The Prey and the Predator

Good morning!

Evoni woke.
“Good morning.” Answered a kind deep voice.
Evoni looked up at Alistair.
“…Good…morn…ing…” she mumbled, wiping her eyes.
He chuckled. Evoni tried to shift from Alistair's hold, but he didn’t let go of her. She quickly looked around the room, Sara and Andrew weren’t there. Evoni lay cradled against Alistair’s chest, last night she had fallen asleep, once again, in his arms.
“Where are…Andrew and Kara?”
“You mean Sara?” He corrected.
Evoni nodded tiredly.
“You know, you are such a child when you wake up.” Alistair pointed out.
“I’m sleepy…” she murmured.
“Then go back to sleep.”
“…But…but then I won’t wake up…”
“That doesn’t make sense.” Alistair said.
“Well…shut up. Where are Kara- I mean Sara and Andrew?”
“Well, They’re both in the kitchen with the others eating breakfast.”
“But…what did they say when they saw you holding me?”
Alistair laughed.
“Well, neither of them was particularly happy.”

Evoni walk sleepily from her bedroom to the kitchen, she had, as she did every morning, looked out her window to see if her father’s car were still in the garage and today it wasn’t. He was out. And she knew that today would now be a good day.
When she walked into the kitchen Sara fell silent and gave her a bitchy stare while Andrew jumped up.
“Morning Evoni.” He smiled.
“Err…good morning…”
She walked to the fridge and pulled out the milk carton, there was only enough left for one glass, so she just started to drink from the carton.
“Evoni.” Said Tom. “Andrew and I are going out to the shops soon, but Renée and Sara will be staying here, okay?”
Evoni cringed. Just then Alistair also walked into the kitchen, Sara’s face brightened.
“Good morning Alistair.” She said, sounding seductive.
Evoni wondered how she could make even an innocent saying as ‘good morning’ sound seductive.
“Guess what, Alistair?” Evoni said sarcastically. “Tom and Andrew are going out so we get to hand out with Sara and Renée; isn’t that great!?”
“Be nice…” Alistair murmured to her, he turned to the others. “Good morning.”
They all replied happily except for Andrew who looked at Alistair with hatred.
“What were you two doing this morning?” Andrew asked annoyed.
“W-what?” Evoni asked wide-eyed.
“We saw you, Evoni.” Said Andrew, Tom looked up wondering what they were talking about. “This morning you were with Alistair, friends don’t sleep together.”
“W-we didn’t sleep together!” Evoni said freaking out. “We just…shared a bed, that’s all.”
“It was more than that.” Andrew said darkly. “You were in Alistair’s arms and-”
Alistair laughed.
“Am I allowed to speak?” Alistair asked sarcastically. Every body turned and looked at him. “Evoni had a nightmare last night, and she was sleepwalking around in the room, basically she came to me in her sleep and I comforted her, that’s all.”
Andrew paused.
“She went to you in her sleep?” Andrew asked, and then his face brightened. “Oh, well, in that case I don’t mind.”
Evoni couldn’t believe that every one there was stupid enough to actually believe what Alistair had said, but all the same, she was grateful that Alistair had convinced them.

“Let’s play a game.” Renée said.
Renée, Sara, Evoni and Alistair sat in the lounge room watching TV. Tom & Andrew had told Evoni to keep them both company while they were away.
Evoni sighed While Sara straitened up and looked at Alistair slyly.
“I know a game we can play.” Sara said.
“I think not.” Alistair said, as though he had just read Sara’s mind.
“Let’s play truth or dare!” Renée said happily. “But if you choose truth everybody has to answer the question, alright?”
“Okay.” Agreed Sara.
“……okay…” Evoni agreed reluctantly.
Alistair didn’t say anything, but he nodded instead.
“Okay, You first Sara, truth or dare?” asked Renée.
“Okay…we all have to answer the question then…When did you lose your virginity?”
Evoni stiffened; she hoped the whole game wasn’t going to be like this.
“Well.” Sara said looking at Alistair for a moment. “I was 13 and a half…”
“Oh, would that be when you were dating Jacob?” Renée asked her older sister.
Sara nodded.
“He was so cute!” Renée said. “Well, I lost mine when I was 14…it was at one of my friends parties.”
Sara and Renée looked at Alistair, waiting for him to answer. Evoni, who was sitting next to him, knew that he wasn’t going to answer. Alistair was silent for a long time.
“I was 17.” He answered. Evoni froze in shock; she didn’t actually expect him to go along with their game. “I was young, ignorant and stupid. And let my lust take over my love for my girlfriend.” He finished.
Sara looked shocked.
“You really didn’t lose it before you were 17?” she asked. Alistair nodded.
“That’s so sweet!” Sara exclaimed. “You must have cared a lot for her…why do you regret it?”
“I regret it because…” His voice was unemotional, he thought for a moment. “Because I thought I loved her…but when we were…I was too rough with her and hurt her…she told me to stop but I -” he stopped himself quickly. “The point is that I hurt her. It’s like I said before; I let my lust take over my love for her.”
Evoni couldn’t say anything. She could not believe what she was feeling…she felt so awkward. Why was Alistair playing this stupid game with them?
But she felt even more awkward when they all looked at her waiting for her to answer.
“Err…” she said. “Umm…”
“Just say it!” Renée encouraged. “None of us mind! Come on Evoni, you can tell us.”
“Yeah, when did you lose it?” Sara asked.
“I…I-I haven’t.”

“You’re kidding?” Renée asked ludicrously.
“That’s just sad…” said Sara looking away.
“Wait, you say it’s sweet for Alistair to wait till he’s 17, yet you call me sad? Hello! I’m fifteen years old!” Evoni yelled.
“Yeah, and I was 14 and Sara was 13 when we lost ours.” Said Renée. “But for a boy to wait, that’s just sweet.”
“That’s it; I’m not playing this stupid game anymore.” Evoni said. She was just about to get up when Sara stopped her.
“You agreed you’d play, though.” Sara said.
“Yes… you did agree.” -To Evoni’s surprise, it was Alistair who said this.
Evoni looked at Alistair intently.
“You agreed.” Said Alistair in response to her stare. “Just go along with it…I’m sure this game will be ending soon.”
Renée smiled.
“Okay…who’s next.” She looked at Alistair. “Truth or dare?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehehe…I will get onto the main plot of the story soon…
By the way, if you’re wondering where Conan is he’s in the forest by himself at the moment…
Please comment, and tell me what you want to happen, I’ll take all your opinions into consideration and all that jazz ^-^
Oh, and tell me if you’re alright with the chapters being this long or if you want them to be shorter.