I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale

I Want To Thank You

"This is the best OB-GYN in the state honey," my mom promised me as we sat down in the waiting room after signing my name in. "You're going to get the best care. Everything is going to be fine."

I sighed. "Thanks mom." I put a hand on my stomach. It was weird to think something was growing in me. I mean I was only seventeen. And I was going to bring a life into this world. As hateful and horrifying as what had happened to me was, how this thing had happened, I was going to be responsible for another life.

"Mia, sweetheart," my mom took my hand suddenly. "I don't want you to feel guilty about what happened. We all make mistakes. Troy had us all fooled. So you don't have to feel like it was your fault Mia. Whatever happened, it was not your fault. And if you don't want to go through with this, you don't have to."

I just looked at her. "Are you serious?"

"Yes honey," she smiled slightly. "No one will think less of you. You can--"

"I didn't mean that," I said quickly. "Mom, I know you mean well, but I cannot get an abortion. I'm going to be here for the baby. Yes, I'm scared stiff right now. I'm not really sure how I'm going to make it through this. But I will. I have all of you. I will have this baby."

The tears brimmed in my mom's eyes. "Even if it's half that monster's?"

I cringed. No matter how I tried to get away from the truth, this baby was Troy's too. "This baby is mine," I said more to myself than my mother. "I don't know what I'm going to do about – Troy. But I'll find a way. I know I can."

My mom started crying. I couldn't help it either as tears came to my own eyes. "I love you so much, baby," she cried. "I really do. You're going to be such an amazing mother."

"Miss Jonas, we're ready for you," the nurse said, as she stood in the now open door.

I sighed. My mom squeezed my hand. "It'll be okay honey."

I nodded, and we walked in. She set me onto a gurney. "Hello Miss Jonas," the doctor said walking in. She had a comforting smile on her face. I already liked this lady. "Let's see where we are shall we?"

Six weeks. I was six weeks pregnant. It wasn't too surprising, seeing as the –thing with Troy had happened around then. I leaned back in the passenger seat of our car as my mom started driving home. I had had a life inside me for six weeks.

"Mia, honey," my mom said suddenly. I just looked at her. Her tone has me wary. "You know Joe didn't mean anything by – what happened, don't you?" I took a deep breath. "Honestly. He's been talking to me every night, and he just misses you so much Mia. It's cute actually," she smiled. "Joe's affection to you is almost fatherly." She looked over at me. I didn't say anything. It hurt to think of this. I missed him too. I missed him so much. "You know, Nick and Joe snuck out last night to beat up Troy, and according to Nick, Joe did an amazing job. He didn't even touch him once, because he knew you wouldn't want him to. Nick said he just really verbally scared him."

My mom laughed. Again, I didn't say anything. They had snuck out to – to beat up Troy. I had tried so hard to stop that from happening. And yet, it still had. My mom smiled over at me as she drove. "Joe can be a very – stupid young man sometimes." She chuckled. "Horrible to say that as his mother, I know. But it is true. He does things without thinking sometimes. But he is also one of the best people out there. Honestly, few are his equal. He would do anything for you, he loves you so much. No bond I have ever seen in this world, in my whole life, is as sacred as yours and Joseph's, sweetie, none."

"I'd do anything for him too," I said quietly. "Anything."

She smiled over at me, but didn't say anything else as we drove home. I had a feeling she was giving me a chance to contemplate what she had said. But I didn't need to. I already knew what I had to do, what I was going to do. When we got home, we saw that Nick and Kevin were sitting on the couch, watching T.V. Joe was nowhere to be seen. The TV was turned to E!. I could see that the Daily 10 was on. "And now for our number one story of the night," the girl on the T.V. said. "She always seems to be in the picture, but never in the spotlight. Looks like things are about to change. Seventeen year old Amelia Jonas, sister of our very own Nick, Joe, and Kevin Jonas, is pregnant. Here we have an interview with fellow teen pop star Miley Cyrus, close friend of the Jonas family. "Yeah, I always thought the family had good intentions and beliefs. It was great to know that the show biz hasn't made them lose their faith. I guess she just didn't get them. She was always a bit – different, I think."

Nick turned the T.V. off. "Miley is such a bitch," he mumbled. "And she wonders why I broke up with her."

"I did too Nicholas," Kevin said darkly. "I mean, why wouldn't you want to stay with someone so sweet?"

We all started laughing. I sighed. I tried not to let this bother me. "Where's Joe," I asked quietly.

Everyone in the room turned to look at me. My mom had a smug smile on her face. I could tell that Nick and Kevin were surprised though. Kevin was the first to recover. "Um – I think he went to the theater down the street," he said.

"The one we used to – act in," I asked. He nodded. I sighed, grabbing my coat.

"I'm coming with you," Nick said.

"You don't have to Nicky," I smiled at him reassuringly.

"Yes I do," he said firmly. "What if Joe tries something? What if—"

Our mom smiled, cutting him off. "Nicholas, sweetheart, your sister knows what she's doing. She can go alone if she wants."

Nick still had an apprehensive expression on his face. I hugged him. "I love you, baby brother. Thank you for – everything. But I have to do this alone."

He sighed in resignation, nodding. "Just be careful," he begged, kissing my forehead.

I nodded, and then turned to Kevin. He grinned at me. I hugged him too. "Thank you," I whispered, burying my head in his chest. "Thank you so much. I will never forget any of it."

"You're my little sis," he kissed my forehead. "It's my job."

I laughed, before leaving to head to the theater. I was grinning, despite everything. Even with the pregnancy, I knew everything was going to be okay. I had such an amazing family. I had the best brothers, and the greatest mom. I grinned even wider as I thought about how I was going to see the greatest brother now.
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Haha so what did you guys think?
A bit cheesy yes, but it needed this, no?
Like the whole scene with her mom and Kevin, and nick
Thanking them before making amends with joe.
:] anyways, comments greatly appreciated :]
love you guys