I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale

Shattered Glass

"Sup pretty peoples," Joe said as he come into the living room with Britt where I was sitting on the couch watching Nick and Frankie face off in Rock Band. His arm was draped around her neck. "Well pretty people and Nick," he smirked.

Nick rolled his eyes, not even turning towards Joe as he continued to play. "Not funny man. Why are you always picking on me?"

Joe laughed. "Cause I can't pick on Mama Mia without insulting myself too. Twins, dur."

"Plus I'm way cooler than you," I added. He waved that off. I laughed. "Hey Britt. Long time no see."

"Hey Mia," she smiled at me. "I know. It's been way too long. What have you been up to?"

"Eh same stuff as usual," I replied. Nick scoffed. I glared at him, my eyes quickly darting to Joe. Joe had a tendency of – overreacting when it came to guys and me.

"Ask her what she did today at Pinkberry," Nick said.

I glared at him, wanting to kill him. Joe looked at me. "What did you do?"

"We um we went to Pinkberry," I said, looking at my hands.

"And she gave Troy her number," Frankie blurted out.

"Thanks Tank," I sighed.

"Troy as in. . . Troy Bolton," Joe asked. I saw he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were on Nick. Nick nodded. Joe's eyes darted back to me. "Are you insane," he shouted. "Why are you giving you're number to random guys you don't know? Unless you met him and I didn't know? What is wrong with you?"

I sighed. "Firstly, no I just met him. Secondly, that's the point of giving someone your number, to get to know them, and thirdly, calm down Joe. It's not that big of a deal. I just gave him my number. He's probably not even going to call."

Joe rolled his eyes. "You're a Jonas. Of course he's going to call. You are my twin. The fact that I'm prettier than you aside, we're pretty people."

"No way are you prettier than me," I rolled my eyes.

"Uh yes I am," he said. "Don't try to change the subject. The point is you can't go out with this guy."

"Nickie, why is Joey telling Mia what to do," Frankie asked.

"Okay, time for us to go Tank," Nick said, ushering our little brother out.

"I'm coming too," Britt said quickly. She darted out after them.

I stood up as they left. "The point? Oh really Joseph? Are you going to tell me what to do? Well no need because he didn't even call yet. And just putting this out there, when, not if, but when he does, I am going to say yes to whatever plans he has."


"No Joe," I cut him off. "I know I don't know Troy. But he seems like a cool guy. And I mean, do you even know him?"

"Not exactly, but—"

I cut him off again. "So just back me up, okay twinie?"

He smiled a bit. "Fine twinie. You better be careful though." He pulled me close to him and hugged me. I hated the fact that even though we were twins, he was a good 4 inches taller than me. But at times like this, it usually helped as I buried my head in his chest. "But I'm coming to meet him properly," Joe added.

I sighed, knowing I couldn't get out of that one. I nodded. "If he calls," I whispered.

"He will," Joe reassured me.

"Thanks," I smiled. "By the way, you're still so not prettier than me."

"Shh," he petted my head. "You're ruining our twin moment here."

I laughed. And then my phone started ringing. I quickly grabbed it off the couch. It was a number that I apparently didn't have, since it didn't have a name. "Oh my God," I panicked. "What if it's him? What do I do?"

"Um, pick it up," he suggested, smirking.

"Right," I said, opening it and putting it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey Mia. It's Troy – from Pinkberry," he said on the line.

"Right, hey," I said, a grin creeping up on my face. I saw Joe roll his eyes and mouth the word hey in a mocking fashion, batting his eyelashes. I smacked his chest. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Troy said. "I was – um wondering if you wanted to walk my dog with me."

"Walk your dog," I repeated skeptically. Huh?

He laughed nervously. "I don't want an awkward first date," he said.

"So it's a first date," I smiled to myself. Joe gasped, covering his mouth, shocked.

"Not if you don't want it to be," he said quickly. "Man, I'm so stu—"

"No, I'd love that," I said quickly, cutting him off. Joe pointed to himself. I rolled my eyes, sighing. "Um hey Troy?"


"Is it okay if Joe comes too," I asked. "I have to walk him everyday. My mom wouldn't let me get a dog."

He laughed as Joe glared at me. "No, that's cool. Bring Nick too if you want. It'll be fun."

"Okay, see you there then," I said, hanging up. I turned to Joe. "Happy?"

"No, but let's go tell Nicky we're going on a double date with you and Troy."


"Don't make me go back for the leash," I grumbled to Joe as we entered the park and he fidgeted. Britt had gone home, and now Nick, Joe, Frankie, and I were in the park, meeting Troy for our date. I couldn't believe he had actually asked me out – especially so quickly.

Joe rolled his eyes. "Funny," he said. "Now where's your boyfriend?"

I felt my cheeks burn. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Yet," Nick smirked. I smacked him.

"He better not be your boyfriend," Joe warned. "You're too good for him."

"You haven't even met him yet," I reminded him.

"I don't need to meet him to know he's not good enough for my sister," he shrugged.

I smiled as we heard Troy call my name. Our heads all turned in his direction. Sure enough, he was holding a leash for his dog as he walked towards us. "Hey guys," he said, hugging me. "Joe, right?" He stuck his hand out.

I saw Joe begrudgingly shake it. "Yes I am." Troy looked at me confused. I elbowed Joe. He sighed. "I mean, yeah. Nice to meet you."

"You too," he said. "So ready to walk," he asked me.

"Er--," I looked at the dog, edging closer to Joe. Let's say dogs and I didn't quite mix. I could see Joe's eyes appraising Troy.

Troy noticed my expression and laughed a bit. "He doesn't bite pretty girls," he said.

Joe rolled his eyes. "How about you guys walk and Joe and I will walk him," Nick suggested. I could see Joe didn't like that.

"Or," Troy said. "You guys can hold the leash and we'll all walk together. I'm sure you guys will want to get to know me more."

Joe looked at him, surprised. I could see Troy growing on him. "As long as you keep that thing way over there," I said.

Troy laughed, handing the leash to Nick.


"Admit it," I said as Joe and I walked into our room that night. "You like him."

Joe rolled his eyes. "He's okay."

I laughed. "Right. You love him."

"Whatever," he said, going to the closet. "Still doesn't mean he's good enough for you."

I sighed, throwing a pillow at him. "You don't think anyone's good enough for me."

"Because no one is," he shrugged. He sighed, throwing the pillow back. "Do you like him?"

I nodded. "I think I do."

"Then okay," he said. "Now go get me a glass of water."

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Yes sir."

I walked out, closing our room door behind me. I walked downstairs, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. I heard my parents in the living room, shouting at each other, fighting again, just as they had been for so many years now. I sighed, knowing it was all my fault. I quickly walked to the kitchen to get Joe his water. I paused again as I saw Kevin standing there, listening to them. He turned to me, his expression cold and hateful. "Are you happy now you stupid little orphan? Do you see what you did to this family?"

I whimpered as he grabbed his cup from next to him. "I- I'm sorry," I whispered.

"I had told you, hadn't I," he said quietly, his voice full of hatred. "I told you to keep your mouth shut. But you had to be a little princess, didn't you? And now you've shattered this family." He threw the glass my way. It hit the wall next to me, glass and liquids spilling all over me. I could smell that it was alcohol. "You've shattered us like that damned glass." He walked right past me, not even looking at me. I waited till he was gone before letting the tears out. Without thinking, I ran back up to mine and Joe's room.

He was already in bed. "Joe," I whispered in the dark.

"Yeah," his voice said. I heard him sit up and turn the light on. He gasped. "Mia, what happened?"

"I – mom and dad were fighting and –"

"Did dad do this to you," he asked quietly as he pulled me into his arms protectively. I shook my head. "Then who?"

"K-k-k-kevin," I sobbed into his chest.

"That asshole," Joe said, holding me tighter. "Wait till I –"

"No Joe," I cried out. "D-d-don't. It doesn't matter. Yelling at him, hitting him – it won't do anything."

"Mia, he threw glass at you," Joe seethed. "You're bleeding. I know he's mad at what happened – before. But he's taken it too far."

"Joe, I just want to sleep," I pleaded. "Please don't."

He sighed. "Fine. Do you want to sleep in my bed?" I nodded. He pulled the blanket closer around us as he continued to have his hand around me, stroking my hair. "Night twinie."

I smiled weakly. "Night twinie. Will you be here when I wake up?"

"Forever and –"

"Always," I finished, smiling as he turned off the light.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes two updates in one day :)
I was just really into this story!
This chapter is for Bethany who has been begging me to update this.
So I have no banners for this. Anyone want to make me some?
Amelia/Mia is played by Lucy Hale.
Thanks :0
Comments/feedback please?