The Prey and the Predator

Vampire movies with Alistair and Andrew…

What was he doing?
This…girl. This child is supposed to be eaten not…held.
He looked down at her in his arms…it was amazing how warm, soft and comfortable she was. But what the hell was he doing? She was a child of Eribus blood…and a human.
Why did he feel so responsible for her wellbeing? He had only met her yesterday, and yet right now he was comforting and rocking her to sleep.
Her father was a bastard, Alistair realized that…but still, why was he doing so much for her?

I must be losing my touch, he thought. I haven’t been near humans for so long that I must have forgotten how to act around them…
But he knew that wasn’t true…his vampiric memory was perfect…he could remember every tiny minute thing of his past…
This girl meant something to him, but what was it? Was it some type of friendship or kinship? All he knew was that he wasn’t ever going to let anything bad happen to her…but how could he say, or even think that? Every vampire knows the destiny of an Eribus child…

No, he thought. I will not let that happen to her- as long as I have one last breath inside my chest, I will not let that destiny happen to her.
Then suddenly he realized why he was doing, thinking this. He cared for her so much. She was a human child that intrigued him that interested him, which was a lot to say for a vampire as old as him. She was important to him…now that he thought about it, he hadn’t laughed at all in the last ten thousand years…and yet, by meeting this child he had laughed and joked and teased as much as any normal person would.
This girl was special to him. And he accepted these new found feelings he had for her…
…but are these feeling even more that friendship? He wondered. Do I care for Evoni more than a friend or a brother?
Well…if I do…then so be it, he said inside his mind. All that matters right now is her.

Evoni woke to someone gently shaking her awake.
“Evoni.” Alistair hushed. “Its time to wake up.”
Evoni moaned and wiped her eyes and looked around. She was still in the same position that she fell asleep in.
“Have you been holding me all night?” she asked.
He nodded.
“But…have you slept?”
Alistair laughed.
“I don’t need sleep.”
“Is that some freaky vampire thing?” she asked frowning.
“I guess…” he said amused. “I don’t need to sleep much, I can if I want to…but that isn’t often.”
Evoni shook her head.
“You’re a freak.” She joked.
“Well…I thought that spoke for itself when I told you I was a vampire.”
Evoni shrugged and got up off the bed and begun to change into a short black dress, and black jumper and her gothic boots- looking like a cute little Goth girl

“God you can at least tell me when you’re changing!” Alistair said, he had only just turned around quick enough not to cop an eyeful of her taking off her shirt.
“Oh don’t be a wuss, I’m wearing underwear underneath my pj’s.”
“I would hope so.”
Evoni bent down and picked up one of her Bras of the ground and ditched it at his head, but he quickly moved out of the way.
“That’s enough.” He said. “Are you changed?”
He turned around and looked at her for a moment.
“You’re Goth?”
“Yeah…ironic isn’t it? Since you’re the vampire.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well you’re not exactly Goth…”
“What? I’m a vampire, I’m automatically Goth.” He said.
“But you’re wearing jeans and a top.”
“So? It doesn’t mean that I’m not- that’s it, I’ve had enough of this conversation.”
Evoni laughed.
“Why? Cause you were losing?”
Before he could answer Tom knocked on the door.
“Hey Evoni? Are you ready? My friends are outside in the car waiting for us!”
“Be there in a moment!” she yelled back to him through the door.
“Just so you know.” Alistair said to Evoni as soon as Tom had walked away from the door. “I’ll be meeting you at the movies.”
“What? But I’m supposed to be meeting with Tom’s friends.”
“Well I’ll just turn up and you can say that I’m one of your friends and it was a coincidence I met you there.”
“And a coincidence that we so happened to be going to the same movie at the same time?”
“You said your brother was stupid…lie, Evoni.”
She smiled.
“Okay!” she said walking out the door and got into the car with her brother.

It wasn’t that long a trip from there house to the movies, they were going to Hoyts in a large shopping center. Tom and his new girlfriend, Andrew and two other friends of Tom with there girlfriends were all squished in the car. In the end it resulted, strangely enough, with all the girlfriends sitting in their boyfriends laps…Andrew offered Evoni to sit on his lap but Evoni pretended to go deaf when he asked. They arrived in the car park and they all got out and walked over to the shopping center.
When they went to get their tickets Evoni finally asked what movie they were going to see.
“We’re going to see ‘The legend of darkness’.” One of the girlfriends giggled, holding on to her boyfriend. “It’s a horror movie.”
“Sounds lovely.” Evoni said sarcastically.
“It’s alright.” Andrew said; he had kept close to Evoni ever since she got into the car. “If you don’t like horror movies I can cover your eyes at the scary parts.”
“You touching me will be scarier than the movie.” Evoni mumbled too low for Andrew to hear her.
“Or if you like.” Andrew suggested. “You and I can go see a different movie while the others go see this one.”
Evoni shook her head, perhaps a little to fast.
“No thanks…this movie is fine.” There was no way on earth that she would go see another movie with somebody she didn’t even know alone.
Once the tickets were bought Tom’s friends went to sit down at a café waiting for the movie to start.
“Would you like anything to drink Evoni?” Andrew asked. “It’s on me.”
You mean I can pour the drink on you? Evoni asked in her mind. Then she laughed at what that would look like.
“Huh? What’s so funny?” Andrew asked.
“Err…I was just thinking about something.” She said looking away.

The movie was just about to begin when they all made their way back to the theater and sat down. They all sat at the back, and Andrew sat next to Evoni…
Where the hell are you Alistair? Evoni asked herself.
Just then, as though he had read her mind, a tall dark shadow walked into the theatre and walked over to them. Tom’s friends looked at the person weirdly wondering why he was approaching them.
“Evoni, is that you?” Asked Alistair, pretending to be shocked.
“Alistair?” she said back, just as shocked.
“Yeah, oh my god, I haven’t seen you in ages.” He was trying his beast to sound like a teenager.
“Come sit down with us.” She offered, a little too quickly because Andrew turned to look at her and glared at her.
“He’s just a friend.” She said as Alistair sat down on her other side.

The movie started with a seen of people dying and being ripped apart by some savage and unknown monster. The guys cheered and the girls gasped…and Evoni and Alistair sat there unemotional and bored. About ten minutes into the movie it was revealed that the terrifying monster was actually a ravenous vampire. Evoni couldn’t help out; she cracked up laughing.
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lalalalalalalalalalalalal la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!