I Watched You on the Avenue

Leaving on a tour bus

So it's been two weeks now and I've moved into the house that Patrick picked out. Although, he did let me decide how are room went. Which for me was a bit darker...and seductive. It is a bigger place now, so there's more room. Anyways, I was packing my suitcases to head onto tour with Cartel. My band (Darren our vocalist, Razzle our bassist, Tim our drummer and then Steven our other guitarist, are all guys and only me the only girl but still it's family) was all on their way to my new house to pick me up to head out onto the road. Of course Jamie was still there at my house though. I moved the last of my bags into the living room and stopped to stretch.

"So, I guess I'll see you guys in a couple months,"I sighed.
"I'm going to miss you sis,"Jamie hugged me.
"I've got my cell phone with me so you can always call,"I smiled.
"I will."
"Have fun with Patrick,"I smiled,"And help him keep his mind off me."
"Ok,"she smiled and then broke away from me. I walked over to Patrick who was pretty much trying to keep his tears back.
"Aww Patrick, I'll be back before you know it,"I smiled,"Besides you're coming to all the shows in Illinios, Indiana, and Ohio."
"I know but I'm just going to miss you,"Patrick sighed.
"Hey, you can call too,"I lifted his head to look up at him.

I kissed him lightly and he deepened the kiss. We broke away and Patrick just held me close to him. I swear it was a complete reversal of roles since tears weren't coming from my eyes and he couldn't hide his anymore.

"Awww, Patrick,"I wiped tears off him then heard the bus pull up outside,"I gotta go."
Patrick nodded again and kissed me again.
"I love you,"I smiled slightly at him.
"I love you too,"Patrick tried his best to smile.

I kissed him goodbye and then waved as I headed out the door. I got on the bus to drive away. Meanwhile Jamie looked up to Patrick after hugging him with a smile.

"C'mon, let's get ice cream. My treat."
"Ok,"Patrick sighed.
"I'll call Pete to drive since I don't know this town,"she grabbed the phone,"Besides you're not in any state to drive."

Back on the bus, I was settling into my bunk, which wasn't working. I walked out to where the rest of my band was sitting and sat down next to them.

"How long til we get to the venue?"I asked.
"Why missing Patrick already?"smiled Darren.
"Yes and no,"I sighed,"I just long trips."
"We're taking a plane to Washington, so it might be a while, our bus will meet us there,"Razzle replied not looking up from his phone.
"Then why the hell are we on a bus?"I asked.
"Strange manager,"shrugged Steven.
"I'll say."

The plane ride to Washington wasn't too bad. I wasn't tired too which surprised me. When we waited in the luggage claim, we ran into Cartel, which I was happy. I called Patrick but he didn't answer his phone or the home phone, so whatever.

"Will!"I yelled as I seen him standing next to Nic. He seen me and his eyes lit up and we both ran towards each other.
"Reggie!"Will smiled. We hugged each other then Nic walked up to me to give me a hug.
"I've missed you guys,"I smiled.
"So what's the record on you and Patrick?"asked Will.
"7 months,"I smiled,"Although we've fought a lot."
"Really?"asked Nic.
"Yeah,"I sighed,"But I still love him."
"We're going to have so much fun,"Will smiled.
"Hell yeah, shows almost every night and partying with you guys afterwards,"I smirked,"We're going to cause a lot of trouble."
"Yes!"Nic jumped up.

I just shook my head and laughed along with Will. This tour was so going to be really interesting