I Watched You on the Avenue

Engagement dinner

Ah, the next night. Everyone's been pretty quiet about the whole engagement dinner to Patrick, mainly because violence was threatned to anyone if they said anything. All I know is that Pete told us to dress nice for this dinner thing he planned since he had an annoucement or what not.

Fixing Patrick's tie before I went back to doing my make up again, I smiled at him lightly. I was wearing this nice silver short dress, it wasn't too short or too long, plus my silver high heels. It was different for me since I was always used to pants, shorts, and the occasional skirt.

"You look great,"Patrick smiled at me.
"Thanks,"I smiled back at him,"Hey can you see if Jamie's ready?"
"Yeah sure,"Patrick walked off and I went to the mirror.

Fixing some hair then grabbing my purse, I walked out to the living room to see Jamie smiler bigger at me and Patrick's eyes light up. Taking Patrick's hand, we headed to the car then to the resturant Pete picked out. I swear if he were a girl, that boy would so be my maid of honor right now. Finally getting into the resturant, all our friends were there that we've known since forever, bands we toured with, and some family.

"Your tables here,"Pete motioned to us as he seated me and Patrick.
"This is amazing,"I smiled at him.
"Just wait til you see the rest,"Pete flashed me a smile as he walked off.

The dinner was great, so much food, it wasn't even funny. That's when Pete decided to propose a toast. Everyone watched as he stood up and I know where it was going.

"I'd like to thank all of you for coming tonight,"He started,"As most of you know and have kept a secret, this night's all about Patrick and Reggie. Those two have seen so many ups and downs, played together, shared things that none of us would find interesting. So tonight I'm honoring they're engagement. Here's to you guys, wishing you the best in the future."

Pete made his toast and I smile as Patrick looked at me. I knew he knew i knew about it but still.

"Did you know?"Patrick smiled.
"Yeah,"I smiled,"Only because Spencer told me yesterday."
"Well let's go talk to everyone,"He smiled then we got up.

A few hours into things, I was talking to Hayley Williams at her table about everything. Mainly the engagement and how she was so happy for me.

"Hey can I ask you something?"I asked after taking a sip of my wine glass.
"Yeah sure,"She smiled at me.
"I know it's earlly and all but I was wondering, would you be my maid of honor?"
Hayley's eyes lit up and she looked at me,"oh my god, yes."
"Sweet,"I smiled then hugged her.
"I'll make sure to not plan around the wedding, just when you know more, tell me,"She smiled.
"I will,"I smiled.
"So,"She was getting at something,"Do you and Patrick plan on having kids?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged blushing a bit,"Maybe in the future."
"Aww, that's so cute,"Hayley smiled.
"Right now I'm just dealing with Jamie stuff,"I sighed,"That's another story and a half."
"Aren't all teenagers?"She laughed.
"Probably,"I nodded.

Pete walked over to us and smiled,"Excuse me ladies but I wanted to know if I can borrow my lovely friend."
"Sure,"Hayley nodded.
"I'll be back,"I smile then got drug off by Pete somewhere.

"Hey Pete, what's up?"I asked as we were in the hall way.
"Listen to this,"Pete handed me his cell phone to hear his voice message.

I know he wasn't planning on what I was abou to hear since he did take me away from everything but what I was hearing was important, even if it put me in somewhat of a bad mood.