I Watched You on the Avenue

Slow Down

I looked back to Patrick who was still standing there waiting for my response. Taking a deep breath I came to my decision.

"You swear you won't listen to my mom ever again and come to me if you hear anything bad first?"
"Yes,"He smiled.
"And if I get custody of Jamie, you'll help out with a teen and her problems?"
"Anything,"Patrick nodded again.
"And you'll stop being so emotional everytime I leave?"
"I don't know if I can promise that,"Patrick laughed,"So?"
I nodded my head,"Yes."
"Yes?"Patrick looked at me.
"Yes,"I smiled bigger.
"I love you,"Patrick crashed his lips into mine then placed the ring on my finger.

"Wow,"Patrick took a deep breath while pulling away,"I guess we're engaged now."
"Yeah,"I smiled,"Damn you and your puppy dog eyes."
"I guess we should go tell everyone,"He shrugged at me.
"Eh, it can wait til morning,"I smiled.

And it did, in the morning, we told everyone which was interesting. They all thought we broke up but yeah, they were supportive of it. The next couple months, the tour went by quickly then I was back home with Patrick. Right now, I was just sitting in William Beckett's house since we were going to a Bears game that night at Solider Field. Oh yeah and Jamie's still staying with us so it's not too bad. And it's November, so it's starting to get cold again.

"Man I can't believe you and Patrick are engaged,"William shook his head.
"How come?"I asked slipping on my Devin Hester jersey.
"Well for one you guys do tend to fight a lot,"William pointed out,"And haven't been together that long."
"I know but still, we're not rushing into the whole marriage thing,"I shrugged turning to look at him.
"And all those guys you could date,"William smiled,"You're just growing up too fast."
"Yeah ok, mom,'I roleld my eyes,"Ready?"
"Yeah,"He smiled.

Little did I know what I had in store for me in the days to come.
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sorry it's short, just thought I'd quickly update it