I Watched You on the Avenue

Precious to me

"Fuck, Brendon, I swear to god!" I flinched a bit since we were now in the car and Brendon for some odd reason decided to pinch me.
"Sorry thought I was dreaming,"He smiled innocently at me.
"I'll give you dreaming,"I mumbled.
"Reggie,"Jon warned.
"Dude, he started it,"I complained as I drove.
"Children do I have to seperate you?"asked Jon.
"Yes,"I glared.
"No,"Brendon smiled,"She just hasn't had her coffee yet."
""Evs,"I rolled my eyes at him then looked at Jamie in the backseat,"Jai, you still have that doctor's appointment and technically I'm grounding you."
"What? That's not fair,"She started then I thew her a look in the rear view mirror,"Fine."
"Good,"I looked at Brendon who kept staring at me,"Urie stop looking at me."
"But it's fun to irrate you,"He smiled.
"Buy me coffee later and I'll love you,"I batted my eyelashes at him.
"Deal,"He smiled.

Finally getting back to the house, everyone walked in when I went to see if Patrick was up. He was only he was sitting on our bed looking at his lap top when I walked into the room.

"It's 10, you're late,"Patrick mumbled.
"Point?"I glared at him playfully.
"Just saying,"He shrugged.
"Cause Pete dumped Panic on me so I had to wake up Ryan and wait for them,"I rolled my eyes.
"So they're here?"Patrick looked at me finally.
"Yeah,"I sat down next to him.
"Do I have to keep an eye on you and Brendon?"
"Only til he buys me coffee,"I smirked,"And Jamie's appointment is in like an hour 20."
"They coming with?"
"Yeah but they don't know about her, so please don't say anything yet?"
"I won't,"He smiled.
"I'm heading back out there,"I got up from the bed to walk back out to our living room.

"Hey Reg,"Ryan started.
"Yes Ry?"I asked picking up a magazine that fell.
"Are we going to be bored, the whole day?"
"No,"I looked at him,'I've actually got to take Jamie to her doctor's appointment then after that we can do something entertaining."
"You say entertaining because by then Brendon will have got you coffee,"Spencer looked at me.
"So?"I gave him a look,"Patrick's coming out soon."

Soon after, we all headed to the doctor's office where Patrick and the Panic guys waited in the waiting room and I, lucky me, had to go into the office with Jamie. I was basically falling asleep when the doctor finally started talking to her about things. I told her that I'm her older sister and he just nodded probably understanding the situation although he gave me dirty looks like I let her get pregant. Oh how I wanted to reach up to the man and just smack him or shake him for the way he was looking at me.

"So how far long am I?Jamie asked looking at him.
"2 months,"He stated plainly,"I'll need her to come in every month for a check up."
"Ok,"She nodded.

Me on the other hand, I was speechless. 2 months? Dude, what the hell? I was on the road during that time and had no idea she met anyone. And where the hell was Patrick when all this happened? I mean did he let her go out with some dude, without telling me? Yeah, I was slightly pissed right now. Jamie walked up to the check out desk as I walked over to Patrick and swiftly hit him in the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?"He rubbed his head.
"2 months,"I glared,"2 fucking months and you never even told me she went out with anyone."
"Oh,"Patrick looked at me.
I rolled my eyes then looked at Brendon,"Let's get coffee now."
"Ok,"Brendon got up followed by everyone else ,"You ok?"
"I'd rather have a shot then anything else right now,"I rubbed my temples.
"Are you pissed at Patrick?"
"Slightly,"I mumbled.
"Aww dont' fight with him,"Brendon threw an arm around my shoulder,"You two are too cute together."
"I know,"I looked at him,"Just let me blow off steam right now."

Finally getting my coffee, I felt better now. Me and Brendon were acting like spazzes as we walked around the town with everyone when I ran up behind Patrick and jumped on his back.

"Sorry,"I mumbled into his ear and slightly bitting it a bit which he shivered.
"It's ok,"He smiled,"Just don't do that."
"Oh, I'm sorry,"I smirked then bit him again.
"Reggie, I swear to god, I'll drop you on your ass,"He mock threatened.
"Bring it Stump,"I laughed as he let my legs go buy I still held onto him.
"See?"He smirked.
"Jerk,"I mumbled.
"Aww, it's so cute,"Jon cooed next to me.
"I so can see little Stumps running around,"Spencer added to which I blushed.
"You made her blush,"Jon pinched my cheeks.
"Shut up!"I glared at them,"I will hurt you."

Patrick let me down when I chased after Jon before Brendon stopped me by "accidentally" running into me.

"Are they always like that?"asked Jamie.
"Pretty much,"Ryan smiled.