I'm Not a Princess, This Ain't a Fairytale


"No way," Troy laughed. "I don't believe that."

"I swear," I giggled as we sat in the food court. We were both done eating, but we had spent the last hour talking. I was really starting to like him. "He literally tried to talk to every animal he saw after that. One dog almost bit him."

Troy laughed. "Joe's a funny guy." He took a sip of his coke.

I smiled. "Yeah."

"Okay," he said, putting his cup down. "So I've heard about Nick and Frankie. I feel like I practically know your twin Joe. But you haven't said anything about Kevin. "

I froze. "What's to say," I asked quietly.

Troy scrutinized my face. "What's he like?"

I sighed, knowing the only way I would get out of this was to tell Troy the truth. But I didn't know if I wanted to do that yet. I could feel myself trusting him, but still – at the same time, I knew I didn't know him well enough. "He's 21. He likes John Mayer, the color green, can smell Starbucks a million miles away, and is practically glued to either his phone or his laptop."

I knew there was a longing to my voice. I wished I could know him better. I wished he could know me better. But I reminded myself that he didn't want either of those. I sighed, looking at Tory. His eyes were locked on mine as if he was looking past my lies. He slowly reached over and touched my face lightly. "If everything okay?"

"It's nothing," I said quickly.

"You can trust me," he prompted. "My friends say I'm a pretty good listener. And I really like you Mia." I forced myself not to let my mouth fall at that. He liked me? "You can tell me if you're comfortable."

I thought about it. I did trust Troy. And I really liked him. I smiled weakly at him. "Kevin and I – don't get along," I said vaguely.

He looked confused. "Did you guys get into a fight?"

"Something like that," I mumbled.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he said.

"No it's okay," I said. I was ready to tell someone. And I knew I could trust Troy. I sighed. I decided to start at the very beginning. "I used to sing a lot – as much as Nick, way more than Joe did before. I was on Broadway with them."

He smiled. "I bet you have a beautiful voice. Why'd you stop, which I'm guessing you did, since it's not The Jonas Siblings or JONAS or something?"

I sighed. "It was our second year on Broadway. Nick and I were performing in The Sound of Music. I had to stay late for practice one night. Nick was sick so, begrudgingly, he let my mom, and Kevin take him home early. Joe was already home sick with my grandmother. And my dad – he was supposed to stay alone to take me home."

"And he didn't stay," Troy asked.

I shook my head. "He did. But he – wasn't alone."

Troy took my hand, squeezing it. I smiled, feeling strangely comforted. Troy was so amazing. I knew I made the right choice telling him. "What did you do," he asked.

I sighed. "I didn't say anything till we got home. I was going to go ask Joe what to do. But I remembered my mom and my Nana were both in the room with him and Nick. So I went to Kevin's room. When I told him, he smacked me across the face. He said I was lying," I strained to keep the words coherent. Troy silently squeezed my hand again. "He said I had better not tell anyone, especially not my mom, the lie." I shuddered, remembering that day. "I – didn't know what to do. I was so scared. I didn't want Kevin to be mad at me. But I didn't think it was right for my mom to – not know. So for three days while Joe was sick, I kept quiet. I didn't talk I didn't eat. I just sat there. I stopped singing too. I had my mom call the theatre and tell them I couldn't do it. We had only had 2 practices so it was fine."

"What happened when Joe got better," he asked.

I looked at him blankly, my mind on that day. "Joe got so mad. I was scared he was going to him me – like Kevin had. But he saw I was scared and he promised he would never hurt me. He said he was mad at Kevin for hitting me. He was mad at dad for cheating on mom. And he was mad at himself for being so sick that he couldn't be there when I saw it." I rolled my eyes at that memory. "Just like Joe – take all my faults, and my mistakes, and somehow find a way to blame himself. He – he told me I had to tell mom. He would protect me. He promised. I trusted him more than anyone else, seeing as he's my twin and we're really close. So I told my mom. And – my family fell apart that day."

He looked at me blankly for a second. But then realization hit his face. "I thought your family looked so close and so happy. Is that why you didn't introduce me to your dad? Because of what happened – before?" I nodded and he hugged me. "Oh Mia, I'm sorry."

I smiled at him slightly. "Thanks for listening. Your friends are right. You're a good listener."

He smirked. "So I've been told."

"Sup pretty people – and Mia," we heard Joe say. I rolled my eyes as Joe sat down next to me, smirking. Nick and Kevin followed closely behind, taking a seat in the booth as well. The paparazzi weren't too far behind.

"Funny," I smacked him.

"Just kidding twinie," he grinned at me. "Hey Troy." He put his fist up, to have Troy fist him. I rolled my eyes. He thought he was so cool.

"Hey man," he said, pounding his fist. "Hey guys," he said to Nick and – Kevin.

I looked at Kevin's expression. Something about it kept my attention from wavering. The way he was watching Troy – it was like he didn't like him. No, it was more than that. It was like he didn't want him anywhere near him – or me? I sighed, knowing I was just wishing. Kevin didn't care about me. He probably felt bad for Troy for having to be near me.

"So what have you guys been doing," Joe asked nosily.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Shut up Joe."

"What," Joe asked, trying to act innocent. "It's a reasonable question. She is my twin."

"She is sitting right here," I rolled my eyes. "And she is wishing she were an only child right now."

They all laughed – well except Kevin. He was probably wishing that too – or at least he only had brothers. I noticed his angry expression was still fixed on Troy. But I also noticed that no one paid attention to it. Huh, I thought. Were Nick and Joe still not talking to him because of me? I made a quick mental note to talk to them about that later.

Troy's phone rang. "Hello," he answered it. "No I'm at the mall. Sure I'll come pick you up," he was saying. His eyes flickered to me for a split second. He hung up. "So I've got to go."

"Oh okay," I said. "Thanks for – today."

He hugged me. "No problem," he smiled at me. He said bye to my brothers before turning back to me. "I'll call you later?" I nodded and he left.

When I looked at my brothers, Joe and Nick were smirking at me. "What," I demanded.

"Mia and Troy, sitting in a tree," Joe chanted.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Nick continued.

I rolled my eyes. "Funny guys." I looked at Kevin. And I was a bit surprised to see him glowering after Troy's retreating figure. What was up with him?
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So new update :)
Eh I kinda like it XD
Comments, please?
Love ya guys <3