I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale

Dreams Are Pathways To Memories ... And Kidnapping

One week. One week and Mia had still not talked to me. One week and my dad was still only coming home at night. One week and the house still had the eerie silence of despair. I knew it was all my fault. I should have trusted her. I should have protected her. I looked at the bottle I had stashed on my dresser in case I really couldn't take it anymore. I hadn't needed to hide it. Mia still hadn't come back. She barely even came in here for clothes anymore know that more than enough clothes of hers had been through the wash. And I didn't leave. I didn't deserve to. I was scum. I had hurt Mia. My Mia. My little girl. I had hurt her worse than anyone. Hearing her say those things, comparing me to those monsters. I was like her. I had been beating her relentlessly. I had seen the fear, the pain, the anguish in her eyes, and I hadn't stopped. I saw how much I was hurting her and I fed her to the lions. I practically handed her to our murderous father who already hated her. I had actually hoped he would hurt her more. I had actually wished it.

I was not like Troy. I was not that low. He was – unworthy of even living. He was unworthy of being anywhere near my baby girl. Yes, even now, she was my baby girl. She was my little sister, even if she was my twin. I had let her down, but I never would again. I looked at the bottle again, knowing I would not stoop that low. I knew that after everything with my mom and her alcohol abuse, this would hurt Mia even more. I vowed to myself to never bring tears to her eyes again. I would never be the reason she cried, the reason she was in pain. I stowed the bottle into my sock drawer, knowing she wouldn't go in there, that is, if she ever came in here again.

I sighed, putting my head back on my pillow. Why had I been so stupid? Maybe I was like my dad. And I hated that. I hated that any part of me could even be compared to the man who had shunned my little girl. All the pain he caused her, and I had caused her worse. I sighed, needing Mia to come tell me I wasn't like him. I needed her to tell me I would never be like him. Only then would I believe it. But I wondered if it would work now as it always had, her voice telling me that. Now that I had seen what I could do – to Mia of all people, I didn't think I could ever forget it. No, I knew I couldn't. And I hated myself for it. My thoughts wandered back to the bottle. The pain would be gone so easily. The pain would be over. But no. I couldn't. I just – couldn’t. I groaned, deciding to go to sleep. I didn't know what time it was, but with all the time spent in my room with my phone lying broken on the floor after I had thrown it against the wall, and the clocks broken after that video we made of killing time, I had lost track of the time. The shades were closed, but I could see that no sun even remotely shone through. It was dark. I could sleep.

"No, I'm sorry," Mia shouted as my dad grabbed her hair, dragging her behind him. "I'm sorry."

"Shut the fuck up you little whore," my dad shouted, kicking her limp body on the ground. He pushed me back, blocking my view. Kevin grabbed my arms and I thrashed against him trying to get to her, trying to help her, trying to stop him from hurting her. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t move. Kevin had a strong grip on my arms and no matter how badly I tried to get to Mia, I just couldn’t. "You fucking told her. You ruined this family you little ungrateful slut."

“I’m sorry Daddy,” Mia begged as my dad opened the basement door. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to tell Mommy. I didn’t!”

“Mia,” I screamed as my dad kicked her in the stomach. I saw her wince in pain. “Mia! Don’t hurt her! Don’t! Mia!”

My dad smirked at me before snarling at Mia. “Look at that. You brother wants to come to the rescue and protect you. You, his spoiled little brat of a whore sister? Ha! If I were him, I’d be beating the shit out of you myself. You’ve ruined this family Amelia. You’ve messed us all up. If I were Joseph, I’d kill myself to even be related to a piece of shit like you.”

He grabbed her hair again, and threw her down the stairs. I just kept continuing to scream her name, trying to get to her. I had to protect her. I had to save her. But Kevin was still holding my arms. “Kevin, let me go,” I begged, the tears down coming down my face as I watched my dad shove Mia into the small, cramped, dark furnace room. “Look at her. She’s in so much pain. He’s hurting her.”

“So,” Kevin sneered. “Stupid little slut deserves it. I’d be helping if I didn’t have you hold your dumbass back.”

I gaped at him. “Kevin, that’s your sister.”

His words were cold. “I have no sister.”

I felt a fury come through me. “You’re such a dick Kevin. Some big brother you are. I hate you!” I continued to violently thrash in his arms as hurt flashed on his face. But I didn’t care. All I cared about was helping Mia. I had to help her.

My dad punched Mia in the face, getting her cheek. I heard her cry out in pain. “Daddy, please. Don’t do this,” she said before she spit blood out. “Please. I love you. Please.” Her begging made the tears come even more down my face. Mia, my Mia.

‘Daddy,” my father sneered. “You don’t have a daddy you spoiled little brat.” He hit her again, and again, and again. "Why don't you sing now you little slut, huh? Thought you were so amazing. Sing for me now." And he hit her again and again. "Precious little slut thought you were so special, didn't you? Wanted to steal your brother's fame?"

"No," Mia cried. "I didn't. I didn't."

My dad hit her one more time before shoving her back onto the ground of the dark furnace room and shutting the door. I watched, horrified as he locked it. Mia was scared of the dark. Mia was alone.

"She deserved it," Kevin seethed as he finally let go of my arms. "She's nothing but a whiny little brat."

The anger in me took over as I turned around and punched Kevin in the face as hard as I could. "She's a better person than you'll ever be Kevin. And I'll never forgive you for this Kevin. Never."

My dad had reached the top of the steps then as I hit Kevin again. My dad snarled at me as he struck my face. I was mortified. My face was still stinging. I felt my heart drop as I realized how much worse Mia had had to endure, how much more pain. And I couldn't help her. The thought alone brought a round of tears. "If you tell your mother about this, Joseph, I will lock you in the furnace room with your precious little whore of a sister. Do you understand me?" Each word was cold. I could see the hatred in his eyes, only matched by my anger. Mia was hurt. Mia was alone.

The scene changed, and he pushed her down the stairs again, shoving her violently. No, not him. Me. I was the one pushing her down the stairs. I was the one shouting the horrific things at her. I was the one beating her. I was the one causing her pain. I was helpless in the body as my hands beat her over and over again, the tears pouring down her face. I watched helplessly as I broke her.

I woke up, jumping up in my bed, in a cold sweat. It was just a dream. But no, it hadn't been a dream. It was a painful memory. I had hurt her. I had believed that asshole Troy Bolton could be honorable. I had practically betrayed my little girl. I had betrayed her trust. No. I had to get it back. I had to. I needed Mia. I missed her. I loved her. She was my little baby sister. Sure, she was my twin, so [I[technically she was the same age as me. But I had always been that figure in her life. I was the one she went to her problems with. I was the one who protected her from everything, not caused her pain. And now Kevin and Nick were those guys. I sighed. I had to make it up to her. I had to make her feel safe again. Suddenly, I got an idea. Quickly, I climbed out of bed, and grabbed the few essentials I would need. I tiptoed to Nick and Kevin's room, peeking my head in to make sure they were sleeping. Thankfully, they were. I grinned, silently making my way over to Nick. I paused by Mia to see her sleeping peacefully next to Nick. I would make her safe again, I vowed. I would make the fear I saw in her eyes, the fear of me disappear. I would be her everything again. I walked over to Nick, and clasped my hand over his mouth and quickly dragged him out of the room.

"What the fuck are you doing," he demanded as I closed their room door behind me.

I handed him one of the ski masks in my hand. "Want to go Troy hunting?"
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe. Still, intense, no?
Just wait to see what I have planned.
Muaha. And Ali thinks I'm evil now? Ha!
Just wait :)
Wow I sound psychotic. (hint hint ;])
hehe love you guys.

p.s. comments greatly appreciated :)