I Watched You on the Avenue

Another drawn out fight

Ok, so that whole day was nothing but rushing around, I swear I was glad it was over. And the interviews...gah I don't want to talk about them. Well, the Q101 one was fun, it was all about the music and stuff and my whole band. Then that night, I didn't even eat dinner, I just crashed on the bed and past out into a sleep. The next morning, I woke up around 8 with Patrick's arms around me. I got dressed in some active wear clothes since me and Jamie were going to work out this morning. I walked back into the bedroom to get my IPOD to see Patrick pulling a shirt over his head.

"Damn, those clothes are hot,"Patrick smiled from his spot.
"You know you just like it because you can stare at my body,"I smiled back.
"So where are you heading?"
"Me and Jamie are going to work out this morning,"I sighed,"You?"
"I'm heading out with Pete,"Patrick smiled a bit,"I should be home by 2."
"How about we just go out for dinner or something then?"
"Sure,"Patrick shrugged,"Um, I'll call you and we can meet up?"
"Sounds good,"I smiled then went to kiss him,"I love you."
"Love you too,"He kissed me goodbye and I walked out the door. I seen Jamie waiting by the door and smiled at her.
"Ready?"I asked.
"Yeah,"she smiled and we headed out to my car.

We were going to a gym and then we were heading to a gymnastics center so I could work on some tumbling, something that I hadn't done in while which I was looking forward to doing. Meanwhile Patrick was driving in his car with Pete.

"So where are we going man?"asked Pete as he rested against the seat.
"Well since me and Reggie have been together for 7 months,"Patrick paused a second.
"You're getting a ring?"Pete's eyes popped out of his head.
Patrick just smiled,"No, not yet.I'm still looking. But I found this beautiful house."
"Oh, you guys do need a bigger place,"Pete said than what Patrick said earlier hit him,"Wait?You're looking for a ring?"
Patrick laughed,"Man you're slow. But yeah I have been."
"Dude, you're serious about her,"Pete smiled at him.
"I am, I love her alot,"Patrick smiled as he pulled into the driveway of the house.
"What about if you guys fight?"Pete asked.
"We'll work it out,"Patrick smiled,"I told her from the day I met her I'd marry her. Besides I've got Jamie to help me pick out a ring."

Meanwhile at the gymnastics, center I was working my ass off with Jamie and I was starting to get hungry.

"Dude, Patrick better fucking call soon,"I mumbled.
Jamie laughed,"I sure he's just running behind."
"Slow ass,"I glared as I went to tumble again.

2 hours later, we were getting our things around and walking out to my car. Patrick called and we were meeting up at the resturant. He said he had some good news which I was kinda scared to hear for a while, but then again knowing him who knows. We walked into the resturant to see Patrick waiting for us. I smiled and kissed him since I haven't since this morning.

"You guys have fun?"asked Patrick.
"Yeah you and Pete?"
"Yeah,"Patrick smiled.
We headed to our table and after ordering food, Patrick turned to me.
"So, you know how we've been talking about finding our own place?"Patrick took a sip of his water.
"We have one."
"No, I mean a house instead of an apartment."
"What would you do if I told you, I found one,"Patrick started smiling.
"I'd want to see it,"I glared at him,"I mean we are together, it'd only be fair."
"Well, I sorta bought this place,"Patrick didn't look at me since he knew it could end badly.
"You did what?"I looked at him.

He just held up a key and smiled at me.
"Patrick,"I groaned,"I can't believe you."
"What? I thought you'd be happy?"
"I am,"i sighed,"But you promised me that we'd look at places together. How do you even know I'm going to like this one?"
Patrick didn't say anything and I got up from my seat.
"I all the sudden lost my appetite."
"Reggie,"Patrick tried to pull me back down.I

shook out of his grasp and walked off, Patrick looked at Jamie and sighed,"That didn't go as planned."

I walked outside, searching for a cigarette and my phone, I knew where I was going, not to Pete's but Joe's. I didn't want to be near Patrick right now, was I being stupid, most likely but still. I got in my car and called Joe on my way to his house.

"Joe, you're home right?"I asked.
"Um, yeah why?"
"I'm spending time at your place,"I said.
"What? Why?"
"Patrick went and bought a house for us without taking me with him,"I said quickly,"Idiot."
Joe sighed,"Yeah, I'm home."
"Did you just walk off on him again?"
"Yeah,"I sighed.
"See you in a bit."

I hung up my phone and finally got to Joe's house. He opened the door and I walked into his house. I started venting about how Patrick was stupid and everything and Joe just took it in.

"It's because he loves you,"Joe reasoned.
"Yeah,"I raised my eyebrows at him,"We're freakin' fighting again."
"I believe this one you started now,"Joe looked at me with crossed arms.
"Whatever,"I sat down on his couch. Joe just rolled his eyes and walked into his kitchen as his phone rang. He brought the phone to me and said "Patrick."
"You're annoying,"i said before I hung up the phone.
"You know, he's coming here now, right?"asked Joe.

I rolled my eyes as he walked off again mumbling "unbelievable." an hour later, Joe was letting in Patrick to his house. How did I know it was Patrick, I heard him. I was busy playing acoustic guitar on Joe's couch, so I wasn't paying attention to him. I started playing Goo Goo Dolls "Slide" in which I started singing the lyrics. I looked at Patrick and he just stared at me. I finished playing and leaned back into the couch still strumming the guitar.

"Patrick, don't,"I sighed,"It's my fault."
"That song,"Patrick started,"Remember?"
"Yeah,"I smiled,"It was the first song that I dedicated to you. It still fits."
Patrick smiled,"I wanna wake up where you are."