I Watched You on the Avenue

Then the drama began

After the Bears game, I ended up just staying at William's house just talking and drinking with him since I didn't want to go home yet. Is that bad? I just got engaged to a man I love, yet I don't want to go home.

"So what are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?"asked William.
"Umm, I don't know yet,"I took a sip off my drink,"Probably have people over and what not. Maybe go to his parents house."
"Has he even told his parents he's engaged yet?"William raised an eyebrow at me.
"No,"I laughed,"He's seriously scared to. Hell I'd just be like "we're engaged" the end."
"You would,"laughed William,"So what's up with Jamie?"
"I don't know,"I sighed,"She's all withdrawn lately."
"Your mom or what?"
"No clue,"I shrugged,"I don't think it is. She's just nervous or something."
"Kinda worried?"
"A bit,"I looked at him,"So me and Patrick are talking to her tomorrow morning."
"Hey he's cool with you being here right?"William looked at me.
"Yeah, totally,"I smiled,"I actually think he's glad I'm out of the house."
"But I haven't been able to spend time with you in a while too, so this is fun."
"It is, we'll have to hang out more while we're both in town."
"Yeah,"William smiled.

We kept talking for a few more hours then I went to bed in one of his spare rooms. In the morning, 9 am, to be exact, I headed back to mine and Patrick's house since we really did need to talk to Jamie. Unlocking the door then settting my things down on the nearby table, I walked over to the kitchen where Patrick was standing.

"Hey,"I sighed kissing him lightly,"Is Jamie up yet?"
"Yeah, she's in the bathroom,"Patrick looked at me,"I don't think she's feeling very well."
"I'm worried about her,"I mumbled looking towards her room.
"So how was the game and Wiliam's?"Patrick asked as he got a drink.
"Fun,"I smiled,"The game was amazing and me and Beckett just got to hang out again which I missed. He asked me about Thanksgiving."

I sat on the counter as Patrick leant against it to look at me. Technically I was sitting on the island as he leant against the counter across from me.

"So what are we doing for Thanksgiving?"I looked at him.
Patrick took a sip off his drink and I waited for him to swallow,"Going to my parents on Thanksgiving and then I was thinking like that Sunday we could have all our friends over for dinner or something."
"That sounds fun,"I smiled,"We finally get to tell the parents we're engaged now?"
"Yeah, they're going to lecture me that I'm moving too fast but I don't care,"Patrick smiled.
"No doubts right?"
"No, you?"
"Nope,"I smiled,"I'm glad I said yes to you."

Jamie walked out into the living room and just fell onto the couch which I raised an eyebrow at Patrick as he started walking to the couch and I hopped off the island to go talk to her.

"Jai, what's up?"I asked sitting next to her,"Are you ok?"
She shook her head and had tears in her eyes,"No."
"What's wrong?"I looked at her worried about everything.
"Promise you won't hate me or kick me out?"She sat up and wiped her eyes.
"As long as you didn't kill someone,"I smiled,"I can't keep you out of jail."
Jamie smiled a bit then played with her fingers,"Well there was this guy, my boyfriend and I love him to death-"
"Jamie, you're 16,"I started.
"I know but,"She sighed,"Well we were um messing around a while back and-"
"Jamie, what'd you do?"I looked at her.
"I'm pregant,"Jamie looked at me a small smile on her face but a look of fear as well.

Talk about tension right? I was shocked. Seriously I just looked at her with a blank look and wide eyes as Patrick choked on his Diet Coke again. I actually think it came out his nose which would've been funny but at this moment right now, it wasn't. She looked at me with sad eyes and I couldn't do anything but think "oh my god."

"You're not kicking me out are you?"
"No,"I looked at her,"Could you excuse us for a second? I need to talk to Patrick."
"Yeah, I'm going to get dressed,"Jamie sighed heavily as she walked off.

I turned to look at Patrick who was standing there shocked yet.
"Patrick what are we going to do?"I whispered at him.
"I don't know."
"I mean part of me what's to yell at her for being so stupid, the other part has no freakin' clue what to do,"I sighed as Patrick sat next to me and rubbed my back.
"Whatever it is, I'm here,"Patrick whispered leaning on my shoulder some,"We're in this together now."
"It's not even ours,"I looked at him.
"I know but where is she going to go?"Patrick reasoned.
"My dad,"I shrugged,"Heaven forbide she stay with my mom."
"It'll be ok,"Patrick took my hand,"Maybe it'll give us experience with kids?"
"Yeah,"I gave him a twisted smirk,"I'm so not wanting kids yet."
Patrick just chuckled a bit,"We'll talk about it more tonight, ok? For now, let's just make sure Jamie's ok."
"Ok,"I looked at him to which he gave me a big hug.
"Don't look so down,"He kissed my forehead,"I love that Reggie smile."
"I just want to scream at something,'I mumbled against his chest.
"So let's get the yelling at her out of the way,"Patrick smiled,"Then we can figure out everything else."
"It's scary you're beginning to think like me,"I laughed as Patrick helped me up from the couch.