I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale

First Big Brotherly Acts

"I'm telling you," Kevin said as he came into my room. "I don't trust that Troy guy."

"Funny, because nobody trusts you," I rolled my eyes, not even looking up from TV screen where I was going head to head with Nick in Mario Kart. "You can leave now."

Kevin groaned. "Guys, I'm serious. Haven't you guys heard of his reputation?"

"It's called rumors Kevin," Nick said, his tone cold. "And like Joe said, get out."

"Rumors come from somewhere Nicholas," Kevin's tone turned just as cold.

Nick and I exchanged a look from the corner of our eyes. Did he sound… concerned…. for Mia? "We met him Kev," Nick recovered first. "He's a cool guy. He's nice."

"Yeah, perfect for Mia," I chimed in. "Not that you care."

"I care," he said quietly.

Nick and I both took our eyes off the screen to look at him now. "Since when have you ever cared about Mia," I asked coldly. "Didn't you hate her till like – two seconds ago?"

Kevin rolled his eyes. "I thought this was what you guys wanted," he said.

"We wanted you to like her because she was a great person and she was your sister," Nick said. "Not because we want you to."

"Don't tell me you're actually starting to like her now," I said skeptically. No way. He had been so – cruel to her for so long. What was this? Kevin's change of heart?

"I see it wasn't her fault now," Kevin sighed. "It was—dad's."

"Took you long enough," I rolled my eyes. Hadn't we been trying to tell him that for ever already? "So what, you're going to try to be the big brother now?"

"I was always the big brother," he shrugged. "I'm just going to start acting like it with her too."

Nick and I exchanged another look. "Really," Nick asked, still unsure.

"Yes," Kevin said firmly. "And I'm going to start with this Troy guy."

I sighed. "Kev, he's a cool guy. Honestly, Mia's my twin. I wouldn't let her go out with some asshole. Or with anyone with a bad rep unless I was sure he was a nice guy."

"I know you wouldn't intentionally Joe," he said. "You're a good older brother too. But something is not right with him."

Nick looked at me, still skeptical. "So what, you're going to go crash the party and make sure he's keeping his hands out of her pants or something?"

Kevin and I both cringed at that. "I'm just going to check in," Kevin said as he headed out the door. He paused, and looked back at us. "You guys want to come?"

Nick and I exchanged another look. "Um," Nick said. I could tell he saw this was unnecessary, just as I did. "No thanks. If you actually talk to Mia, you can use it as um –" He looked at me for help. I knew he didn't want to discourage Kevin, especially when he was just starting to show affectionate feelings towards Mia.

"As um – bonding time," I helped him out.

"Right, bonding time," Nick nodded.

Kevin chuckled. "Whatever. See you guys, hopefully soon."

I sighed, looking at Nick. "Do you think he's right about Troy?"

Nick shrugged. "I don't think so. But hey, he's trying to look out for Mia, right? I'm not exactly ready to squash that so soon."

"Me neither," I agreed, shuddering as I remembered how he had thrown a glass at her.


This was definitely not my kind of party. I wasn't saying I was only into the celebrity shindigs now or anything. But seriously? In the room I now stood, alone as Troy went to go get us drinks, there was a small dance floor. But honestly. They could not call that dancing. It was more of a major orgy as they started groping each other. I needed to get out of that room. But of course, I landed myself into the pot room. Everyone was standing around in a circle. I could see 3 joints circulating the big group. Okay, this was definitely not the room for me. I walked to the hallway, practically climbing over two couples making out on the ground. I stood by the stairs, where no one was, thankfully. I knew not a single person in the house. Well except Troy. That may have been because we had only been in LA for a few years, and most of the time, I was busy with my brothers to actually make normal friends my age. But hey, no one was really looking at that.

"There you are," I heard Troy slur in my ear as his arm wrapped around my waist. In his free hand, he held a cup which he now held towards me. "Here you are baby."

I could smell the alcohol both on his breath and in the cup. "Um, no thanks," I said quietly. "I don't drink." It wasn't that I was a bigger person or above the influence or anything. It was just that I had seen what it had done to my mom, and to my brothers and me because of it. I didn't even want to touch it after that.

Surprise touched Troy's face. "You don't drink," he asked, full shock flooding his voice like he had never thought to meet someone who didn't drink. "How? Why?"

"Personal reasons," I shrugged, not even bothering to elaborate. He was really drunk right now. He wouldn't remember anyway.

"That is so hot," he grinned before leaning down to kiss me, his arms wounding around my waist as he held me closer, his lips on mine. It was not what I expected. I could taste the bitter taste of the alcohol in my mouth. It made me want to gag. I wanted to pull away, but his arms were tight around me, holding me to him. I closed my eyes, just waiting for it to be over. After what seemed an eternity, he pulled away, just keeping a hold on my hand. "Let's go upstairs."

"Troy," I protested as he pulled me up the stairs. Before I knew it, we were in a dark room, and my back was pressed against the wall. Troy's lips were on mine as his hands found the back of my dress, tugging at it. I grabbed his hands. "Troy, stop."

He smirked at me. "What? You don't drink and you're Virgin Mary?"

Before I could respond, his lips were on my again, and his hands were tugging at my dress. "Troy, please," I gasped.

He pulled away, pushing me towards the bed. I stumbled, falling on it. He walked near. "I'm just trying to help you. We can't have any Virgin Mary's around here."

And all of a sudden, he was on top of me, his shirt was off. I winced as he grabbed me, making me sit up, as he took my dress, I struggled but to no avail because he managed to still get it off, ripping it slightly. "Oh man," he grinned as his eyes took in my naked body.

"Please," I begged again, tears now streaking my face. I knew what was happening. But Troy was sitting right on top of me. I couldn't do anything but smack around, hopping to hit him hard enough to make him stagger back to give me enough room to leave. I was struggling under him as he started to take my underwear off. "Please," I tried again. And then I stopped struggling. I clenched my eyes shut, bit my lip, and waited for it to be over.

All of a sudden, Troy was off of me. I opened my eyes to see him on the floor. And on top of him, punching him continuously in the face was – my brother… Kevin Jonas.
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=] So yeah. Haha what did you guys think?
Comments/feedback please?
I know it's not the best chapter but hey, I'm in my writer's block right now.
Anyways, love you guys