I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale


"Hey," Kevin said, walking into the kitchen. "How are you feeling?"

I put my coffee cup down, smiling at him. Whatever had happened last night between Kevin and I, whatever friendship we had accumulated seemed to be here to stay. "Okay," I shrugged as he poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down next to me.

"Did you – tell them," he asked nervously.

I shook my head. "They can't know."


"Mia, oh Mia," Joe cut him off as he came into the kitchen. "There you are," he said, plopping into the chair across from me. "How was the party last night?"

I tensed. Under the table, Kevin took me hand, squeezing it comfortingly. Joe seemed to be completely oblivious of this. "It was – fun," I finally choked out.

"Told you Kevin," Joe smirked at Kevin. He turned to me then. "Kevin was all worried about that Troy guy. But I told him I would never let a jerk go out with my baby twin sister."

I tried to smile at him. But I was barely holding back tears. Nick came into the kitchen. "Hey guys," he said, falling into the other seat. He looked really tired.

"What happened to you," Joe laughed.

"Frankie is never allowed to sleep in my room again," Nick groaned.

We all laughed. It was all normal conversations. It made me want to go jump out of a building. I hated hiding this from Joe. I hated hiding anything from him. But I had no choice. For his own protection, Joe could never know.

"So who wants to go last minute shopping," Joe asked, jumping out of his seat.

We all groaned. Shopping with Joe took way too long. He stuck his tongue out at us. "No takers," he asked. "Fine. Then I pick – Nick?"

"Um sorry, I have to go, um, what's that mom, check my blood pressure now, okay," he pretended to call out. "Looks like I can't Joe." He quickly ran out of the room.

Joe huffed. "Kevin?"

Kevin looked around. "Um actually, I have to go to the um – the place with the person and the people and what's that mom," he quickly ran out of the room too.

Joe glared after him before smiling at me. "I sure can clear a room huh," he laughed. I smiled. "Looks like it's just you and me twinie."

"Actually Joe," I stood up. "I kind of have plans today."

"Oh I get it," Joe smirked at me. "You and Troy have a follow up date, huh?"

I wanted to throw up. "Um sure. Why don't you call Demi or something? I'll see you later, okay?"

I ran out too, only to bump into Kevin. "Sorry," I mumbled.

He smiled. "No problem. So um –" he said. "Can you come into my room for a second?"

"Sure," I shrugged, following him in there.

He closed the door before turning to me. He held out a brown bag. "I um – got this for you."

Warily, I opened the bag. I froze. It was a pregnancy test. I looked up at Kevin.

He shrugged, smiling nervously. He eyes were sympathetic. "We need to know for sure," he whispered.

I nodded. "but Kevin. It was – just yesterday. Isn't it too early?"

Kevin froze. "I hadn't thought of that."

I smiled. "Thanks though. You're right. We should know." I hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Everything is going to be okay Mia."

I sighed. "Now if only I could believe that."

"Kevin," Joe called before he opened the door. Kevin and I jumped apart, surprised. Joe looked at us, confused. "What's going on?"

I gulped, looking at Kevin. What should we say? Kevin cleared his throat. "Mia and I were just making up. Lots of time to make up for, right?"

Joe looked from Kevin to me, his eyes searching my face. I tried not to let the tears I knew were coming from pouring out. I hated lying to Joe.

"Did you need something," Kevin asked.

Joe shrugged. "I decided not to go to the mall. I was wondering if you wanted to play Rock Band with me."

"Sure," Kevin said. "I'll be right there."

Joe nodded; still looking at me He turned and left. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Thanks," I whispered.

Kevin hugged me again, kissing my forehead. "Don't mention it."


Five days passed and whatever had happened with Kevin and Mia was apparently here to say. It wasn't fake civility either. They genuinely seemed to get along. I knew I sounded upset. I wasn't. Well I was. But for another reason. In the last five days, Mia and Kevin had gotten so close. She spent almost all her time in his room. I barely even saw her without him anymore, except at night when we went to sleep. But even that was different. Usually, Mia and I stayed up forever, talking and stuff. But lately, she just went right to sleep. It was like she was telling Kevin everything. She was putting her trust in him, like he was taking my place.

"Nick, can I ask you something," I said, falling onto his bed.

"No you cannot borrow my socks," he said, not turning from his computer.

I rolled my eyes. "Like I even want them. Seriously?"

Nick turned around. "What's up?"

"It's – it's Mia," I sighed. "And Kevin?"

"What about them," he asked.

"They're getting along," I said.

"I know, isn't it great," Nick smiled.

"It's definitely something," I mumbled.

Nick looked at me questioningly. "Why is that a bad thing?"

I shrugged. "This morning, I was walking to our room, and I heard Mia crying."

"Was she okay," Nick asked, concerned.

"I don't know," I admitted.

"Didn't you ask her," he asked, confused.

"I did," I said. "But Kevin was there. And they kept giving me half answers. And it seemed like Mia didn't want me there so I left."

"Ahh," Nick said with understanding. "You're jealous." It wasn't a question.

I groaned, burying my head into his pillow. "It's not like I want to be jealous of them. But I'm supposed to be that figure in her life, the protector, the big brother, the confident. And Kevin is taking my spot."

Nick smiled at me. "I know it's hard. But isn't it better than before?"

"No," I said. But then I sighed. "Yes. At least no one's treating her badly."

Nick shrugged. "Maybe she's just getting used to the new relationship with Kevin. Give her time. You guys are twins. She's always going to be closest to you."

I sighed again, nodding and getting up. "Okay, thanks."

I walked back to our room. Neither Mia nor Kevin were there. There were tissues on the bed though. I sighed, picking them up. Mia had been crying. And I hadn't been able to help her. She hadn't wanted me to. She had wanted Kevin. I went to through the tissues into the trashcan and froze. There was a pregnancy test in the trashcan. What. The. Hell.
♠ ♠ ♠

So yeah. haha. I know, I updated this again.
I was just too excited :)
Another cliffhanger :)
I bet you guys are all like :O how is joe going to react now?
what does the pregnancy test say?
oh man!
hehe well hoped you liked this one.
love you guys!