I Watched You on the Avenue

I'm Melting In Your Eyes and I Don't Care

So I've been on the road for about 2 weeks now. 2 weeks full of touring, causing trouble with Cartel, and keeping myself sane. As for Patrick, I heard he's dealing better but then again he's supposed to be coming out tonight to the show, or was it tomorrow? Is it bad I can't remember when my boyfriend's supposed to be out here?

Nonetheless, I was laying on the couch in Cartel's back room, my head on Nic's lap as we watched some random movie. Will was sitting in front of me then Kevin was across from us, where Joseph and Jeff were, I think sleeping but who knows. I tried my best to keep my eyes open as I watched the movie but it was useless.

"Reggie, Reggie,"I felt someone shaking me and whispering lightly.
"Hmm?"I asked trying not to open my eyes to the light.
"Wake up sleepy head,"I heard a familar voice laugh a bit as I opened my eyes.

I opened them to see Patrick standing there with a smile on his face. It was when I sat up that I realized that I was now alone in the room, Nic must've snuck off. I didn't realize I was in that deep of a sleep.

"Patrick,"I smiled and got up to hug him a bit,"What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you tonight, remember?"
"You know I can't remember what day it is after two weeks,"I stretched with a yawn.
"I see you had a nap,"Patrick smiled at me looking at me.
"Yeah, hey where's Jamie?"
"With Joe,"He smiled,"She said she wanted to stay with him while I came out to see you."
"So you're alone?"I nodded at him.
"Yup,"He smiled.
"You're too cute,"I nudged his cheek with a smirk then started to walk off.

Patrick grabbed my hand quickly to spin me around into him lightly. I looked up into his eyes slowly and he kissed me. Of course I returned the kiss to which was ruined by someone clearing their throat at the doorway of the backroom.

"As much as I know you guys missed each other,"Will started,"I came to tell Reg, she's needed for soundcheck in half an hour."
"Thanks Will,"I smiled a bit,"Oh and you could've woke me up sooner."
"Sorry it was peaceful,"Will laughed and I just flipped him off.
"Come on,"I grabbed Patrick's hand,"We're going to sound check."

I headed to get my guitar then headed to sound check with my band. As we were playing and getting everything set up, I heard something that I swear I didn't want to hear from anyone.

"Yeah, it's going to be chaotic with the roads since Britney's got a show not far from this venue,"mentioned some venue staff as he walked by talking on his phone.

I glared at him as he walked off then went back to putting up my guitar. I swear I had no idea why she had to be in the same town tonight. 50 bucks said it's half my "mom's" doing since she always seemed to try to do it. Prove that I wasn't as "successful" in her eyes. Only one way to fight fire with fire.

After sound check, I headed to get some food with Patrick that ended up with us walking a near by street together. It was nice out for the time being and I was just flirting with him as I walked. I stole his hat which I smirked at him as I walked off ahead of him.

"Hey,"He laughed.
"What?"I looked at him innocently,"I think I'm borrowing this tonight."
"What? I make it look good,"I shrugged looking behind me.
"Fine,"He smiled,"As long as I get it back."
"Maybe,"I smirked back at him then around at everyone walking the streets.

You know how they say love makes you crazy? Well it's in that moment that it decided to do it to me. You know how you see people in those sappy commericals scream "I love you" or "I love this guy/girl"? I never knew what that feeling would feel like til this moment as I looked back at him. I was walking backwards looking at Patrick with a smile when I stopped in the middle of the street with Patrick a good few feet away from me.

"Hey world! I love Patrick Stump!"I yelled with a smile as I threw my arms out to the side.
Patrick blushed as he walked up to me,"Reggie what are you doing?"
"Letting go,"I smiled at him,"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
"I love you,"Patrick smiled,"But now?"
"That's the thing, I don't care anymore what people think or say. Or what's going to be in the newspapers tomorrow morning, besides the band, you're the only thing that matters,"I smiled at him.

It took a nano second before Patrick pressed his lips to mine then I smiled into the kiss.

"Come on, we've got to get back before the show starts,"I smirked as we ran back to the bus.