Your Average 19 year Old

Chapter 5

Chapter 5
“On the road again, I can’t wait to be on the road again.”
“Crystal, would you stop the singing?” I asked as we boarded the bus. We were now leaving for Europe which means a drive to the airport and then a tour bus in a different country. Hannah and Crystal has decided to join us so I’m not the only girl on the bus anymore.
“Sorry, I can’t help it.” she said smiling as I sat down on the couch. “It’s so much fun being on the bus and all this.”
“You’ll get tired of it quickly.” I said smiling and taking my shoes off. It was five in the morning and the guys had yet to grace us with their presences.
“I need a coffee soooo bad!” Hannah whined sitting next to me and putting her head on my shoulder.
“Please don’t turn into Mikey. Every hour it’s ‘I need a coffee, Maira please make me some!’” I mimicked.
“You’re coffee taste like dirt anyways.” Mikey said yawning and getting on the bus. He picked Hannah up off the couch.
“Where are we going?” she asked not even caring.
“Bed.” he said carrying her in the direction of the bunks. Crystal was humming to herself as she turned the T.V. on.
“In other news, Tropical Storm Katrina is moving towards the coast of Jamaica and is quickly becoming a hurricane.” the lady on the T.V. said.
“It’s too early for news.” Gerard whined getting on the bus and sitting next to me on the couch. He buried his head into my hair and leaned against me, I felt his breath on my neck as he started to fall asleep. I rubbed his head and closed my eyes as sleep started to fill my body.
I woke up an hour later to the sound of Jenny coming onto the bus. It was a cold morning and as she opened the door the cold air came through, shivering Gerard woke up from his place on the couch that we shifted to, him sitting up with his head on the couch and my head in his lap.
“Wake up everyone! The plane leaves to Europe in half an hour, you can sleep on the plane.” Jenny said going to the bunk area to wake everyone up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
“My bella.” Gerard said taking me into a bear hug and smoothing my hair out. His fingers lingered near the back of my neck and he leaned down to kiss the nape of my neck. I smiled and leaned my head up to kiss his lips lightly. He pulled away and smiled. “What do you want to do in Europe?” he asked.
“I donno, are we going to Paris?” I asked.
“Yes, I have a special night planned for you so don’t you dare go off shopping with Crystal and Hannah as soon as we get there, I want you all to myself.” he said holding my hand as we walked to the terminal that would bring us to the plane.
“I could have that arranged.” I said kissing his cheek.
We boarded the plane to see Frankie already asleep in a reclining chair, Hannah trying to calm Mikey down, (he hates planes) Crystal trying to get Frankie to move over a seat so she could sit in the aisle, Ray reading a SPIN magazine upside down, and Bob staring at a wall. Clearly we all need some sleep before one of us needs to go to the bathroom and open the door to the plane and fall out. I looked at the flight attendant who was assigned to our privet jet.
“Can I have eight cups of coffee please? As soon as you have a chance?”
“Ok course Miss. Rank.” she said hurrying towards the kitchen area. I walked over to Ray turned his magazine the right way, gave Bob a blanket and told him to lie down, got Mikey to breath deeply as Hannah and I took off his shoes and removed all sharp objects away from him. (He had a problem of spazing randomly when he freaked out.) I walked over to Crystal and whispered the only words that would ever wake Frankie up.
“Pork fried rice?” she asked confused.
“Where?” Frankie asked sitting up. “Get it away from me!” Finally I made it to the little couch and sat with Gee.
“Gooood morning MCR!” the pilot cried into the intercom. I felt Gerard shift in annoyance considering he had almost been asleep.
“SHUT UP!” Frankie yelled as Crystal tried to calm him down.
“Just go back to sleep babe.” she said rubbing his back and turning red.
“Thank you for choosing us to fly with you, my name is Davy and I’ll be your captain. Right now I ask everyone get into a seat with a seatbelt and place your chairs in their upright position.” he said in a way to perky voice. This was going to be a fun ride.