This Is The Dawning Of The Rest Of Our Lives

Chapter II - Soul Mates

“Seriously man, what does this thing have against me?” Billie cried after receiving a splash of water in his face for the millionth time, trying to drink from the evil water fountain as I’d heard him call it. I’d been observing Billie and Mike pretty much all day, having nothing else to do. Several people had come up to me to ask me my name, how old I was, where I lived before I moved here during summer break…the usual stuff people are desperate to know when you’re new, only to decide, after a few minutes of talking, that you’re not cool enough to hang out with. Tré had mysteriously disappeared, and I subconsciously wondered where he’d gone.
“Dude…I have no idea,” Mike said.
“Maybe if you wouldn’t slam on it so hard to get it working it wouldn’t spit water in your face…” I chuckled, surprised by the fact that I’d just spoken. Billie and Mike looked up and turned to me.
“What do you mean?” Billie asked
“Come here, come see how evil it is, I swear, it’s attacking me!”
I got up and walked over to them.
“Look closely. All I do is this,” he said with a frown before slamming on the button to get the water running, only to get another splash thrown at him.
“Just what I said,” I said brightly
“Don’t slam. Those things have feelings youknow,” I said
“Just like that locker, like you said, it feared you. That doesn’t work with little Splashy here,” I said, patting the sink. Billie and Mike looked at me with a grin.
“You try then,” Mike said.
“All right,” I said, delicately pressing the button so the water ran out smoothly.
“There you are,” I said, the same way Billie had done that very morning. They looked at me in awe.
“You…you made it work!” Mike said.
“Made what work?” a voice came from behind us. I turned around and saw Tré walking towards us.
“Splashy,” Billie said.
“Splashy?” Tré asked hyperly, “Who’s Splashy?”
He looked at me expectantly. I giggled and pointed at the fountain.
“I FOUND YOU!” he shouted, jumping towards me and pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.
I awkwardly patted his back a bit, hoping he would release me and looking helplessly at Billie and Mike. They chuckled.
“Hey, let the kid breathe man,” Billie said, grabbing Tré’s shoulder.
Tré smirked and released me, leaving me with the feeling as though something heavy was lying on my chest.
“You’re still breathing aren’t you…hey you have a name or what?” he asked, suddenly realizing he didn’t know my name. He probably hadn’t been paying attention earlier.
“I’m Jessica,” I said, “And yeah…I’m breathing…I guess.” I said. He grinned.
“See, Billie?”
“I was just happy to have found my soul mate!” he said, grinning widely.
“Dude…why would she be your soul mate?” Mike asked, confused. Tré sighed.
“You said she made Splashy work! Only I can- could do that! Show me!” he added, looking at me eagerly.
“Uhm…okay…” I said, uncertain whether I was annoyed by his hyperness or whether I liked it. I pressed the button again, and water came out.
“AWESOME!” Tré smirked.

I spent the next few days at school in company of Billie, Mike and Tré, getting used to Tré’s random hyperness and getting to know them all better. They all grinned widely when they learned that I played the guitar. It was my turn to smirk when Billie invited me to come over that weekend to watch their band practice.
“You’re a band?” I asked, grinning.
“Yesss,” Billie grinned
“Who plays what?” I asked curiously, looking at them.
“Guitar, vocals,” Billie said
“Bass,” Mike grinned
“DRUMS! DRUMS! DRUMS!” Tré yelled, jumping around. I giggled.
“How long have you been playing?” Billie asked me once Tré had calmed down a little.
“I’ve played acoustic since I was twelve. I got my precious Jingle only two years ago, on my fourteenth birthday though.”
“Jingle?” Mike asked
“My Fender Stratocaster, my little sister Tessie called it Jingle. She kept saying : jingl! jingl! jingl!” I chuckled
“Awesome,” Billie grinned, “Blue’s a Fender Stratocaster too.”
I grinned.
“You’ve got a little sister?” Tré asked.
“Yeah, she’s four,” I smiled.
“I love kids!” he grinned.
“Of course, it’s good to interact with people of your own age,” Mike said, hitting Tré’s shoulder.
“That’s mean!” he pouted.
“See?” Mike said, looking at me.
“I bet you’d get along great with Tessie.” I said, “That certainly reminds me of her sometimes.” I giggled, as Tré continued to pout.
“You’re mean too!” he said, and I laughed.
“You like me right? Don’t you Bill?” he asked, turning to Billie.
“Not if you call me that!” he said, rolling his eyes and chuckling.
“But Biiiilll!”
“Shut up, Fr-”
“Okay, okay.”