Give Me a Reason to Believe

Chapter Sixteen

I woke up in a soft bed.

Gerard's bed.

I was still wearing his shirt, and I still smelled like him. This whole setup smelled like him. The pillows... the sheets... the blanket... Mmm.

Then I noticed something else that smelled an awful lot like him.


He was lying next to me, his arms wrapped tightly around me, softly smiling in his slumber.

I smiled brightly and kissed him softly on the forehead. He looked just like an angel. A pale, black-haired, skinny little angel... My angel.

I snuggled closer to him and buried my head in his chest. He was only wearing boxers, I realized. His skin was soft and warm. Inviting.

In his sleep, he nuzzled his face into my hair and did something that slightly resembled a kiss. I held him closer.

"Gerraaarrrdddddd..." I sang... "Wake up, doll face." I trailed my fingers around his chest and up to his face. I kissed him softly, and he responded slightly. He was still half asleep. I deepened the kiss a little and his response became a little more urgent.

He opened his eyes as I pulled away from him.

"Tease," he mumbled sleepily, grinning.

"Hey, it woke you up."

He smiled and leaned in for another kiss. I grinned evilly and pulled back.

"Heyyyy..." he said, pouting, "you know what I can do. You sure you wanna play that game again?" another evil grin.

I giggled and rolled off the other side of the bed, but he was quick. He jumped up and chased me down the stairs and into the living room where the guys were sleeping on the two couches and Ray was curled up in the big armchair. Mikey and Frank were on the same couch, due to Frank's littleness and Mikey's skinniness, it worked well. Bob was stretched out on the other couch, and nobody wanted to mess with a sleeping Bob.

He finally brought me down, and I was thrashing and giggling uncontrollably on the floor as he tickled me.
"Beg for mercy!" he yelled.

"I will never surrenderrrr!!" I yelled back, between giggles.

Frankie woke with a start. I saw him eyeing Gerard suspiciously, and I decided not to say anything. His uppance would come!

Frankie jumped right off the couch and onto Gerard, knocking him to the side.

"DAMNIT GERARD, NO MEANS NO!" screamed Frankie, laughing.

"God damnit, you people! WHAT IS WITH THE GEE TACKLING!!?!!?" yelled Gerard, beginning to tickle Frankie. It was his weakness.

Frankie collapsed and escaped Gerard, who fell back, catching his breath.

Frankie tried to climb back on the couch but a pillow hit him in the back of the head. Ray had tossed it at him and cursed him for being so loud.

"It wasn't me!" he screeched, using his high, falsely indignant voice.

"Don't care, shut up," said Ray, hiding his grin.

"But it wassnn'ttt! It was those twoooo! THEY woke ME uuuup!" he whined.

"Frankie, if you shut up, there are 2 packages of Skittles left in the kitchen cupboard."

That was all he needed to hear. He got up and bolted, and the whining ceased.

"Ray! Why the hell would you put MORE sugar in his system?" Gerard laughed.

He just grinned maliciously.

The cupboard doors slammed. And again. And again. And again. He had checked all of them. We realized what was going on.

"RAY! WHERE ARE MY SKITTLES!!!!" we heard.

"Oh, my dear Frankie, terribly sorry... I must have gotten the last ones...." he said evilly, in a bad British accent, revealing Original Skittles and Tropical Skittles from under his blanket.

"Ray... please..please..give me the Skittles... please..." said Frankie slowly and quietly.

Ray chucked them into the front hallway and laughed as we watched Frankie run to retrieve them.
"You're just mean, Raymond," laughed Mikey, who'd just woken up to witness this.

"Hey, he'll be quiet now.. until he finishes them," said Ray, worried after realizing what he'd just done.

Frankie waltzed back in, smiling calmly, eating the Skittles. He sat down with his legs straight out, like a little child, and started organizing them into piles according to color.

"Red with reeed.... blue with bluuuueee.... green with greeeen... pink with p.... nevermind, there AREN'T any piiink...." he sang cutely.

I took a yellow Skittle and put it in the Blue pile.

He looked horrified.

"DAMNIT, LENA! YELLOW GOES WITH YELLOW!!!" he yelled childishly.

"Sorry, Frankie," I said, and put the yellow skittle in with the Reds.

"There is. A MONUMENTAL difference. Between the Yellows. And the Reds. You bitch," he finished with a jeering smile.

I picked up the Skittle and ate it.

He scattered the piles and crossed his arms. He then began eating them by 5's. Then he gave up the counting and just grabbed handfuls to eat. Bob, who had just woken up, laughed at him, jumped up and took a handful of Skittles.

"Heyyy..." Frankie whined.

"Gotta learn to protect whats yours, little man," said Bob, grinning as he threw the Skittles in his mouth.

We all laughed at them. Then I thought of something...

"Hey.... what day is it today?"

"It iss.... Sunday, amore. Why?" Gerard inquired softly.

"When does school start?"

"Wednesday. They have to start in the middle of the week because Monday and Tuesday are 'holidays'," replied Mikey.

"Oh, wow... it's getting closer. Frankie, which school did you say you went to?"

He scrunched his nose up, apparently trying to remember the name of it. That boy, sometimes...

"Our Lady of Sorrows. But he's transferred to Belleville Central this year. His first year in a public high school. How do you feel about that, Frankers?" asked Ray.

"Gonna be fun," was the short, distant reply from Frank, who had, unbeknownst to us, slipped into the kitchen to look for more Skittles. Which we knew he would not find.

"Fraaaank, whatcha dooiin..." asked a suspicious Gerard.

We heard silence for a moment, and all jumped and ran up to stop him when we heard glass break.