Give Me a Reason to Believe

Chapter One

Belleville. It had been three weeks since we moved to that scary New Jersey city, and still I hadn’t met anyone. School started in six weeks and I was not ready at all. I’d seen a lot of people walk by our house outside my window, but only five that really interested me.

And they were always together. They seemed to be pretty tight. They all had very different looks to them. One has bright orangey red-brownish hair that sticks out in an untamed afro. The next has blond, clean cut hair and a ring through his lip.

I can’t really tell what he looks like because he’s always wearing sunglasses. The next guy has wavy brown hair and cute black glasses. Another has black mohawkish hair that swoops over one eye. He has many piercings. I find him somewhat attractive. The one that makes them all seem almost homely in comparison though, is the reason I’ve been watching them all so closely. He has these hazel-greeny-bluish eyes that seem like you could too easily be trapped in them forever.

At least that’s how I’ve felt a few times.

His hair is shoulder length and jet black, and looks similar to the boy with glasses. They must be related. He wears sunglasses as well, but the thing that gives him this enchanting eeriness is that he only wears them at night.

It’s as if he wants everyone to know what mesmerizing eyes he has, but no one can see them at night so he might as well cover them anyways. I’ve heard them all talking because I like to spend my time in our gazebo, painting in the front yard. One of them, or possibly more, because any of them could be related, lives next door.

I can’t tell which because I’ve only seen them all together. By observation, I’ve learned most of their names. The one with the fro they simply called Toro. The one with the single piercing was Bob, the one with many piercings was Frankie, the one with the glasses was Mikey, simply titled “loser”, and my muse was “Gee.”

I later learned that the one called loser was actually Mikey, and he and and Gee were actually related, brothers, in fact, that the group often referred to as The Brothers Grimm.

I HAD to meet them, HAD to finally find out what it was about this jewel-eyed boy that captivated me so!

They looked about my age, so I hoped they at least went to Belleville Central High.

One day, while painting a portrait that was particularly important to me, my mom called me inside to the phone. I was just telling my best friend Isabella from Detroit about the terrors of my new city when I heard a murmur from outside.

I told her I’d call her back and walked outside. Turning to my gazebo, I stopped in my tracks, mortified.

Frankie, Toro, Mikey, Bob, AND Gee -No, anyone but Gee!- were surrounding my painting outside the Gothic styled shelter, as if afraid to get too close to the canvas.