The Prey and the Predator

Unrighteous Sacrifice…

“Yes.” Said Conan. “The boy who killed those two races was Alistair’s brother.”
Evoni looked up at Alistair, but his back was turned, he was staring up at the sky. She could guess the look on his face; dark and full of suppressed rage as he let Conan tell her the mind numbing truth. Evoni stood up and started to walk over to him.
“Stay away.” He hissed angrily though his teeth. “…you’ll regret it if you comfort me.”
Evoni turned around, back to Conan.
“Tell me.” She said darkly. “Tell me the rest of this truth…and maybe then Alistair will stop being a self pitying idiot and realize that I am not going to hate him.”
A growl ripped through Alistair’s chest, but Evoni ignored it and Conan continued telling her the rest.

“Well, the first two vampires- the parents of Alistair and his little brother lived through the end of the war. Both races were completely wiped out…Cedric- Alistair's younger brother- hid from his family afraid of what they might have done to him for killing the two races…after many years the world began to develop life again, that was when the human species was starting to develop. And by then the vampire race had flourished and expanded all over the earth…Alistair's parents became King and Queen of their own race.”
Evoni glanced back at Alistair for a moment; Alistair was a prince?
“And that was when vampires began feeding on human blood.” Conan said.
“Hold on…then what did vampires feed on before?” Evoni asked Conan. “If humans hadn’t evolved, how did vampires survive?”
“We fed from animals.” Alistair answered. He was still turned away from her. “We can live off any type of blood from any animal, we just prefer human blood because humans are more developed creatures…plus we found out that we could turn them to become one of us…”
“Oh, that makes sense…” Evoni said.
“Well, by then the vampire race was the most elite race on the planet, and the human race was the second. But unfortunately Cedric came to have ambitions to control the vampire race and all other life on the world.” Conan said. “And that was when Alistair had to confront his brother, but…” Conan broke off, not really knowing what to say next.
“We fought.” Said Alistair; filling the silence. “The two of us fought to kill…I was the only one who had the same power as he, so I was the only one who could kill him…but I didn’t prevail. I stopped him in his tracks though, and I thought I had killed him…but once I had ripped out his heart and he lay bleeding on the ground Cedric cast one last spell before he departed into the after life.” Alistair turned around and looked down at Evoni. “He cast a spell where he called upon the power of the two dead races of Eribus and Erebus…a spell, which he would be reborn again and will continue being reborn until his goals would be succeeded. But each time he was to be reborn, a random human child, for no specific reason at all, would be chosen, to carry the magic of either the Eribus or Erebus race within her.”
Evoni froze, But Alistair didn’t stop.
“Again and again Cedric was reborn, bent on the same goals. And again and again I fought him, trying to find someway to kill him so he could not be reborn into this world again…but each time I failed.” Alistair stopped for a long time.

“But…” Evoni said, after they had remained in silence for a while. “What do the human children that were chosen to carry the Eribus…or Erebus magic within them has to do with your Cedric?”
Alistair looked up at her, his eyes pained, but still strong.

“Like I said; every time he was reborn a human child was randomly picked to carry the magic of one of the ancient race’s within her…he did this in hope to marry her so he could claim the extra magic she held- in order to be beat me…My younger brother sees me as the biggest and only threat in achieving his goals. All he has to do is get me out of the way and this world will be his…And by getting the extra power from the human child that carries magic within her will be all he needs to get ME out of the way.”

Evoni didn’t say anything for a long, long time. She knew what they were saying.
That Cedric, Alistair’s brother, had been reborn again…and SHE was the human child that held the magic and the blood of one of the ancient races. SHE was the human child that Cedric needed to marry to claim the magic she held within herself to defeat Alistair.
“I’m the human child that has been chosen to carry one of the race’s magic…aren’t I?” Evoni asked; her voice deadly quiet.
“And Alistair's brother…is looking for me so…he can marry me, so then he can claim the power I hold so he can defeat Alistair, and then try to…conquer the human and vampire race…” Evoni continued.
“Yes.” Conan answered again.
“But…” Evoni began timidly, then she suddenly brushed away her self-pity and her voice became strong and dark. “The magic I hold within me…which race is it from?” Evoni asked.
Neither of them answered, thoroughly taken back by Evoni’s sudden change.
“Tell me!” she demanded.
“You…hold the magic of the Eribus people…” Conan answered.
Eribus…the race which Evoni deemed as ‘good’.

“So.” Evoni said in a matter-of-fact tone. “I need to stay away from your brother, Cedric, so he can’t marry me. And you have to fight him and kill him again, right?” Evoni asked Alistair.
Alistair shook his head.
“It’s a little more complicated than that, child.” Said Conan, speaking for Alistair. “You see… Alistair has fought and fought his brother many times…but Cedric continues being reborn, and we fear that one day…he will succeed in marrying the human child he needs to defeat Alistair…so, in other words; yes, Alistair must fight him again, but…something must be done differently so Cedric cannot be born again- so we can end this tiresome spell.”
“Last time.” Alistair said, breaking from his silent trance. “Last time I fought him, I truly thought it would be the last. I truly thought that I had killed him properly…but then…I met you.” he said to Evoni. “And I knew that he had been reborn again. Argh!” Alistair yelled in frustration. “God! I don’t understand what I did wrong! What else could I have possibly done to stop him from coming back!?” He was yelled at himself.

Evoni stepped forward quickly and reached for his hand, but he quickly pulled from her and jumped back faster than humanly possible.
“Evoni.” Alistair said darkly. “It’s not as simple as you think…This time that I fight him must be the last. That means that I can’t let him get you.”
“Yes, I understand that.” Evoni said. “How long was it since you last fought him?”
“…Around a hundred thousand years ago.” He answered.
Evoni couldn’t answer- h-how could that possibly be true? Did the world or even life exist that long ago?
“Yes, it did.” Alistair answered, as though he had just read her mind. “It has existed for much, much longer than that…human statistics on the age of the world are very, very far from the correct answer.”

Today Evoni had come to realize so much…not only about the history of the vampire race, but also about two other races she didn’t even know existed. She had learnt about Alistair’s past (well, some of it) and she had learnt things about herself that had been beyond her imagination…and now she had just learnt that the world was far older than the human race had ever guessed it to be.
But something told her that Evoni still had more to learn tonight.
“Alistair…I think I understand all that you’re saying…” she looked up at him. “But why would you think that I would hate you for all of this?” she asked.

Alistair couldn’t say anything- he dared not to. His face was unemotional and unreadable. Evoni wondered what else he had to tell her.
“Alistair…please understand, what you have told me so far…it hasn’t even changed the way I care about you…so what makes you think anything else will?” Evoni asked.

He looked back at her, his face dark.
“Fine…” he said huskily. “I guess I was going to lose you anyway…” he sighed. “The last time I fought Cedric I believed I had killed him for good, but I was obviously wrong…you see, Conan and I have been friends far longer than you think… he and I came up with many ways in killing my brother, and so far we have worked out that to kill him evolves the human child that holds the magic of one of the ancient races.
I have tried many ways in killing him, including killing the human child, and…the last time I had fought him I even used the human child as a sacrifice to the dead ancient races, and then killed Cedric…and he has remained off this earth for the longest time out of all the other times I’ve killed him…in other words, taking the human child as a sacrifice is the most efficient way of killing Cedric.”

Now Evoni understood why Alistair and Conan had told her that she would hate Alistair…Alistair planned to kill her, in order to kill his brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
Pleeeaaassseee tell me what you think!!!!! And contact me if you don’t understand anything, I’ll see if I can make it any more clearer, I’ll quickly just skim over everything now;

Eribus- a race that existed long ago that had ‘good’ magic, and was always fighting with the Erebus race.
Erebus- a race that existed long ago that had ‘bad’ magic, and was always fighting with the Eribus race.
Ad Eribus female and Erebus male had two children who became the first 2 vampires in the world (Alistair’s parents.)
Alistair’s parents had 2 children; Alistair and Cedric (Both had the magic of the Eribus and Erebus race)
A war broke out between the two races, and Cedric grew tired of it and wiped out both races and hid from his family. The vampire race grew and grew, Alistair’s parent becoming king and queen. Cedric created plans for taking control of the world, and when Alistair tried to kill Cedric he made a spell so that he was reborn again and again until he was able to achieve his goals. Every time Cedric was reborn a human child was chosen to hold one the ancient race’s magic, and was the key for Cedric to defeat Alistair.
Cedric has now been reborn again and Evoni is the human child that holds the magic of the Eribus race; and Alistair has no choice but to kill her when the time comes to kill Cedric.