The Prey and the Predator

He WILL find us…

Alistair quickly pulled her away from him with lightening speed. He looked at her urgently, and she sighed for she saw that it was really him- the usual Alistair, not the terrifying and lustful Alistair.
“I would never hurt you.” He said firmly.
The pain came into his eyes as he looked at what he had done to her, as he realized how close he had pulled her body to his.
“I’m…I’m so sorry…”
“It’s okay!” Evoni said smiling happily and she launched herself forward and hugged him tightly. “I’m just glad it’s you.”
He put a slack arm around her…he was so tired.
“Did…did I hurt you…?” He asked.
She looked up at him and smiled again.
“No…you went freaky though, and bit my wrist really, really hard…”
He quickly and somewhat roughly grabbed her wrist and inspected it. He sighed.
“Let me heal this.” He said to her. “Don’t be afraid.”
He lifted her wrist up to his lips and he traced his tongue along his fang marks and along the cut on her finger. They tingled slightly and she watched them mend and slowly fade away.
“Vampires can also heal…” he said in answer to the look she gave him.
Alistair couldn’t tear his eyes from Evoni’s, and she could see the pain in him…he was screaming inside that he was sorry.
“It’s alright Alistair…” she said looking up at him.
He chuckled, but she knew it was forced.
“I should be the one saying that to you.” He said.
Evoni didn’t answer, but turned her body around and picked up a slice of pizza.
“Food?” she asked, passing it to him.

He slowly took it from her, his eyes worried.
“Evoni.” He said somewhat firmly. “Why don’t you hate me? You should be much more frightened than this…how you’re acting…it isn’t healthy…”
She smiled and pushed him down onto the couch…well, tried to.
“What are you doing…?” He asked as she continued to try to push him.
“I’m trying to be dramatic, now go along with it.” She said slightly annoyed.
He then let her push him down on the couch, Evoni on top of him. He looked at her frowning, wondering what she was doing, then she lay down against him, her arms around his torso.
“I told you Alistair…I’m fine…I’m…well, yeah you scare the shit out of me sometimes…but I don’t hate you for it…” she murmured happily.
He threw the piece of pizza back on the table.
“Hey!” Evoni objected. “You’re supposed to eat that! Why do vampires have to be so difficult-?”
“Shhh, child.” He said, and slid into a more comfortable position and pulled Evoni to him. “You are such a strange human…” he murmured. “Strange…but interesting.”
Evoni remembered Alistair telling her that it was very rare for something to interest vampires.
Alistair was looking down at her, one arm around her, the other playing with her hair.
“That tickles.” She said.
“Put up with it, I’m quite enjoying myself.”
“I’m sure you are.” She laughed.
He smirked smugly for a moment.
“Are you ticklish at all, child?” He asked.
Evoni fell dead silent for a moment and her face became serious.
“No.” She lied terribly.
“Oh really…?”
He tickled her and she laughed uncontrollably
“Alistair!” she said nearly crying in laughter and trying to pull away from him. “Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!”
“No, never in a million years.” He said, also laughing.

Evoni had pretended to sleep in Alistair's arms for two hours…hoping to convince him that she was actually asleep. She looked up at him, he was asleep. The two of them hadn’t bothered to go back to her room to sleep, but instead they stayed on the couch in the warm lounge room. She tried to shift from his arms but she couldn’t, she tried again and then his eyes flicked open, as though he had been awake and alert the whole time.
“I-I…I have to go to the toilet.” She lied- thistime she lied properly.
He closed his eyes and pulled her closer.
“Too bad…” he murmured. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Alistair…” she smirked for a moment. “Fine, I’ll stay…but I promise I’ll pee on you.”
He suddenly let her go roughly and turned around on the couch so his back faced her.
“You win.” He said. “Don’t be too long.”
Evoni didn’t respond.
“I’ll…be back when I can.” She said and walked off to the bathroom.
She knew his hearing would be able to tell if she had walked to any other part of the house, like the front door. She closed the bathroom door behind her and quickly looked around; she knew it would be soon that Alistair would realize what she was doing. She stood up on the toilet seat and slid open the small window, she began to crawl out of it, hoping to god she wouldn’t get stuck- that would be an embarrassing sight.
Luckily this part of the ground by her house was very close to the window, so she let herself drop from the window to the ground.
“Conan?” she called out into the darkness in a horse whisper.
“Don’t speak child, his hearing is sharper than you think.” Answered a voice in her head and then, a great black horse walked out of the shadows from behind a bush.
“Get on to my back.” He said. “I’ll tell you everything as soon as we’re somewhere where we can’t be heard.”
“Why…why can’t you just tell me here?” Evoni asked.
“Well, I can if you like…but you do realize how angry Alistair will be at you; you’ve lied to him, snuck out of the house and you’re speaking to me…do you really want to be here when he’s that angry?”
“Fair point.” Evoni murmured and Conan lay down on the ground so Evoni could climb upon his back.
“Hold on tight.” He whispered into her mind and he ran off as fast as he could.

Evoni gasped at the speed and hung onto Conan for dear life. Everything around her was just a blur; she couldn’t tell whether they were going past trees or buildings, everything she saw was distorted except herself and Conan.
“Must you go so fast?” she screamed over the wind, but her voice was carried off into the distance that even she couldn’t hear it.
But Conan responded to her as though he had heard her crystal clear.
“I’m running this fast so Alistair can’t catch up…you really have no idea how powerful he is.”
“Surely Alistair isn’t as fast as this?” Evoni yelled back.
“Oh, he is, child. I’m going as fast as I can, and I know he can go faster than this when he’s at his strongest, but luckily he is weaker than usual…he hasn’t drunk blood for a long time.”
Evoni swallowed nervously. Oh shit, she thought.

Half an hour later Conan slowed down and trotted into a very dark covered clearing far into the forest.
“Where…where are we?” she asked as she slipped from his back.
“A forest that is hidden amongst the one you play in…”
“A forest inside a forest?” Evoni asked. “But I’ve gone all through the forest where I live, and there was no other forest connected to it.”
“No child, you wouldn’t be able to come across it or find it…too many enchantments have been put up to stop humans from trespassing in things they shouldn’t.” Conan lay down on the damp ground. “I don’t have long to speak to you…Alistair will find us; it’s only a matter of time.”
Evoni sat down beside Conan.
“What’s…going on? Alistair said that you and he were good friends, but then why is he so angry at you?”
“We are friends…but he doesn’t want me to tell you…anything.”
“Because.” Conan sighed. “Because he wants to keep you ignorant from the truth…to…well, to be with you longer.”
Evoni looked shocked.
“Why…why won’t I be with him once I know the truth?”
“Because…you won’t want to be.”
♠ ♠ ♠
please comment- and those poeple whodont usually comment had better!
anyways....i like bananas