I Watched You on the Avenue

Heaven Sent You

Waking up to the sound of my alarm wasn't something I wanted to do but that's what I was doing. I promised Mrs. Wentz I'd pick up Jamie at 8 and it was 6 now. That gave me an hour to get dressed, wake up Patrick if he was going and then go get Jamie. Walking out of the bathroom with jeans and my shirt on, I had to find shoes or flip flops to which Patrick was sorta snoring at me.

"Patrick,"I nudged him only hearing him groan,"Patrick."
I shook him and his eyes opened before I could yell at him like last time, "What?"
"Are you going with me to pick up Jamie?"
"Um,"Patrick yawned,"Do I have to?"
"I'd say yes but you can be a real bitch when woken up early,"I laughed looking at him.
"Am not,"He pushed me slightly.
"Are too,"I smirked,"I'll be back by like 9, hopefully."
"Don't kill her,"Patrick laughed.
"I won't,"I waved goodbye to him,"You better be up when I get home."

I left the house to drive to well technically Pete's house since he was still staying there. Knocking on the door at 8, I was hoping someone was up. To my luck they were, only it wasn't my little sis, Pete, or his mom.

"Reggie!"I was tackled to the ground by none other than Brendon Urie.
"Brendon, get off me,"I mumbled.
"Dude you're squishing her,"Spencer pulled him off me.
"Thx Spence,"I smiled then dusted myself looking at them,"What are you two doing here?"
"Pete invited us to town for some engagement dinner,"Spencer shrugged.
"Engagement dinner?"I raised an eye brow at him.
"Yeah, Jon and Ryan are downstairs,"Brendon smiled.
"Hey, I'd love to chat but where's Jamie? I need to pick her up,"I sighed.
"Upstairs,"Brendon motioned,"So are you going to the engagement dinner?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged,"I totally had no clue about it."

I walked up the stairs to get Jamie when I ran into Pete who was heading to the bathroom.

"You're friends about killed me,"I glared at him.
"Sorry,"He laughed.
"So what's this I hear about an engagement dinner?"I elbowed him lightly.
"Who told you?"Pete looked at me wide eyed.
"Spencer,"I smiled.
"Damn him,"Pete mumbled then looked at me,"It was supposed to be a surprise but since you two haven't really done much, I'm throwing an engagement party for you and Patrick to tell everyone tomorrow night. So act surprised?"
"I will,"I smiled,"I won't tell Patrick either."
"Promise,"I smiled then hug him,"And thank you."
"Yeah, it's kinda so you can tell our friends before his parents even though you should tell them first."
"It's imitidating though."
"This coming from the girl who called out Brit the other day?"Pete raised an eyebrow.
"That's different,"I rolled my eyes.
"Dude you're so crazy it's funny to see you nervous,"Pete laughed.
I shoved him,"Shut up."
"Anyways,"Pete looked at me from half in the bathroom,"Are you doing anything today?"
"Um, taking Jamie to the doctor,"I seen him give me a look,"It's a long story but other than that, no. Why?"
"Well I was wondering,"Pete started.
"Oh god, I hate when my best friend starts sentences like that,"I groaned.
"Listen,"Pete put a finger to my lips,"Could you take the Panic guys with you for the night?"
"I don't know-"
"I've got some things to do and need someone to baby sit them."
"Baby sit?"I cocked an eyebrow,"By that you mean Brendon and I don't know if I'm the person for that."
"Please?"He plead with me,"They missed you."
I took a sigh with an eye roll,"Fine but when we and Patrick have kids you're so babysitting."
"Deal,"He shook my hand then got a smile,"And kids?"
"Bye Pete,"I pushed him in the bathroom.

I found Jamie who wasn't packed yet so I headed downstairs to find Brendon, Jon, and Spencer sitting around.

"Alright guys, get dressed and wake Ryan, you're coming with me,"I looked at them.
"Yay! I'm spending time with Reggie,"Brendon jumped around.
"And my sister and Patrick,"I sung back to him.
"Who's waking Ryan?"Jon looked at everyone which they all landed on me.
"Fine,"I sighed,"Wait here."