I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale


Joe, Nick, and Kevin had gone to their photo shoot. Joe had finally let me gracefully opt out of going with them. I was grateful for that. I had caused so much discord between my brothers already. Even when they went, Joe and Nick had called Big Rob to drive them there separately rather than go with Kevin in his car, as was the original plan.

I was sitting on my computer, thankful for the privacy. Whenever my brothers were gone, I wrote lyrics. I could never actually let them know I did, because the whole never singing again thing would come up. And even though Joe knew the reason I had stopped, he would still bug me. And I couldn't go through that. Frankie ran into my room, clinging onto my legs, and burying his head into my lap.

I put my hand on his hair. He looked up at me, his cheeks stained with tears. "What's wrong Frankie," I asked anxiously.

He didn't need to say anything. Because in that moment, I heard it – the yelling. "Dad's home," I said.

It wasn't a question. But Frankie nodded anyway. "Why are they always fighting," Frankie cried. "It scares me."

I gently wiped his cheeks of the tears. "Don't be scared Frankie," I whispered. "I'm right here."

"Can you make them stop Mia," he begged. "Please?"

I sighed. "You know dad won't listen to me Frank," I said. "Joe and them should be home soon."

"I can't take it Mia," he cried, burying his head into my lap again. "Please try. Mom will listen. Please?"

I sighed, getting up. It was, after all, my fault. I had to help my little brother. "I'll try Frankie. Wait here okay," I whispered to him.

He nodded, kissing my cheek before I went down. I followed the screams to the living room.

My dad saw me. "Great," he said sarcastically. "Perfect. This is all we need. That brat ruining everything again."

I ignored his comments, facing my mom. She looked somewhat sober, but there was a redness to her eyes still. "Frankie is crying and scared."

"Get the hell out of here," my dad screamed before my mom opened her mouth. "We don't want to hear your shit."

"Don't talk to her like that," my mom yelled back. "You have no right to talk to my daughter like that."

"That's right," he spat back. "Your daughter. I don't have a daughter." I cringed at his words.

"You don't deserve her," my mom snapped back. "You're nothing but a lying, cheating—"

She broke off as my dad's expression turned venomous. I screamed as he lunged at her. Without thinking, knowing he'd probably kill me, I jumped in front of my mother. "No," I screamed, shaking with anger and shock. "Leave her alone. Don't you dare touch her." The words were leaving my mouth but they sounded alien. "You are not going to hit her because of me."

My dad was just as shocked, his jaw practically touching the floor. Then he started laughing. "You think everything is about you, don't you princess? The whole world revolves around you? You think you're some hot shot royalty with your twin brother babying you, and your bitch of a mother protecting you. You even have your naïve little brother wrapped around your manipulating finger. What, does that make you some hot shot, huh? No it doesn't. Want to know why," he seethed. Every word was poison, and every word cut straight through me. But my expression didn't change. "You're not some princess. You're a spoiled, horrid, ungrateful little brat," he spat. "And I'm going to teach you your lesson today."

He advanced towards me. I cringed, my hand automatically reaching up to protect my face. The door opened, and all our attentions turned to find Joe walking in. His eyes tightened, his body frozen as he assessed the situation. "What the hell is going on," he asked. His words were slow.

"N-nothing," I stammered.

"You can leave Joseph," my dad's tone was cold.

Joe didn't leave. He walked towards us. His eyes landed on my mother, and I saw her slightly incline her head. He turned to glare at his father. "Get away from her," he seethed, moving to stand in front of me.

"It's none of your business Joseph," my dad's voice was still cold. "Go to your room."

"She's your own flesh and blood," Joe continued, not moving. His hands were balled up in fists and he was shaking slightly. "Whether you like it or not, she's your daughter. You have no right treating her like this. She doesn't deserve anything you've said or done."

"And she deserves you always babying her," my dad chuckled bitterly. "I'll only say this one more time Joseph. Go to your room."

"You hate her so much," Joe's voice was low as he continued to glare at our dad. "You hate her for something you did."

"Joseph," the warning was clear in my dad's tone. Stop or suffer.

But Joe didn't quit. "You hate her for telling the truth, just as you always taught her. You say she ruined this family."

"Joe," my mom's quiet voice came from behind me. I felt her also put her hand on my shoulder, comforting me. This was a hard topic for everyone.

"No mother," Joe said quietly. "He needs to hear this once and for all. You hate her because she made your disloyalty true. She brought it out in the open. You kissed that woman --"

He was cut off as our dad pushed him. Joe was knocked to the ground as my dad towered over him, his expression murderous. "That little whore ruined this family."

I was fully crying now. Joe just got up, and came to hug me, not saying another word. But then he turned to our dad again. "You cheated on mom, and Mia saw. You, the great Pasteur, you were caught committing adultery—"

He was cut off again, but this time by my dad's fist. Joe fell back onto the ground with a thud. Something inside of me snapped as a scream left my mouth. I lunged forward, my hands smacking and punching and scratching, and just hurting my father. I wanted to cause him pain – pain for Joe, pain for my mother, pain for myself.

My mother's low voice turned loud and clear as she stepped forward. "Amelia," she said, calling me back. I stopped, stepping back. "That's it," she continued. "I tried. I stayed with you, because of traditions, and because of who we were. But I can't do it anymore. Not when you abuse my children. Not when you show my only daughter nothing but pure hatred and resentment. I'm done. I'm done with it all. I want a divorce."

She turned and walked out of the room calmly, leaving all of us gaping after her. Finally, she had done it. And it was all my fault. I turned, and ran out, running straight to my room. Frankie was gone, probably in Nick's room. I didn't care where he was at the moment. I just needed to be alone. I buried my head into my pillow, the tears coming swiftly. My phone started ringing. Sniffling once, I looked at the ID, a smile spreading across my face despite everything. "Hey Troy," I whispered.

"Mia," his tone was worried. "What's wrong?"


I slowly got up from the floor as I watched my mother and Mia walk out of the room. I was still shocked by both of them. My mother had finally made the right choice. And Mia – well she finally let my dad get what was coming to him. My dad was standing there, his eyes on the door as well, shaking. I glared at him slowly standing up. "I only baby her and protect her because someone has to. Someone has to save her from a monstrous, grotesque beast like you. I've been waiting for nine years for mom to do that. And about just as long for Mia. I'm only sorry it took so long."

With one last glare, I turned on my heels on left the living room. I had a twin to congratulate.
♠ ♠ ♠
AHH okay, so not my best work.
But I kind of liked it. And the whole reason for her dad's hatred was found out.
Now to deal with Kevin :)
Anyways, hoped you guys liked this chapter.
Comments/feedback please?