
Chapter 1

\As she walked in, she felt a sudden rush of coldness. She looked towards his bed and saw the same pale, bony face. Tubes were sticking out of him nearly everywhere. She looked around the room. Nothing had changed, it was just the way she had left it the day before. The room had a sad atmosphere in it. Sadness hung in the air. Suddenly, she felt sorrier than ever about what had happened. It wasn't fair, nor was it right. It was just...it...

"Good morning sweetie," came the soft, sexy voice of her new husband.

"How's about we just laze around all day?" she replied.

"I don't think there is anything else to do..." he said again.

A tear rolled down her delicate, rosy cheek. She still had flashes of their life together. It haunted her day and night. She loved it and hated it. She hated him, yet loved him. She felt cursed to live an undecided life forever. Suddenly she heard a voice.

"Miss...? Are you alright...?"

"Yes...? Oh, fine, fine. I was just thinking about something," she replied.

"Well, you mind helping wipe the poor man down?" she said again.

"Oh...yeah, sure."

"Do you think he'll ever get better?" she said to the nurse.

"Only time will tell miss, only time..." came the reply. The nurse somehow sounded rather eerie to her. She felt like slapping her for saying such a thing. But deep down she knew, the nurse was only too right.

About 15 minutes after they finished, a man in his mid thirties walked in. "How is he doing today?" he said.

"The same as ever," she replied, "you should know better than to even bother asking."

"Now, now", he replied, "what do you think would happen if everyone just threw their hands up and said, nothing good was ever going to happen?"

"I know, I know, it’s just that, after all this time..." she said softly, "you know, I'm glad I have friends like you. Quite glad,"

"And if you keep your faith, one fine day he just might..."

"Thanks, I needed that. In fact, I need that every morning. I also need a coffee every morning. You mind getting me one?"

"No problem. The usual right?" he replied and walked out.

She took the fragile hand in hers. "Will you ever get better? I don't know...Please do, I need you. I need you so badly. Why don't you wake up? Don't you love me anymore? I've said sorry so many times. Do really want to make me live alone in this world? Please...Please..." Somehow she knew that even though she spoke to him every morning softly and gently, he couldn't hear her. He didn't know she was there.

She moved away from him and fell into the metal chair next to the bed. She didn't even cry anymore. She had accepted fate. But somehow, she couldn't forgive herself. She couldn't leave him, it was her fault. For what seemed like a long, long while, she sat and stared at him. Wondering why it happened to him and not her.

Why? It was something she asked herself every morning. She couldn't stand it anymore! Somehow she had managed to stay in control of her life all this while. Slowly, it was starting to shatter...

"Adi...hell-ooh?" her friend waved his hand in front of her face.

"Oh, Tre. Thanks for the coffee," Adi replied.
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I wrote this a long time ago, will try very hard to continue. Do comment!