I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale


"Just come with us," Joe pleaded. "It'll be fun. Come on Mia. You can’t just sit in the house all day."

We had been home for three days. My mom had been completely drunk when we came back, confined in her room. My dad was nowhere to be seen. And Kevin was too busy spending all his time with his girlfriend. This was my favorite part of being home – the fact that everyone left me alone. I was able to enjoy myself with Joe, Nick, and Frankie, and not have to worry about what would happen if I made even one mistake.

I rolled my eyes. "I won't. I'll go to Pinkberry with Nick. But I am not coming on your date with you. We're twins, but that's going too far. Besides, watching you make out? Not my idea of a blast. No offense."

He rolled his eyes. "Honestly, I don't know why I put up with you."

"Um because we share the same chromosomes," I smirked.

He laughed. "Fine, fine. But are you sure you don't want me to stay home and hang out with you? We're finally home so we can hang out again."

I smacked him in his chest. "So that Britt can kill me for taking her boyfriend away the day we get back? Yeah right."

He laughed. "Fine." He paused and looked around before looking at me. "Just – try to stay clear of everyone but Nick, okay Mia? I know Kevin and dad aren't here. But mom's drunk, and if they come back, and I'm not here…" He shuddered. "Just – stay away, okay?"

I nodded, my eyes started to water. As baby-ing as it sounded, I knew there was truth and a high possibility in his words. I know that with my mom unaware of what was going on, I couldn't stay in the house without Joe being here to step in as he usually did. "I'll be fine," I promised as his phone rang. I knew it would be Britt, his girlfriend of 3 years. "Go, before she kills you too."

He smirked. "Okay. Bye." He left and I sighed, walking out of our room and walking towards Nick's.

"Hey," I said as I opened the door. Nick smiled up at me from his computer chair where he had his guitar, and his headphones out. He pulled them off. "Want to go get ice cream?"

He thought about it. "Are you buying?"

I laughed. "Of course. Let's get Frankie too."

"I'm in," he grinned, jumping up and putting his stuff away. "Pinkberry?"

I smirked. "Is there any other ice cream place?"

"Mia," Frankie said quietly as we sat down with our ice cream in Pinkberry.

"Yeah," I asked.

"Why are dad and Kevin mean to you," he asked quietly.

I sighed, not knowing what to say. I saw Nick looking at me too, probably wondering the same thing. "You see Frankie, dad wanted another musical boy. And Kevin – well Kevin liked having the special treatment because he was the oldest, and everyone knows that being a girl trumps everything else," I lied and lied and lied. I could see that Nick didn't believe it, but I could see it sinking into Frankie's expression.

"But you can sing," he said. "I've heard you. Isn't dad happy with a singing girl?"

Shit, I thought. "Frankie, you know I don't sing anymore," I said quietly.

"But you did," he insisted. "You're really good too Mia. The voice of an angel. Why isn't he happy with that?"

I sighed, looking at Nick for help. I knew he didn't know the answer, but I also knew he could help me out of this. He nodded curtly before turning to Frankie. "Dad wanted another brother for the band. It's not the Jonas Brothers is our sister's in it."

"So you could have named it something else," Frankie rolled his eyes.

Dammit, why was this kid so smart? Because he was a Jonas, oh yeah. "I don't sing anymore Frankie," I said again. "You know that."

"Why not," he asked.

I sighed. "Because it hurts my throat. Now please just eat your ice cream."

He nodded and started eating it. I saw Nick smile at me apologetically. I sighed, digging into my own.

"Yo bro," we heard a voice say. We turned to see a guy walking towards us. He had brown hair, and blue eyes. And he was pretty much gorgeous.

"Hey Troy," Nick stood up to greet him. "What's up man?"

"Nothing, just getting some ice cream," he said, holding up the brown bag in his hand. "And I was in the mood for some fruity pebbles."

"Pinkberry is the best," I blurted out without thinking.

Troy's eyes wandered to me. "Hi," he grinned, his eyes quickly doing a once over. "You're Amelia, right? The Jonas sister?"

I smirked. Oh the benefits of being a Jonas. Hot guys always knew your name. "Mia," I said.

"Nice to meet you," he said.

"Want to chill with us," Nick asked, smirking at me.

Troy shrugged, looking at me. "If it's okay with you."

"It's definitely fine," I said as he took the seat next to me.

"No way," I laughed. "I don't believe you."

"I'm telling you," Troy insisted. "He ate it. It was so gross."

"People are so weird," I shook my head, still giggling.

"So um Mia," Troy said. "Could I get your number possibly? So I could um – call you. Maybe to hang out or something?"

I smiled as Nick made a gagging gesture. I kicked him under the table. "Sure," I said, quickly giving it to him.

"Oh no," I heard Nick mumble. I looked at him and saw his eyes on the door. I followed his gaze and gasped.

"Kevin," Frankie screamed.

I wanted to hide. But I knew I couldn't. Kevin's face turned toward us, his eyes scanning each of us. He grinned at Nick, Frankie, and Troy. When he looked at me, his expression portrayed hatred. It made my skin crawl. He walked over to us. "Hey guys," he said, looking at me as if daring me to say anything to him.

I sighed, looking away as everyone said their greetings. "Yo Kevin," Troy said, clapping his hand. "How's it going?"

"Good," he said. "Just getting ice cream for Bella and me. What about you?"

"Just chilling with your brothers and sister," Troy said.

"My sister," Kevin laughed menacingly, his eyes boring into mine. "You mean the orphan we're helping out?"

All three of our mouth's dropped as we stared at Kevin, completely surprised. I couldn't believe he said that, especially when it was so untrue. It stung to know Kevin didn't even want to refer to me as his sister. Troy looked at Kevin and then me, clearly confused. "What?"

"Kevin," Nick stood up. "Maybe it's time for you to go home."

Kevin just smirked at me menacingly before turning and walking out.

I blinked quickly, trying to stop the tears. Under the table, Frankie took my hand and squeezed it.

"Sorry about that," Nick said to Troy. But I knew it was more to me.

"What's his problem," Troy asked, still confused.

"He's – mad at Mia," Nick said. "He lost his guitar and he thinks she has it."

"Oh okay," Troy nodded. "So I have to go, but um – I'll call you, okay Mia?"

I nodded, barely in my own body anymore. I had closed myself, become numb to not feel the pain, the rejection. "Okay," I said quietly.

He left, and Nick put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay," he asked.

I sighed, not saying anything for a second. I smirked, hiding my feelings. "Hey, he wanted my number. And he was hot. Of course I'm fine."

Nick rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well wait till Joe finds out that you gave your number to some random guy – no matter how hot you think he is."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh okay so new characters =]
So again, I felt so bad for making Kevin mean.
But again, you'll see why later.
Anyways, banners please?
Mia = Lucy Hale =]
Comments/feedback please