I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale

The Shy Protector

I woke up, not really wanting to remember yesterday night. I could feel pain flowing through my body as I felt the cuts from the glass. I knew it would take a long sleeve shirt to hide them. I also knew I had to hide them – especially from Joe. Joe. He wasn't in the bed with me. I started panicking, wondering what I was going to do. Kevin could be outside – waiting to find me alone. More panic started seeping through me. I knew it was dumb, and that he wouldn't be stationed right outside mine and Joe's room, waiting to ambush me the second I walked out. But the look he had given me when he threw that glass – it still gave me shudders.

I got ready slowly, wanting as much time to myself as I could possibly get. But, looking at the 11:30 it said on the clock by Joe's bed, I knew there wasn't any way around it. The boys had their shooting for People Magazine at 3, and Joe had given me no choice but to go. His exact words, I think, were come or I'll shave your eyebrows off while you sleep[/]. I – wouldn't really put it past him either. I walked slowly down the stairs, listening for any sign of movement. But there was nothing. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I finally started hearing the clattering of utensils. They were in the kitchen. But which ones were there?

I peeked in and saw Joe, Nick, and Kevin. I sighed in relief, revealing myself completely. "Morning guys," I said taking a seat next to Joe.

"Morning Ms. Twin," Joe grinned at me, handing me a plate of burnt pancakes. I wondered which one of them had made them. "I see you're finally up."

"You could have waken me up," I rolled my eyes.

Nick and Joe snickered. "Like we could be in the same room with that snoring," Nick said.

"I do not snore," I said defensively. "Do I Joe?"

Joe dug into his pancakes, deciding not to answer. I glared at him as Nick started laughing. "I'd take that as a yes," he said. "But don't sweat Mia, you didn't miss anything but the awkward silence."

"And we'd prefer if you'd left and kept us to it," Kevin mumbled.

I looked down at my pancakes as Nick and Joe glared at him. I heard Joe throw his fork and knife down. "Shut up Kevin."

"Or what," Kevin sneered. "You'll burn more pancakes?"

Joe pushed back his chair, standing up to Kevin, who mimicked his actions next to him. "Don't think I didn't see the cuts Kevin," Joe seethed. I pulled my sleeves down more. "What the fuck is your problem? She's your fucking baby sister."

"Cuts," Nick asked quietly. We all ignored him. My eyes were glued on Joe and Kevin.

"Correction, she's your baby sister," Kevin shot back. "I have three brothers. And that's it."

Joe pushed him. "So what? You're not part of this family? Because this family have four boys and one girl. Whatever happened before – it was a stupid mistake by a little girl Kevin. You have no right to treat her like everything is her fault."

Kevin pushed him back. "I'm warning you Joe. Back the fuck out. It's none of my business."

"Wrong," Joe stabbed his finger in Kevin's shoulder. "She's my twin, and my sister. Hence, it is my business."

"Unfortunately, mom wouldn't get the abortion dad wanted," Kevin said under his breath.

And that's when Joe lost it. He punched Kevin in the gut. Kevin staggered back, but regained his composure. "You shouldn't have done that," he said.

Three things happened simultaneously. One, Kevin punched Joe in his shoulder. Two, I jumped up to get in front of Joe. And three, Nick jumped to hold Kevin back.

"Joe, stop it," I begged, trying to grab his arm as he swung at Kevin again. "Please. Stop it."

"Kevin, this isn't cool," Nick said. "You need to chill out man."

Kevin swung again. Except this time, his fist made contact with my face. I staggered back, holding my jaw and my mouth. I pulled my hand away, and saw, in horror, blood. Joe seemed to lose it even more. He stepped up to Kevin, and was about to swing at him. But Kevin was already at the ground. We gasped, looking at see Nick standing over him, his hands balled up into fists. Nick, the shy protector, Nick, the quiet listener, Nick, my little brother was standing over Kevin, glaring at him – in a way I had never seen him look at anyone before. There was so much anger in his face. I willed my eyes to turn to Kevin. He was on his back, hoisting himself up with one elbow. His other hand was covering his nose. I gasped, covering my face in horror. It was covered in blood.

"She's your sister too," he seethed, his tone deadly. "It doesn't matter what happened before, what happens now, what will happen. She will always be your sister. And you have no right to treat her like that. You don't want to accept she's your sister? You don't want to treat her with the respect she deserves? Fine. Whatever. That's your choice. But listen carefully to our choice. Until you realize that family is family no matter what, and that she does matter, and she is your sister, we don't want you talking to us."

Kevin just gaped at him. His expression was similar to the one on my own face. It was pure shock. I couldn't believe Nicholas – peaceful Nicholas, had just said that. I was in utter shock. Joe and I watched quietly as Kevin got up, throwing a look at Nick, and then Joe, skipping me. "Wow," he said quietly.

"You can leave now," Nick dismissed him.

Kevin looked at Nick for a long time in silence. But then he nodded, and walked out of the dining room. He paused by the door, and turned back, his eyes on me. It was the look again. I felt a shudder going down my spine. "They won't always be there to protect you, little sister. I'll be waiting for that day," he seethed before turning and walking out.

Joe turned to me, and hugged me. Nick brought over some napkins and a glass of water for my mouth. "So I think that reached him." Joe and Nick looked at me skeptically, as if I had gone insane because of the impact on my face. Joe even felt my forehead. I rolled my eyes. "Somewhere deep, deep down. I think it got through to him there." The rolled their eyes. "Thanks Nickie," I whispered, hugging him.

He kissed my forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
AHHH!! So props to Bethany (you can't decode) aka my secret lover/business partner for her amazing idea =]
I love you!!!!
So yeah. Um, again, I'm sooo sorry to make Kevin sound soo mean. You'll understand really really soon. I promise. Next few chapters, I'm planning.
So yeah. I have NO banners for this =[
Anyone want to make me some?
I'd love you forever! =]
Hehe and um… comments/feedback please?
Love you guys!