Your Average 19 year Old

Chapter 13

Chapter 13
“Hello?” she said. She was an ocean away and I could hear the waves break though the line.
“Abby?” I whispered.
“Maira? Oh my god! You don’t sound too good what’s wrong?”
“I’m pregnant, and it’s Gerard’s.” I cried to her.
“Shh, it’s ok Mer. Why are you crying?”
“I’m not ready to be a mom Abby! I’m only 19.” I said.
“You’ll be 20 in two days, stop acting sorry for yourself.” She said. Abby always knew how to make me stop throwing myself a pity party.
“Gerard doesn’t want the baby.” Abby was silent on the other end.
“I’m sorry Mer.” She said quietly.
“Enough about me,” I said wiping my eyes. “How’s life?”
“Well, after you came to Tom and my wedding, I got pregnant. I had Jackson three months ago and Tom left me.” She said very flatly.
“Oh Abby.” I said.
“It’s ok. I’m happy. Jackson’s happy.”
“Do you still live in New Orleans?”
“Yep, we just moved into this cruddy apartment in the French Quarter.”
“Really?” I said.
“Yeah, you and Gerard should come visit some time.”
“I’d like to come now, alone. I need to get away.”
“Anything Mer. Come soon.”
“I will. Here’s my cell number call me later and I’ll tell you when I’m coming.” I said giving her my number. I walked back to the bus quietly with my hands in my sweat shirt pocket. I passed a small bookstore. On a whim I entered. I walked around the place trying to find the section I was looking for. Finally I found a book I thought I would like to read.
“The Hip Mama Survival Guide.” I said smiling to myself. It was perfect. I paid for it and continued on my way to the bus. Everyone looked at me as I walked in.
“Where were you?” Gerard cried. “I was scared sick.”
“I’m leaving for a little while.” I said to no one in particular.
“Where?” Hannah asked.
“To my friend’s house in New Orleans.” I said.
“In America? Why?” Crystal asked.
“I need to get away. I’m not happy here right now and I need to be with someone positive.” I said looking at Gerard. “Abby had a baby and I’m going to stay with her and her son for a month or two.” I said as my cell rang. “Hello?” I said.
“Mer? Abby. I was looking online for airplane tickets. Where are you?”
“London.” I said.
“Ok, there’s a plane leaving on Saturday, is that too soon?”
“No, it’s perfect.” I said. “Thank you I’ll buy the ticket and see you on Sunday.” I said. Everyone looked at me wide eyed.
“You’re not serious.” Mikey said looking at me.
“I am.” I said getting my suitcase from the closet.
“Look Mer bear, I know you’re angry at Gerard for acting so badly to the news… but give him time.”
“He doesn’t want it.” I said quietly.
“Doesn’t want what?” Frank asked.
“The baby.” I said walking into the bunk area, it was Friday; I had two days to get ready. I was followed into the room by Bob. I had met Bob long ago and he was the closest member of the band to me, besides Gerard.
“Please Bob don’t try to talk me out of this.” I said sitting on a bunk.
“I’m not going to.” Bob said sitting next to me. “I’d be mad to if I was in your place.”
“He’s such a great person I don’t understand how he can act so badly to this.” I said putting my head on Bob’s shoulder.
“Give him time. Gee loves kids, and he loves you. But he still asks like a kid himself. He’s not ready to grow up; but he will be…. You just need to give him time.” I looked up at Bob. He was right of course. I knew he was, but I was still angry.
“He doesn’t want to grow up? Bob he’s six years older than me, and I don’t have a choice. Why should he?”
“Maira, it’s not easy for people to come to terms with what’s going on. Give him time… I promise things will get better.”
“Ok, but I do need some time alone, to think, to catch up with Abby, and to read my new book.” I said taking it out of the bag and handing it to Bob.
“The Hip Mama Survival Guide, Very you Mer.” He said smiling.
That night I slept in the same bed as always, just a great distance away from Gerard. I woke up in the middle of the night clutching my stomach, I ran to the bathroom just in time. I threw up multiple times. I heard someone come in and hold my hair back as my face was in the toilet. It past and I sat up a little straighter. Gerard handed me a glass of water.
“Thanks.” I said taking a big gulp. He was silent for a minute.
“Maira, I’m sorry. It really surprised me; I’m still quite a child myself. But I need to grow up. I want this baby.” He said putting his hand on my stomach. I smiled and put my hand over his.
“Not much of a baby yet.” I said smiling.
“They’ll grow.” Gerard said helping me up off the ground.
“I’m not looking forward to that. I don’t want to be fat.”
“You won’t be fat Bella, you’ll be pregnant.” He said as I brushed my teeth.
“Yeah, in other words I wouldn’t compare in the least bit to the girls walking around backstage in their mini skirts, and tub tops, shaking the butts and what not.” I said spitting into the sink.
“They won’t be any where close as beautiful as you.” He said hugging me from behind.