I Watched You on the Avenue

This Is a Test

"Pete, I can't do this anymore,"I sighed as I looked at my coffee cup.

Pete was sitting across from me in a random Starbucks taking a sip off his coffee cup as well.

"Do what?"asked Pete as he looked at me.
"Be with Patrick,"I sighed avoiding eye contact.
"Reggie, you don't mean that,"Pete said looking at me.
"For the past week we've done nothing but fight and everything we say, we're at each other's throats,"I sighed resting my head on my hand,"I'm just sick of it."
"But you're Patrick's world,"Pete pleaded.
"I know, but I just need to get away from it all,"I sighed again,"It's just everything is so---"

I looked at Pete, he was probably the one person I could tell my fears to, spill my personal demons, and keep all my secrets. He's my best friend, and he's the only one who seems to understand me right now. You see, I've been with Patrick for the past 6 months now and it's been wonderful except for the past week.

"But Reg, you love him right?"asked Pete his face looking worried.
"With all my heart,"I sighed heavier,"Which is killing me every time we fight. I haven't heard him say those words for a week."
"So what are you going to do?"
"Take a break, I'm going on tour in three weeks."
"What?When where you going to tell me, or anyone?!?"Pete looked at me almost choking on his coffee.
"I planned on it...soon,"I looked at him with a small smile,"I mean besides both our bands have shows together in a couple days."
"But still you need to tell him,"Pete sighed and then his eyes lit up like he had a brilliant beyond brillant idea.
"Pete...you're scaring me,"I looked at him,"What's your idea?"
"What if I took you out of Chicago, this state like right after we finish our show together? Just to clear your head."
"How long?"
"A week, somewhere remote,"Pete smiled,"I'll have you back here before your tour."
"Just don't break up with Pat."
"Fine,"I rolled my eyes.

See, to understand me and Patrick one would have to look back into the past, I've known him and Pete since forever...and I've had a crush on Patrick just as long. So basically, we became friends, then it turned into our recent relationship which was kept under wraps from everyone at first. We used to dedicate songs to each other, love songs, happy songs that could've been about sex, or missing them, you get the point. Well finally people outside of bands we've toured with and our friends, caught on to our relationship and was brought into the media. Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing since we didn't have to worry about looking over our shoulders. Then this last week is what I call hell week. I mean sure we've had fights before but nothing like this. What is the fight about? Well him meeting my family...I mean he has a couple times but I don't like them at all. Well only my little sister, who is my family? The Spears family as in Britney....god how I hate her. I can only stand Jamie since she's cool and doesn't do anything stupid. I'm so much different than them anyways, I hate my mom and dad, not to mention I've got dark brown hair which I've know dyed black ,and these dark brown eyes. And no plastic surgery what so ever. and why are we fighting about my family so much? My mom, somehow got a hold of his number and has been feeding him lies about me, because she's a bitch and Patrick's been yelling at me since I hate her. I swear I want nothing more to rewind and re meet him and not have to tell him about my family. That's why Pete's so close to me lately, the whole band's trying to help but I don't want to start anything between them. My world has just gotten a bit darker now that my relationship feels like it's meltiing