You Can Take All the Pain From Me

Awake and unafraid, asleep or dead

In the next week and a half Avril and Josh had done everything from talking to kissing and just lying in each others arms. They even did things normal teenagers wouldn't do, like colouring. They wrote love notes to each other and since Avril was the only one Josh trusted there were many times that she would just bathe him. Today would be a special day for Avril, seems that one of Joshs friends dropped by and picked up a few things for him.

"Avril I want to give you something."

"Sure thing love."

He smiled always loving when she called him that, he than reached in the stand next to his bed and grabbed two lockets out of the drawer. He held them out to her with one of the goofiest grins Avril had ever seen. This made her giggle which caused a chain reaction in Josh. She took the two boxes from his hands and began to open one at a time. It was the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen and the next was a gold necklace. Her jaw dropped and she lunged at Josh.

"Oh Josh they're beautiful I love them."

"I was going to propose to you but you know...I know we are young but that can't stand in the way of love can it."

Avril than put the ring around the necklace and Josh put it on her neck. She than lied down next to him and kissed his lips. She noticed the little calendar with almost two of its weeks marked off. Josh looked at her and frowned.

"Youre not scared are you?"

"Kind of."

"Don't be Avril, you know I'll be watching over you...Think of it this way I'll be a ghost and I won't be able to hurt you anymore."

"I honestly dont know how to take that."

They both forced a smile to appear on their lips.

"I'm sure going to miss you when you're gone..."

"I'm going to miss you in heaven...My fallen angel."

This made Avril really smile...It also caused her to blush, Josh pulled at her cheeks like she was a child.

"I still got it in me to make Avril blush. How cute."

"Quiet you."

Then she jokingly poked him.

"Hey that hurt."

Josh had a fake hurt look on his face causing them to laugh uncontrollably. After the laughter died down Avril began to sing.

"I see you lying next to me with words I thought I'd never speak,"
At this moment Josh closed his eyes to listen to her words.

"Awake and unafraid, asleep or dead."

She heard the flat line of the heart monitor, she knew he had died peacefully and happily, for this she was happy. But a few seconds later she would be pulled away from the one person she would ever love. The reality of him dying hit her and she broke down.

The funeral wouldn't be until the following Sunday, Avril did what Josh had asked her. Avril picked out the songs for the day he would be buried. She picked out three songs, Hurt by Christina Aguleria, Cancer by MCR and Famous last words. She knew he would love them.
While listening to the last thing the only thing that was on Avrils mind was the one line, which she changed to suit her.

'I am afraid to keep on living, I am afraid to walk this world alone'. She cried until she could cry no more, there would be no other lover for this heartbroken girl. Over head and through the clouds, sunbeams shone through and as Avril looked up as they were lowering his casket she swore that she had seen him as his normal self. She smiled that he was happy once again, she was happy.