I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale


"But we're not a happy, perfect family," I whined as I dramatically fell onto the couch.

Everyone but my dad was in the living room. He was in his room. I was sitting on the couch between my mom and Joe. Nick was sitting on the sofa to our right, and Kevin had taken the one across from us as he sat on his computer. The boys had to go shopping for their next tour. And Joe was trying to convince the whole family to go. His pitch? We needed to seem like the perfect, well-rounded family to the public eye. Unfortunately, he had a point. But that didn't mean that I was going to give in easily.

"It's for the press Mia," Nick reminded me. "Come on, it'll be fun."

I glared at him. He was supposed to be on my side. "But why should we have to pretend to be something we're not," I asked quietly. "We're not some big happy family with no problems."

"And whose fault is that," Kevin asked, not looking up from his computer.

"Paul Kevin Jonas," my mother scolded him as Joe put his hand around my shoulders, chafing my arm comfortingly. "I have raised you better than that. What has happened to this family is no one's fault but—"

"But Mia's," Kevin looked up from his laptop, his words slow and pronounced. "And last time I checked, mom you didn't raise me at all. Or do you call being drunk in your room raising me?"

I saw the pain flash in my mom's eyes, and something inside my snapped. I turned on Kevin. "Shut the hell up Kevin. You don't even know what you're talking about. Why don't you leave her alone? She's your mother. None of this is her fault," the words were a jumble, and my voice had risen a few octaves, but I didn't care. "I know you think this family was so perfect before – it. And I know you had told me to not tell anyone about what I saw. But Kevin, the fact that I saw it was proof that this family was never perfect. But you know what? You can blame me all you want, but you sure as hell know better than to blame mom."

Everyone was gaping at me when I was done. Feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, I buried my head into Joe's arm, trying to hide. "What," I asked warily.

Joe smiled at me, squeezing my shoulder. "Nothing. We're all very proud of you."

"Go Mama Mia," Nick got up to high five me.

I rolled my eyes at him. I forced myself to look at Kevin. He was still staring at me, a weird look on his face. And my mom was staring at him. Nobody said anything for a few seconds.

And then my mom broke the silence. "Honey, I know you think I'm such a bad mother, that Mia was wrong in telling me what she saw. But honey – you have to understand. What happened that day, what she saw – it wasn't a one time thing. That woman, Mel, he'd been seeing her for 2 years before Mia saw."

We all gaped at my mother. "He – what," Kevin choked out the words.

Our mom just nodded. "He – eventually told me everything. He says he stopped seeing her, but then – where does he go all the time these days? Why are we not allowed to go to our house in Texas without letting him know a week in advance? I'm sorry guys. I didn't want to tell you all of this."

Kevin's jaw was practically on the ground. He sent one more look my way before sighing. "Are we going shopping or not?"


And so here we all were, riding in the car to the mall. Joe had even asked my dad to come, though the words had been more clenched through his teeth. The ride was quiet. We were all too busy thinking about what my mom had told us. And my dad, of course, had no idea we knew. Finally, we arrived at the mall.

"Joe, Nick, Kevin, over here," a reporter called out as the paparazzi surrounded us.

"Frankie, just one picture?"

"Denise? Paul? A picture of the parents behind the fame," another called.

Of course, even Frankie and my parents got more attention than I did. I didn't usually mind when it was just the boys and I. I mean, they were the famous ones, not me. But I couldn't help but feeling left out as the media tried to get pictures of the whole family besides me. Oh well, I thought. I wasn't interesting anyway. I stepped back into the shadows a bit, letting the family have their moments. But then I felt an arm around my shoulders. Joe smiled at me, his eyes concerned and understanding. I sighed. Joe knew me too well. He pulled me next to him, his arm draped around my neck. "Forget all the others," he told the paparazzi. "This girl right here is the one you need to know. My baby twin sister, Mia. She's a cool chick. Though," he smirked. "She gets most of that from me."

I smiled at him, rolling my eyes slightly. Stunned, I stood there uncomfortably next to Joe as the reports started taking my picture, asking me questions. "How does it feel to be the Jonas sister," one asked.

I opened my mouth to answer but my dad stepped in front of me. "She loves it, of course," he grinned at the cameras. "All the tag along fame? Who wouldn't?"

"Kind of like with you," I heard Joe breathe next to me.

But before he could say or do anything else, he was bustled into a store with Nick and Kevin. The reporters followed them in, leaving me alone with my mom and dad.

"What the hell did you do that for," my mom asked him quietly, though the anger could still be heard.

My dad laughed. "Like anyone really wants to know about her."

I didn't say anything as my mom shook her head.

"Mia," I heard someone say behind me. I turned to see Troy standing there, grinning at me.

"Troy," I exclaimed, hugging him quickly. "What are you doing here?"

"Shopping," he grinned. "You?"

"My brothers need stuff for the new tour," I said.

"Want to go get a soda or something," he asked.

"I'd love too," I grinned. Suddenly, I thought of something. "Hey, I want you to meet my mom." I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to where my mom and dad were still standing. "Mom, this is my friend Troy. Troy, this is my mom."

Troy stepped up to hug her. "Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Jonas."

My mom smiled at him before sending a look towards me. I could tell she approved. "The pleasure is all mine Troy."

We didn't say anything then. Troy sent a brief look at my father and then me as if waiting for me to introduce them too. I looked at the ground. "So Troy," my mom saved me. "Come here often?" Or not...

"Okay then," I said loudly. "Time for us to go. I'll see you later mom." I lightly pushed Troy away, sending a look at my mom before we left. She winked at me.

Once we were far away enough, Troy turned back to me, smirking a bit. "Was your mom – hitting on me?"

"What? Psh, huh – I—she,, pshh no," I stammered. He laughed. "Sorry about that," I mumbled. "Can't choose your family."

"I like your family," he said softly before taking my hand as we walked. "You guys seem so – close."

I smiled, feeling a weird sensation running up my arm. I liked Troy, but he was dead wrong. My family was really messed up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. So I hope the whole Kevin's hatred is explained now.
I hope you guys liked this. Haha I actually kinda liked this chapter.
Many thanks to Bethany for begging me to update this =]
Comments/feedback please?
Love you guys!