I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale


“What the fuck are you doing,” Joe shouted at Troy as Troy hit the emergency stop button. “Are you fucking crazy?”

Troy smirked, his gaze not moving from me. I didn’t move at all. I was frozen on spot as he continued to point the gun at me. “Hello Mia,” he said. Troy looked a mess. His hair was messy, his clothes ragged and dirty.

“Don’t fucking talk to her,” Joe spat.

Troy laughed. “You know, you may have been the big man last time, but in case you haven’t noticed, big brother, I’m the one holding the gun.”

“You’re insane,” Joe said, moving to step in front of me.

“Ah, ah, ah,” he shook the gun, stopping him. “I wouldn’t move if I were you. Or you could. And it would make it easier for me to know which one of you to kill first. But then again, it’s your life.”

I winced as Joe stood frozen. I could see him twitch. I knew he wanted to move anyway. I know he was trying to see if he could jump in front of me. “Don’t,” I begged him. “Don’t move.”

Troy laughed at that. “Aww trying to protect your big brother now Mia,” he sneered at me. “fOf course you would, seeing as he’s the only person who ever gave a damn about you. Aww poor Mia. Big brother Kevin, and precious Daddy hate me. What am I going to do with my mother always drunk? Boo fucking hoo.”

I winced, regretting telling him that. But how could I have known? Why had I been so stupid?

“Don’t you fucking talk to her like that,” Joe shouted at him.

“Or what,” Troy laughed, turning the gun to Joe. I was frozen. No. He couldn’t shoot Joe. Shoot me. Me. Not him. “Are you and your faggot ass brother going to kidnap me again? Going to beat me up?” He laughed. “You think little Nicky will come avenge you guys? God I hope so. So I can blow his brains out too.”

“You’re pathetic,” Joe spat. “I cannot believe any of us ever say differently.”

“Well,” Troy sighed, still smirking. “That really shows your judge of character, doesn’t it Joey? Now I’m all about repent these days, haven’t you heard? So I’m going to do you have a favor. You can beg me to not shoot one of you. Not both. No, one person is going to die today. But you guys can decide amongst yourselves which one that is.”

“You’re sick,” Joe threw a disgusted face at him. “Like either of us would ever want to die under your gun.”

Troy laughed, and cocked the gun. “Fuck repent. You’re dying first Jonas.” His eyes darted to me for a second before going back to Joe. “Or should I say J Jonas.”

“No,” I shouted. “Don’t shoot him.” I jumped in front of him. “Please don’t.”

“Mia, mo—“ Joe started to say.

But I didn’t hear much more, because I felt a mind numbing pain in my stomach. I grasped my stomach and fell to my knees in pain, screaming.

“Mia, honey,” Joe was over me in a second. Troy was frozen as he stared at us, the gun still pointed at Joe. “Mia, just breathe, sweetheart. Just breathe.”

“Joe,” I screamed as the pain came again.

H checked the ground. “Mia, your water broke,” he said, his eyes boring into mine, pained and frightened. “You’re going into labor.”

“That’s my baby,” Troy shouted. “That baby is mine!”

“No,” I shouted back, not knowing where I got the strength or courage to do that. “You gave up your right to call yourself a father when you raped me Troy. I hope you go to hell.”

The elevator shaft jerked. Joe grabbed me. The lights went out. And Troy’s gun went off.

I screamed as Joe’s grip tightened around me. The elevator jerked again and the lights went on. Joe frantically searched me, looking for a bullet wound. It gave me hope that he wasn’t shot himself. But I knew I wasn’t shot. There was no new pain besides the labor pain. That could only mean one thing. “J-joe,” I stammered, and pointed at Troy. He was laying on the ground, covered in blood.

Joe grabbed my head and put it against his chest as my screams started. He shot himself. He shot himself. Troy shot himself. “Sh, Mia, honey, sh,” Joe cooed me. “It’ll be okay. Shh. Just breathe.”

But I couldn’t. Troy was fucking dead too feet away. He was dead. I screamed as another contraction came.
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