The Prey and the Predator

Our doorway to escape

Evoni stood frozen on the spot beside Alistair. She was shaking slightly in fear from how angry Alistair was. He felt her shaking through his arm that was still around her waist.
“Don’t be afraid.” He said pulling away.
Evoni looked up at him
“Why…why were you so angry?” she asked.
He was still angry, she could see that.
“She woke me up, child…” he sighed. “For someone to wake a vampire up is…a very bad insult to make. And having her do that to me, a human and someone I hate, to wake me up and disturb me from my sleep…well, its just a very harsh insult, and I refuse to take it.” He said darkly
Evoni looked up at him, silent for a moment.
“You can go back to sleep.” She said. “You only slept for an hour or so…it wasn’t long.”
He shook his head.
“No, I’m too angry at the moment to calm myself down for sleep.” He said.
“But…but you need to sleep.” Said Evoni. “I haven’t seen you sleep at all at night and-”
Alistair laughed.
“Why are you so worried child?” he asked smiling. “I thought I told you before; vampires rarely need sleep.”
“But…” Evoni said.
He shook his head smiling.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me…plus I think you are the one who needs sleep.”
As soon as he said that Evoni yawned tiredly and her eyes stung slightly.
“You didn’t get much sleep last night.” He said. “You didn’t go to bed till late with the others…and I can see the affects it’s having on you.”
“But…” Evoni said tiredly at first, and then she spoke defiantly putting her hands on her hips. “I’m not going to sleep unless you do.”

He chuckled.
“And what makes you think you can force me to sleep?”
“Please?” Evoni asked. “Pleeease?”
“Fine.” He said and walked to the couch.
“No.” Evoni said. “I know you won’t go to sleep on the couch. I’ll sleep on the couch and you can sleep on my bed.”
He looked at her slightly annoyed.
“Why do you have to be so stubborn?” he asked darkly.
“I’m sorry…” she said softly.
He smiled at her for a moment, then went and lay down on top of her bed once again as Evoni tried to fall asleep on the couch.

Half an hour later Evoni was still awake on the couch. She was so tired and yet she couldn’t get to sleep…why?
She shifted around and opened her eyes and looked at Alistair. She froze for a moment to find him laying awake on her bed looking at her. He smiled.
“Do you give up?” he asked. “Are you going to come and sleep on your bed now, and let me go on the couch?”
Evoni didn’t answer and for five long minutes she looked at Alistair, her eyelids drooping as she watched him. She then groaned and wiped her eyes tiredly and got up from the couch and walked over to her bed. She slipped in and under the covers.
Alistair chuckled and began to climb out to reclaim his spot on the couch but he froze as Evoni reached up to him tiredly and held on to his shirt with a clumsy hand. He looked down at her.
“Child…?” he asked darkly and somewhat disapproving.
“I’m so tired…” she murmured closing her eyes.
For a moment he didn’t say anything, and then he sighed and lay back down in the bed beside her.
“So am I…”

He put his arms around her and Evoni cuddled towards him.
“Your skin’s really soft…” she said sounding like a child.
Her head was burrowed into his chest and her arms held him back weakly. She could feel the softness of his skin on her face because his shirt was slightly loose; the blankets over them were also warm and came up to Evoni’s neck.
He didn’t say anything but sighed again and held her a little more closely. She was so warm and comfortable and so was he.
It began to rain outside, but they still remained in a warm little world all their own.

Evoni was first to wake in bliss. It was still raining outside and the day had grown darker. She looked up at Alistair, his arms still held her the same, and they were both were still warm and perfectly comfortable. Evoni took in the feeling of her body so close to his. He was so warm and soft, though if she tried to move she would fail because his hold was so strong on her. She looked up at him expecting to find him looking down at her, but he wasn’t. He was…sleeping.
Evoni smiled happily. So she had made him go to sleep…
Evoni continued watching him, noticing more and more how beautiful he was. She was curious for a moment if he was real. She slowly lifted her hand up to his face and touched his skin with her fingertip.
Immediately his eyes opened and her whole body jumped in fright. He smiled.
“You woke me up.” He said accusingly.
“I’m sorry.” She said quickly. “I didn’t mean too-”
“No, I’m not angry.” He said putting his finger to her lips. “I don’t mind at all.”
Evoni smiled, and then she yawned.
“You’re still a little tired.” He said still smiling. “Go back to sleep.”
Evoni shook her head slightly.
“No…I just want to rest…” she said closing her eyes and resting her head against him again.
He chuckled quietly to himself.
“What were you doing anyway?” he asked.
“I…I was just touching your skin, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry…you really do need to stop apologizing for things.”
“I’m sorry-” she broke off and stopped herself. “I’m just used to apologizing all the time.”
“I’ve realized.” He said. “So…why were you touching my skin?”
“It’s just…I just wanted to touch you.” She laughed a little and how weird that sounded.
He laughed too then he loosened his grip on her slightly.
“W-what are you doing?” Evoni asked, not wanting him to pull away.
He smiled at her and took her hand in his.
“You mean…like this?” he pulled her hand up to his face and held it on his cheek.
He closed his eyes under her touch. Evoni didn’t want to pull away, his skin was so soft and warm, and even if she did want to pull away she knew she would be able to, he was too strong even though he may not mean to be.
Evoni also closed her eyes. After awhile she heard him chuckle. She looked back up at him to find him watching her again.
“Is my skin really that soft?” he asked smirking.
Evoni nodded slowly. He smiled and moved slightly, and he nuzzled her face against hers so their cheeks were touching. He sighed.
“I’m hoping you’re finding this as comfortable as I am.” He said.
Evoni didn’t answer, she couldn’t- she never knew that she could feel so comfortable, so warm in life.
“Heh.” He said smirking as he picked up on her feeling. “Well…as repayment, you’re to go to sleep now, child.” He said.
“But I don’t want to…” She said tiredly.
“Do as I say.” He said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Evoni woke again, and this time Alistair was awake too, watching her.
“Good evening.” He said.
Evoni’s eyes widened. “It’s night?”
He shook his head. “Late afternoon.” He corrected.
“Is father home?” she asked- only he could disturb this wonderful peace she was in.
“No…Tom rang your phone, I answered…Your fathers gone out for a couple of days with some of friends…he left Tom in charge…but Tom has now planned to stay with his friends while your father is away.” Alistair added angrily, clearly not impressed by Tom’s actions.
“Really!?” Evoni asked happily, excited. “They’re gone? Both of them!?”
He frowned. “Yes…” he said.
Evoni laughed happily and launched forward and hugged Alistair as tightly as she could. She was so happy. He hugged her back, but not as tightly as she did…he was confused.
“Does it really make you that happy that you’re going to be alone?” he asked.
Before Evoni could think of her response she nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehehe…aren’t they cute?
Some random commented me saying they wanted more ‘intimacy’…well I’m trying to do that without making them into sluts. ^-^
Guess what!? My dad just bought me freakin HUGE watermelon…I’m eating it right now.