I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale

Are You Happy Now

"You're not serious, are you," Nick asked in a condescending tone with a look that questioned my sanity.

But I was perfectly sane. And I was completely serious. "Nicky, look, I know I'm not your favorite person right now," I started. "And I can bet that you probably want to knock me out a few times—"

"A few," he laughed. "Joe, can you just stay the fuck away from me?"

"Nicky, listen to me—"

"Don't call me that," he said coldly.

I sighed. "Nick, I'm just trying to help Mia here. I screwed up. You can't even hate me as much as I hate myself. Mia is – she's my little sister Nick. She's my twin. She's part of me. And after --" I stopped, unable to recount what I did.

"After you beat the shit out of her," Nick finished.

I cringed. "After – that, I will do anything to make it up to her. I want to make he feel safe again."

"And you think 'hunting' Troy is how to do it," he asked.

I smirked. I could hear the resolve in his tone. I knew I had him. "I think it's time to develop a – relationship with dear Troy Bolton, don't you?"

Nick looked at the mask in his hands. "What are we going to do to him," he whispered.

I sighed. "I think I understand why Mia didn't tell me about what happened, why she did the fact that she was raped as long as she did. I think she was scared of what I would do."

"And you're going to do it," Nick said in disbelief. "You're going to do exactly what she didn't want you to?"

I smirked. "No I'm not," I said. "We're not going to kill Troy, Nick."

"So what are we going to do?"

"We're just going to show him the error in his ways," I said with a grin.

Nick looked at me, and then at the mask. I could see a smile on his face. "I'm in," he said, putting the mask on.

"Wonderful," I grinned. "This is going to be great Nick." I turned to go down the stairs, but he stopped me.

"You can call me Nicky," he said quietly.

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

Quietly, we drove to Troy's house. I parked the car down the block. "Ready," I asked him.

He took a deep breath. "Let's go."

"Got the plan," I asked, unsure if he was really ready. He was shaking a bit. He seemed nervous.

He nodded. "I'm ready Joe."

I nodded and we got out, each walking to take our positions. "She said it was that one, right," I pointed to a dark window in the house.

Nick nodded. "Thank God it's a one story."

I agreed and we started our work. Silently, we got the window open. Nick went in first. I followed quickly. "Pathetic," Nick murmured, looking at the sleeping figure. It was Troy, of course, sleeping silently and peacefully, after all the trouble he had caused our family. "Let's just do this."

I stepped over him. Anger was pulsing through me. This asshole[i/] was the reason for everything that had happened. He was the reason Mia was scared of me. But no. That wasn't entirely true. She was scared of me because of me. And I think that's what made me hate this fucker even more. I wanted to put all the blame on him. I wanted to think it was his fault. But really, wasn't I just as to blame as him? Letting the anger control me, I punched him in the face, hoping to knock him off.

"Nice," Nick commended as Troy's head rolled slightly back.

I grinned at him before we grabbed Troy, and threw him out the window. Show time.


"God Joe," Nick sighed as he paced back and forth in the abandoned beach house we had dragged Tory into. "Did you have to knock him out so hard?"

I shrugged. "I thought he deserved it."

Nick laughed, and looking at the knocked out body lying tied against the wall. "That asshole deserves more than this."

"We can't get carried away Nicky," I reminded him. "We can't upset Mia too much."

He nodded. We waited silently until Troy stirred. "What the fuck," he shouted as he came to. He noticed the ropes typing him and thrashed, to no end, against them. "What the hell is wrong with you guys? We're supposed to be friends."

This just made me laugh. Friends? Was this piece of shit serious? "Nicky, did you hear that? Do my ears deceive me or did he just say we're friends?"

Nick glared at Troy. "I think I heard something like that. A voice of a rapist who just talked out of line. Tsk, tsk, tsk," he shook his head. "What a shame the asshole is so stupid to think we're his friends."

Troy looked between Nick and me before laughing. "Is this about your sister," he asked, still laughing. "Aww, are you guys mad that the little brat gave it to me? Ha. Big deal. Maybe you guys need to grow up. It happens all the time. I was just trying to help her out, you know, get her to bloom and all. I would have done it quicker, like my friends wanted me to," he said. I put my hand on Nick's shoulder as he leaned forward to charge. "But I am a great dude. I gave her two full weeks before I went in for it. I even listened to her fucking sob story about your precious Daddy and big brother Kevy being so mean to her. Besides, ask anyone at the party. All they saw was a girl who was desperate for it. I was just giving it to her. But she was good. If she ever wants a good time, tell her to give me a –"

Nick lunged up and punched Troy in the stomach. "Don't you ever talk about my sister that away again you piece of shit," he seethed, punching him again.

I sighed, walking over and holding him back. "Peace Nicholas. If he talks out of line again, you can do the honors," I added when he went to punch him again. I didn't know why I was so calm. I wanted to punch the shit out of him too. But I knew Mia wouldn't want that. Mia wouldn't want me to unleash myself on this piece of crap. I understood now. She was protecting me. I wouldn't mess that up by stooping to his level. Nick sighed and stepped back. I bent down and came face to face with Troy. "Now, as for a next time, there will never be a next time. Is that understood?"

He scoffed. "Whatever. I can get someone else. Bunch of girls who fuck better than her anyway."

"Going to get those girls pregnant too," Nick spat.

Troy's entire face went pale. He looked from Nick's face to mine. "M-mia i-is p-p-pregnant?"

"Why, yes, Troy. My sister is pregnant with your child," I said calmly. I started chuckling. "Excuse me, her child. Because you will never see that baby, nor will you see Mia, ever. You will not walk on the same sidewalk as her, or even look at her, or be in within a ten mile radius as her/"

"That means you aren't going to even breathe the same air you fucker," Nick added.

I smirked. "I think that was understood Nick."

Nick just shrugged. "He doesn't look like the brightest of guys."

"Now," I said, turning back to Troy who seemed to have been frozen in place. "I would have killed you so long ago. I could have, actually. But see, my baby sister is perhaps the biggest sweetheart in the world. And for you disgusting pig to even be near her, well I would never do Mia the dishonor of having to breathe the same air as a swine like you. Can you believe she actually doesn't want me to kill you?" I laughed at his terrified expression. "That may be the only thing keeping you – relatively safe right now. "But yes, Mia is so sweet, so innocent that she doesn't want me to, and because of that, I never will."

Troy opened his mouth, but Nick punched him in the face. "He didn't say you could talk," Nick spat.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Don't make my baby brother punch you, okay buddy? It hurts his fists and plus, I would not do him the dishonor to waste his infinite energy on filth like yourself, but again, we are getting off topic here. Yes, Mia does not want me to kill you and I shall not ever lay one hand on you and you want to know why, buddy? It's because I don't have to. No, because everyday of your entire life, when you wake up in the morning and see your ugly, horrible face in the mirror, you will cringe to death at your reflection. When you go to school, meet a whore that lets you fuck her and have lots of children and everything, you will lay in bed every single night and think about the little girl's life and your baby's life that you slowly but surely destroyed into the world. But you know all this, don't you? You took advantage of my sister, knowing full well she was too innocent and naïve to know your true motives. Even I was fooled. But I will not be again. You can be sure of that. Now I won't kill you. There's no need to waste that energy. Because this fact, this knowledge of knowing your child is out there somewhere, being raised by people who would kill you for coming even too close to her, is going to slowly cause you so much pain you won't be able to bare. And I hope it causes you pain. I hope you feel disgusted with yourself every time you look in the mirror. I hope you wake up every morning and see your reflection in the mirror, and want to destroy the mirror because of the monster you see. And, from the bottom of my heart, Troy, I hope you kill yourself to spare the world the disgustingness of having you in it."

Troy looked so terrified now. He had tears in his eyes. I sighed. Mia hadn't wanted me to kill him. Of that much, I was sure. And like I had said, I never would. I smiled at Nick, nodding him forward. Nick nodded back, and he stepped forward, getting into Troy's face. "Are you happy now, you bastard? That was my sister you dick. You will never see her or the baby, ever. Do you understand me? You stay away from her and her baby – forever."

Troy completely broke down. I motioned Nick back. Troy looked up at us, his eyes still watering. "Are you guys just going to leave me here," he asked.

I smirked. "Not without your parting gift."


Nick cut him off by punching him in the jaw. We hit him a few more times until he was knocked out again. "Ready," Nick asked.

I looked at the piece of shit lying on the floor. He had ruined Mia's life. He had ruined everything. He had taken everything from her. Her innocence, her life, everything. He had destroyed it. Yet, I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for him. He would never get to see his child. And he would never have Mia in his life again. That alone would be punishment enough. I kicked him one more time before following Nick out the door. I really hoped Mia forgave me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I know I can't really do a good crazy.
But what'd you guys think?
Intense, no?
hehe. comments please.