I Watched You on the Avenue

One Night

We headed to Jamie's room to yell at her. Mainly I did which I think she knew she was going to get in the first place. Even more so when I found out this guy is like 20. What the hell!? Dude, that's so wrong. It's illegal to start off with but I mean as long as it didn't happen in my house or anything.

After lecturing her about everything, we told she could stay here for the time being. However long that was going to be at least. We walked back out to the living room and I sat on the couch as Patrick sat next to me.

"Wow, first teenage drama and I think we handled it pertty well,"Patrick laughed.
"Yeah, other than killing someone, I don't know what's more epic,"I laughed a bit.
"Drugs?"Shrugged Patrick.
"Maybe if she were addicted to them,"I shrugged.
"Yeah,"Patrick sighed.
"Hey want to do something tonight?"
"I don't know, we shouldn't leave Jamie alone?"
"We won't,"I smiled at him,"We could have her stay at Pete's mom's house."
"What'd you have in mind?"Patrick looked at me.
"Well since we haven't got any time to spend by ourselves in a while, maybe we could rent a movie, stay in, have the whole house to ourselves?"I shrugged.
"How about, we get something to eat, walk a bit then come back here for a romantic evening?"
"You think of everything,"I smirked at him,"It's so not fair."

Patrick just laughed as I shoved him lightly into the couch. I crawled on top of him to kiss him lightly on the lips then got off the couch.

"We need to pick things up for Thanksgiving,"I gave him an evil smirk.
"You're a tease,"Patrick grumbled.
"Duh, how long have you known me?"I looked at him walking towards Jamie's room,"Jai, we're going to the store, you're coming with us. And tonight you're staying with Mrs. Wentz"
"Why?"Jamie asked looking at me.
"Well for one, me and Patrick have plans, and two I trust her with you."
"Ok,"She sighed.

Getting to the store was fun, well ok, so not really. It was sorta silent since Jamie wasn't talking to anyone but she'll get over it. It's not like I told her to get pregant. I mean in the back of my mind, I was wondering if that was the only reason she came to me? Honestly I had no idea how far along she was, and she didn't say but she couldn't keep that a secret for long. Finishing up in the store, we took Jamie to Mrs. Wentz's house which wasn't so bad, hey at least the roads were clear.

"So we'll pick her up in the mornnig,"I smiled at her.
"Alright,"She smiled back as I stretched a bit,"Should be fun."
"So we'll see you later,"I turned to leave when she called me back.
"Reggie, what's that ring?"she asked, so we haven't told her either and I'm guess Pete hasn't either.
"Um,"I looked at her then Patrick who was standing next to me,"Patrick gave it to me."
"Oh my god is that an engagement ring?"Her eyes went wide.
"Yeah,"I nodded as she took my hand to look at the ring.
"You two are engaged now?"She looked at us.
"We thought Pete told you,"Patrick laughed.
"No,"She rolled her eyes with an annoyed sigh,"Congratulations you two."
"Thanks,"I smiled s she hugged us both.

Finally me and Patrick got to leave. We ended up going to a sub shop since I didn't feel like fancy or sit down stuff today. It was probably about 4 since I first got home around 10 or somewhere in there. Getting back to our house, Patrick let me in the door to a dimly lit house. I say dimly lit because the only light the came from the house were from the candles that Patrick lit going up the stairs as I put groceries away. I honestly didn't know he had done it, he just said he had to go do something. Not like I question him.

"Patrick, it's-"
"Come on,"Patrick took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

Patrick opened the door to where there were rose petals on the bed sheets, this man gets more romantic as time goes on. Patrick picked me up to take me to our bed which then he laid sweet kisses on my lips that traveled down to my neck. Slowly as the flames began to rise and fall, our clothes fell off to the side of the bed. Once the last small flicker of the candle died down was when the heat between the two of us picked up and we were in our own world now.

Pulling some shorts on and a hoodie, I made my way down to the living room with Patrick who handed me a glass of wine. We sat on the couch in each other's arms just watching the few candles lit around us burn. This was probably one of the things that I needed most right now.

"I love you Reggie,"Patrick kissed me softly.
"I love you,"I smiled into the kiss.

See, I do have a soft side to me. It's just not many people see it unless it's someone that I really care about. Not that I didn't want to ruin it with a joke but that could possibly piss off Patrick who I'm taking it planned this whole thing out for a while.

"You know you're too cute,"I smirked at him,"And extremely sneaky."
"Hey can't have you plan everything,"He smirked back.
"When'd you get this all planned out?"
"Well, I've thought it over for a while but then when you were out with William last night, I got everything set up."
"How come I didn't notice this earlier?"I looked at him
"Well we were hit by a brick wall,"Patrick mentioned.
"Oh yeah,"I smiled,"Thanks"
"Don't mention it,"He kissed me again,"Let's watch something."