I Watched You on the Avenue

Go Deep

Listening to the message, I felt my anger rise but I wasn't about to let her ruin my engagement dinner that Pete had worked on. The message was from Jamie Lynn, how in the world she left with no one seeing was beyond me.

"Hey Pete, I know it's Reggie's night and you'll probably show her this message but if you do, I'm ok. I left with my boyfriend who's taking care of me and I'm going back to mom's house since she understands about me being pregant. I mean I know Reggie does and Patrick but she's not my mom and she can't stop who I fall in love with. I guess what I'm just trying to say is thanks Reg but I've had enough of you trying to be a parent. Um, I'll call you later."

I hung up the phone to look at Pete who knew I was either pissed or upset.

"I'm sorry,"sighed Pete hugging me.
"No, you know what I don't need this,"I looked at him,"If that's how she's going to be then I'll just have to go over her head."
"What are you going to do?"Pete looked at me.
"I know I haven't talked to him in a while but I'm calling my dad."
"Reg, are you sure?"
"Yeah,"I sighed moving a piece of hair behind my ear,"Sure he can be a dick but he's more sane than that lady she's going back with."
"Besides he's the only one who didn't care if I were with Patrick, he actually supported us."
"Then why haven't you talked to him?"Pete questioned.
"It's a long story,"I sighed then smiled at him,"Come on, let's go back to the party."

I headed back to the party with Pete then found Patrick who was talking to some people.

"Hey is everything ok?"Patrick asked after kissing my cheek.
"Yeah, for now,"I smiled lightly at him.
"Yeah, we're here to have fun,"I smiled at him then heard Janet Jackson's "Go Deep" come on over the speakers,"Dance with me?"
"I don't know,"Patrick shifted.
"Come on,"I pulled him to the dance floor,"You're going to have to dance at the wedding anyway."

Dragging him to the dance floor, I started moving my hips slowly against his to which he was slightly embarassed but I wasn't about to let him get away with leaving the dance floor.

"You're parents aren't here, just our friends,"I whispered,"Don't make me find Pete or William to dance with."
"Could you?"Patrick whined at me.
"Forget anyone's here,"I leant in to whisper in his ear,"It's just me and you right now."

I kept dancing with him til he finally got into the rhythm and we started dancing together. Everyone else was on the dance floor which they noticed I got him to dance but just shot me smiles as they watched me. The song ended and I looked at Patrick who was smiling some back at me but a bit red.

"That wasn't so bad,"I smirked at him.
"No,"Patrick shifted.
"Hey, I want to dance yet,"I looked at him,"You mind if I do?"
"Nah, I'm going to go get something to drink,"Patrick nodded.
"Alright,"I kissed him.
"Have fun,"He smiled.

He walked off the dance floor when I decided to keep dancing with my friends. I was dancing to the next song with Pete in front of me while William was behind me. Talk about hot. I was having the most fun and I knew it was getting to Patrick but he wasn't coming back to the dance floor. Besides he knew that we were just dancing and it meant nothing. The next song, Pete was now behind me as William danced in front of me.

As I was dancing, Hayley went to sit over by Patrick who was taking it all in with some friends next to him.

"I see she got you to dance,"Hayley smiled at him
"Yeah,"He smiled.
"She looks like she's having fun."
"That's Reggie for you, she loves to dance,"Patrick nodded to us.
"You should go out there and dance with her again,"Hayley nudged him.
"I don't know,"Patrick slouched,"It's imtidating with her."
"You're going to have to at the wedding,"She laughed,"Besides it's cute."
"I know,"He sighed.
"She'll help you before the wedding,"Hayley smiled at him,"I mean that whole family can dance, do you think she'd let it go to waste?"
"No but-"
"She's patient too, so don't start with that."
"Thanks,"Patrick smiled at her lightly.

After the party, me and Patrick headed home, mostly me tired from dancing so much. I fell straight for the couch as Patrick grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"That was so much fun,"I stretched as I watched Patrick in the chair.
"It looked like it."
"You were fun too,"I smiled at him.
"Yeah, I guess."
"What's wrong?"I looked at him seriously,"You're all distant."
"I'm not that good of a dancer and I was talking to Hayley while you were on the dance floor and-"
"And what?"
"I was wondering if you could teach me how to dance?"Patrick blushed at me.
"Aww, of course I can,"I smiled at him,"Tomorrow night though since I'm beat."
"Damn and I thought we could-"
"Dude,"My eyes went wide,"I'm so not in the mood tonight anyways."
"Hey, where is Jamie?"Patrick looked around.
"And that's why I'm so not in the mood,"I sighed sitting back against the couch.