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards my full length mirror that sat against the wall opposite my bed. “Whatever, Jay Jay.” I smirked. “What you going to do to entertain me then?”

“Well, I’m stuck a home today.” He sighed. “I’m out all weekend though. And next weekend Sidney’s taking me to see this local band. You can come if you want.”

“I can’t.” I cursed glaring at my reflection. “I’ve got this family thing.” I rolled my eyes once more. My reflection did the same and I glared at it.

“Oh, okay.” He said a little disappointed. I heard shouting at the other end and he sighed heavily down the phone. “Sorry, Brie, I’ve got to go. My mums just seen the state of my room and needless to say, she isn’t pleased.”

I giggled softly. “Okay, see you later.”

“Bye.” The line went dead and I threw my phone onto my unmade bed exasperatedly. I heard my mum laughing downstairs and I frowned, anger flowing through my veins. I tugged my t-shirt off my head and undid the belt that held my baggy jeans up around my thin waist. They fell to the floor with a little help and I stepped out of the clothing in front of my mirror once again.

Now, it wasn’t like I hated the way I looked. In fact it didn’t bother me that much as there was no one to impress. My old friends always use to tell me I was pretty and I guess I was in the blonde hair, blue eyes type of way.

I wasn’t anything special though and I knew that. My hair was falling out of my scruffy pony tail and I whipped the band out so it could fly freely down beside my shoulders.

I examined my body which looked naked although I was stood in my underwear. I was one of the lucky ones who could eat as much as they liked and not put on an ounce of weight but it came at a cost. I didn’t have any curves; I was just straight, like a ruler.

I could barely fill out my bra; however I did go up a cup size over the summer. Scowling at my underdeveloped chest I glanced at the picture I had on my dressing table. It was of my Mother and father on their honey moon.

I smiled slightly and picked it up so I could take a better look at it although the image was burnt into my brain permanently. My mother; so carefree and happy, stood on the white sands of a Caribbean Island. Her tanned, golden skin looked vibrant and healthy and her blonde curls blew wildly in the sea breeze. Her curvaceous body was held in by a tiny bikini and she had a beach ball in her manicured hands. Everybody said I looked like her but I disagreed. I looked more like my Father.

Her stood next to her awkwardly, not comfortable with his picture being taken. His tall, gangly body was alarmingly pale next to hers and he had a skinny arm draped over her shoulders. He had no muscle definition- unlike that loser downstairs- and he looked quite scrawny compared to some of the life guards behind them.

Unlike me, he had dark hair; however I did inherit his bright blue eyes. His nose was red from being sun burnt but he was smiling; his thin lips stretched so you could see almost all of his white teeth. He looked so happy- they both did.

I felt tears prickling at my eyelids and threatening to fall, so I furiously scrubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. Laugher echoed through the house once more and I wondered if she had already forgotten him.