I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale

Guitar Mishaps

"Alright almost show time people," I heard my dad announce as I walked into the prep room. It was my brothers' last show and everyone was more pumped than usual. We had to make sure that this was our best show ever – going out with a bang and all that. And so of course, my brothers were going a little crazy. Joe was jumping around, screaming and giving everyone a high five. Nick was being more – quiet and just jumping around. I saw he had his iPod in his ears. Kevin too had his iPod in his ears and was sitting on the couch, prepping himself – however he did. My dad turned to see me at the door. "Amelia, where is Nick's guitar?"

"On stage," I answered quietly, subconsciously back away. I looked at him, confused. Kevin had told me our dad was the one to change the setting. Didn’t he remember?

"Why the hell did you put it on stage," my dad roared. "He'll need it when they're lowered onto the stage."

I looked at my brothers for help. I saw Joe and Nick looking panicked, their gazes on me concerned and fearful. My eyes diverted to Kevin and I saw he was snickering. I wanted to smack myself in the head. I had been tricked. "I'm – I'm sorry," I whimpered as my dad glowered at me.

"Oh you're sorry," he mused, his smirk mean and sarcastic. "Well then it makes everything okay. Even if it ruins the last show of the tour. It's all okay because you're sorry."

I winced a bit at his tone. I knew what was coming as he came at me.

"Dad," Joe shouted, jumping up and running in front of me. "It wasn't Mia's fault."

"Don't try to protect her," my dad snarled.

Nick ran forward to help. "It wasn't," Nick said quickly. "It was ours. We – told her we wanted to do it differently."

I saw Kevin glaring at his brothers. His gaze fell on me and I was shaking with fear. All I saw was pure hatred. My dad huffed. I knew as well as my brothers that he would never say anything to them. "You guys could have told me," he said.

"We – forgot," Nick apologized.

"Whatever," my dad said. "Now show time in 5 minutes. Kevin, let's go see if we can get the guitar without being seen."

Kevin pushed past me, shoving me. "Good cover brat," he seethed into my ear.

Joe and Nick glared after him before looking at me, their expressions pained. It wasn't until I felt Joe's still hand on my shoulder that I realized that I had been shaking. "Are you okay," he asked, his tone concerned.

I nodded weakly. "I will be. Thanks."

Nick smiled, hugging me. "You're my big sister," he said. "And Kevin' and Dad are being mean to you for no reason."

I sighed, my eyes meeting Joe's quickly before looking in the direction of the door. I wasn't as oblivious to the reason for their treatment of me as Nick. And either was Joe. Nick just didn't remember. But I did. And my dad and Kevin obviously did too. I shrugged. "I don't mind," I lied. "I know they don't mean it." Lies, lies, lies. Joe squeezed my shoulder.

Nick smiled again at me before going out. Joe stayed behind. He started doing his last minute vocals, and I sat there, listening. His voice was amazing, and hearing him sing made me wish I still sang. But those days were over. Never would I sing again. The thought made me a bit sad. He stopped and looked at me. I could tell he knew I wasn't okay. I tried to smile, but I knew I wasn't fooling him.

"Maybe you should tell him," he said, his voice low.

I shook my head, my eyes fearful. "He doesn't need to know. Nobody should."

He sighed, shaking his head. He knew I would not be moved on this. "It'll get better Mia," he promised. "We're going home. Mom won't let it happen at home."

I smiled weakly. "You mean if she's sober enough to know what's going on."

He sighed. "It's not fair." Outside, we heard our dad scream Joe's name.

I shrugged. "You better get out there twinie." I smiled.

He smiled back weakly. "You better be here when I'm back twinie."

"Forever," I stuck my pinkie out.

He smiled, locking his with him. "And always." He kissed my forehead before leaving.

"How cute," I heard Kevin snarl as he came back into the room.

I gulped. "Don't – don't you have to go on stage?"

"Not that it's any of your business," he said. "But I came back to get something. Didn't want you to steal it while I was on stage." I decided to ignore that. Without another word, he walked over to the couch, grabbing his iPod before walking back towards the door.

"Good luck," I whispered as he started walking back out.

He stopped, his face to me. He opened his mouth to say something. And for a split second, I saw the old Kevin, the one was actually liked me. But then his eyes grew hard and the monster came back. "Whatever," he snarled before leaving.

I sighed, wishing I had never been on Broadway, the place where all our troubles began.
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Hey guys!
So I'm liking this story =]
I have this HUGE plan for it.
So stay tuned.
And just letting you guys know.
Please don't hate me for making Kevin so mean!
I honestly LOVE Kevin to death!
But I had to make him mean for my plan.
So don't hate me =[
I felt so bad the whole time I was writing his parts!
Anyways, comments/feedback pelase.
Love you!